State laws are driving me crazy

Jun 29, 2010
Wellesley, MA
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I know that this has been mentioned before, but I just need to vent a little bit. I am so f-ing frustrated that it is impossible to find vendors that will send anything (firearms, C&R, ammo, etc...) to Massachusetts. Its amazing to me that when our fair state decides that federal firearm laws are superseded by state law everyone is fine with it, but if a state (AZ) decides that they want to challenge the federal govt, the AG is willing to go to the mattresses for illegal aliens. What about my rights as a citizen of this country!!

Mass. has even decriminalized marijuana!!! That apparently is safer than me buying LEGAL ammo to use in LEGAL firearms to protect myself from drug dealers/users that are now free to operate. What the hell is going on here.
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I lived in Louisiana 20 years ago, and I can tell you this, the people down there would not have stood for this. I will follow the law, but I will do my part to help elect people that understand my point of view.

The law is the law, and I am a law and order guy to the bone, but you can't change the laws to satisfy local politicians. We have certain rights as citizens of this great country and I am amazed that the State of MA feels compelled to curtail those rights. My God, this is where the country was born. John Adams, Sam Adams, John Hancock, etc... must be turning over in their graves.

I don't consider myself right wing or left wing, I am just an American, and that used to be good enough. My rant is now over. Thanks for giving me this forum to get that off my chest.
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