Strange revolver design

Good for them...offering deactived guns. At least it's something. Keep the collecting alive.

Looks like a Beeman P1 pellet gun
it's simply a PPC barrel shroud placed on a standard Model 15 Dan Wesson Frame. Undo the circular barrel nut and the shroud slides off. Put a standard one on and you're good to go. I Loved my Dan Wesson !!
I believe ( without looking it up ) that PPC stood for Police Pistol Competition. Davis was one of the big names for these types of mod/parts. I've never shot one but maybe our revolver guys can chime in.

Joe R>

Sorry.. had to look it up after lunch and corrected it.
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PPC stood for Practical Police Course. It was a training curriculum back when uniformed personnel carried revolvers, which then expanded into a competition format. Unfortunately, there were no rules that effectively limited it to "working" guns, and folks began tricking revolver builds with such things as added weight (reducing the recoil to that of a .22, which gave one an advantage on the early stages of rapid fire), using mid-range .38 loads, and the like.

I still have my PPC gun, though it hasn't been out of the safe in years. Basically a Model 14, reworked by a local PD armorer with a superb trigger job, beveled chambers (for speedloading), a full-length Millet rib (with molten lead poured in the undersection for more weight) and a couple of other doo-dads. Stage 1 called for 12 rounds in 25 seconds into the B27 target, and in order to stay in the money, they all had to be in one ragged hole in the 10-ring. Wasn't all that hard to do, as I recall.
PPC stood for Practical Police Course. It was a training curriculum back when uniformed personnel carried revolvers, which then expanded into a competition format. Unfortunately, there were no rules that effectively limited it to "working" guns, and folks began tricking revolver builds with such things as added weight (reducing the recoil to that of a .22, which gave one an advantage on the early stages of rapid fire), using mid-range .38 loads, and the like.

I still have my PPC gun, though it hasn't been out of the safe in years. Basically a Model 14, reworked by a local PD armorer with a superb trigger job, beveled chambers (for speedloading), a full-length Millet rib (with molten lead poured in the undersection for more weight) and a couple of other doo-dads. Stage 1 called for 12 rounds in 25 seconds into the B27 target, and in order to stay in the money, they all had to be in one ragged hole in the 10-ring. Wasn't all that hard to do, as I recall.

But it was the 50 yard line that separated the competitors [wink]

My PPC gun (wish I still had it) was a 6" 1 1/8" Douglas Barrel with an Aristocrat rib similar to the rib in the picture. pre set sights in position 1 for 7& 15 yards, Position 2 for 25 yards, and position 3 for a neck hold at 50 yards. I really liked the sport but it died out in this area. Couple guys from PD Plymouth were real good at the game and tried to keep it going in this area.

PPC guns sell real cheap these days. Many like RKG had them on 14 platforms (mine was on a 14 also done by Fran Brown in Springfield), some on Model 10 and few went to the L frame when they came out.
This used to be a S&W "Euro Master" before it was tuned to a PPc gun
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