Steel cased ammuniton...

Steel is perfectly fine. However it can be underpowered, will wear your barrel faster and will make your gun very dirty. As stated above, the cost savings out weighs any barrel replacement. People who repeat what they've "heard on the internet" should shut their chew holes and instead read the results of the extensive testing Luckygunner did. Be careful if you shoot steel and then Brass cased ammo in the same session, as the brass will expand more. The added expansion coupled with the excessive carbon left behind by the Steel-cased ammo, can lead to a VERY stuck case. If you mix, then shoot the Brass first
I don't regularly shoot steel from my sidearm recently as the accuracy is total crap. If you're shooting inside of 10 yards its fine. If you're shooting at 25-50yds it may as well be birdshot.

This of course has nothing to do with how functional it is. I've never had cycling issues or FTFs any more frequently than with quality brass.
Steel is perfectly fine. However it can be underpowered, will wear your barrel faster and will make your gun very dirty. As stated above, the cost savings out weighs any barrel replacement. People who repeat what they've "heard on the internet" should shut their chew holes and instead read the results of the extensive testing Luckygunner did. Be careful if you shoot steel and then Brass cased ammo in the same session, as the brass will expand more. The added expansion coupled with the excessive carbon left behind by the Steel-cased ammo, can lead to a VERY stuck case. If you mix, then shoot the Brass first

When you say wear the barrel more you mean the chamber right? Or are you saying a slower moving billet wears the rifling faster ?
Check you tube under steel case ammo Rockwell test....hornady is putting out more and more steel cased stuff also.
But I'm sure hornady makes better steel right[thinking][rolleyes]
Believe me if your shooting enough to wear out a barrel what does it matter if it took 5k rends or 5891 rnds
When you say wear the barrel more you mean the chamber right? Or are you saying a slower moving billet wears the rifling faster ?

I meant Barrel/bore - Steel cased Bi-metal Jacked Ammo wears the barrel more quickly then Brass cased, Lead jacketed...

From the Lucky Gunner test:

"As indicated by accuracy testing, the steel cased/bimetal jacketed ammunition caused accelerated wear to the inside of their respective bores. While the barrel of the Federal carbine had plenty of life left, even after 10,000 rounds at extremely high rates of fire, the Wolf and Brown Bear barrels were subjected to the same rates of fire and were completely “shot out” by 6,000 rounds.

At the end of the test, the chrome lining of the Wolf and Brown Bear barrels was almost gone from the throat forward, and the barrels had effectively become smoothbores, with the rifling near the muzzles acting only as a mild suggestion on the projectiles. A throat erosion gauge could be dropped into the bore from the muzzle end with absolutely no resistance."
Just had a look at that luckygunner article: yeah, so, more barrel wear but with the cost savings you can buy at least one new barrel, perhaps two or more (depending on how much money you spend on barrels). So... don't run steel cased bimetal jacket shit through your fancy pants WOA barrel if you can help it [grin]
Wow, guys read that luckygunner article it's pretty interesting. Not related to the ammo, but:

Barrel nuts were torqued to inconsistent values: two had been torqued to approximately 5 ft/lbs, while the other two had been torqued within the appropriate range of 30-80 ft/lbs.

Way to go, Bushmaster. That's some fine quality control right there.
say it aint so1 everybody knows that AR's, especially low cost AR's, are total jammomatics. :-) that's why all the match WINNERS use them.
I need to correct my post... it should read " Guess tula is good stuff or these AR's are better than the ones luckygunner used." the correction being AR in place of AD
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