Stronghold Haywire Klamper

My dad had one like the link I put on page one. Difference seems to be that where this guys tool has the key you twist, the older ones had a threaded piece that turned to pull the tensioning bar up instead of twisting it.

That sounds like the one I remember using as a kid at the farm I worked on...I think it was just called a Clamp Tool...
Used this to repair a splitting maul a while back. Handle had split. Worked great and I was able to finish splitting the load of wood. I would recommend anyone that hasn't should get one.
I just found/remembered this from the thread - I ordered one. I had to fix a sprinkler line and it would have been perfect instead of the clamps I had to dig through my stash for.

Well, next time. I ordered the 'Survival Kit' comes in a container and will hang nicely on the shed wall until needed.

*****ON EDIT*****
And they ship FAST - went today out of Montana, less than 2 hrs.
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