State Capitols will be busy this weekend 47 states revolt against Obama gun control

May 5, 2009
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by Chelsea Schilling, World Net Daily:

usa-340x170.jpg Thousands of gun owners across America have had enough of the Obama administration’s attack on the Second Amendment – and they’re preparing to take their concerns to the capitols in at least 47 states this Saturday at 12 p.m.

Texan Eric Reed, founder and national coordinator of the “Guns Across America” rallies, told WND he’s irritated about all the talk of new gun-control regulations and overreach by the federal government in violation of our Second Amendment rights.

“I was trying to figure out why people weren’t being more proactive about this, Reed said. “Then I realized I’m part of the problem. It takes somebody to stand up and say, ‘Hey, we’re not going to accept this. We’re against it.’
I hope all of these nonsense bills get shot down and afterwards Obama, Patrick, everyone else are all terrified with the 2a support and unifying they caused
Maybe I'm being a little bit too optimistic here, but maybe this time with social media being such a huge thing more people will notice and catch on. I was not around in 94 or 98(?) when this happened before and from what others have said was a failure, but back then we didn’t have Facebook, twitter and all those outlets to get the message heard. Maybe no MSM will catch on or even care, but at least SOMEONE might take notice.

Again maybe I'm being a little too optimistic (and believe me, optimistic is not normally in my vocabulary) but I am actually getting pumped up for Saturday now!

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the occupy movment only started in a couple of states then blew up. once the word is out that people arn't alone on this more and more will come out, each rally will get bigger and bigger this is just the beginning

This is what I'm hoping for as well.
I've never felt this level of unity in the community. There is something in the air right now and I like it. Not what caused it, but what it caused.

"Holy father I'm prayin', wrap my brothers in your warm embrace. When our time comes we won't go quiet".
I wish I could go to the rally at the state house but I'm working a double Saturday, no one wants to come in n cover for me, but my friends on here will be extra loud for me.
the occupy movment only started in a couple of states then blew up. once the word is out that people arn't alone on this more and more will come out, each rally will get bigger and bigger this is just the beginning
I hope so
the occupy movment only started in a couple of states then blew up. once the word is out that people arn't alone on this more and more will come out, each rally will get bigger and bigger this is just the beginning

Yes, our primary goal should be to move toward a massive and ****ing undeniable Pro 2A Preference Cascade.
Do we have a plan for dealing with naive, well-meaning people who don't understand, and who just think guns are icky and nobody should ever have one and ErmaGerd you're carrying one NOW?

What do we do with them?
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