Suggestions/ advice

Jan 10, 2013
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So I got a trust set up by a lawyer somewhat last minute before the proposed changes will take place. Right now I'm planning on submitting applications for 2 SBRs. Besides limits on money and available time, are there any suggested items/ builds that I should look into? These are unfamiliar waters. Thanks.
Get them all in ASAP? Think of every thing you'd wanna build and do it if your worried about time.
Could try a sbs but you'll have to buy a virgin receiver if I read the laws right .
i filed my eform to sbr and make my hk 416 clone, if i get another $200 soon ill file another eform as i just got an mp5 receiver. You could do an SBS or look into AOW
eforms are shut down.

eForms Outage

Due to maintenance, the eForms system is unavailable. We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you in advance for your cooperation and patience.

In the interim, all imports forms (Forms 6 Part I and 6A), NFA forms (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9 and 10), and AFMER reports (Form 5300.11) must be submitted via paper, including any eForms in draft status.

· Tax refund for draft eForms

o Direct a request for refund to

o Include the email that was generated for the payment

· Copy of submitted or finalized eForm

o Direct a request to

o Provide specific information regarding what is being requested

· Status queries

o Contact the NFA Branch at (304) 616-4500

o Contact the Firearms and Explosives Imports Branch at (304) 616-4550

· Other eForms questions

o Direct the question to

if your eform didn't go pending before last friday--it won't.
yeah im trying to figure out why there shut down like this. Got an email saying: Good afternoon:

You are in receipt of this email because you are a registered user of ATF eForms. Please review the attached Urgent Notice relating to an important issue we are experiencing with the eForms system.


In an attempt to improve the performance of eForms we are restarting the eForms system everyday at the following times (Eastern time). During each restart eForms will be unavailable for 1 hour.

Restart times:

4:00 AM
9:00 PM
4:00 PM
11:00 PM

If you have any questions concerning the attached notice please contact Lee Alston-Williams at


Im just glad i got my eform processed when i did, was going to file another one but ill wait until its back up and running.
yeah im trying to figure out why there shut down like this. Got an email saying:

There was an attachment to that email with the following:

As you are aware for several weeks the eForms application has been experiencing some technical problems that have rendered the application difficult or impossible to use. We apologize for the issues that our customers have been experiencing. We have been diligently working to resolve these issues and have sought the assistance of IT systems experts.

Those experts have advised us of one major problem; that the eForms system is NOT designed to accept batch uploads. We have noted that several of our registered eForms users have designed and use a “batch/multiple submission process” that we have determined has been contributing to the problems that eForms is experiencing. ATF did NOT grant these users any authorization to use this process. eForms was designed to work as a serial application, with each user making one submission at a time. The “batch/multiple submission processes” are creating a situation where processes are initiated and not completed within the eForms application. This is causing “memory allocation errors” within the eForms application. The result is that many users are prevented from being able to log-in. Another symptom is that once users log-in, the system moves so slowly that it is taking 20 minutes or more to move from one screen to the next. Users are also reporting that they are unable to successfully submit an application even if they are fortunate enough to make it to the submission page.

Because the “batch/multiple submission processes” have been identified as a major contributing factor to these problems, we are requesting that any registered eForms user who is currently using any “batch/multiple submission process” discontinue the use of any such process IMMEDIATELY. Any user who continues to use a “batch/multiple submission process” for eForms, after the dissemination of this message will have his/her access to the eForms system suspended or revoked. Please understand that we are not asserting that the users of the “batch/multiple submission process” did anything wrong. Unfortunately, our system was not designed to handle batch processes which are causing unexpected problems for our system.

ATF is currently assessing whether there are other improvements that can address the problems identified. One of the issues that we will address in the future will be the creation of a batch process that will be available to all eForms users without a detrimental effect on the performance of the eForms system. Until that time we request your compliance with the above, and appreciate your cooperation and patience.


I wonder if they decided to shut the system down until a solution to the batch problem is finished.
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they are upgrading the compaq presario in the closet in WV to windows 2000 after they had too many problems with windows me.

You sure they're not working on the Compaq Proliant 6000 instead?? Upgrading it to NT4.1... They had to dig out the floppy disks for it...
Hypothetical question. From what I understand, I can't buy an ak pistol in MA. Is it possible to buy something like a Draco, have a vfg added and then buy it as an aow? Or add a stock and pay a tax as an sbr? If so, who would be authorized to make the modification? I hope I'm wording this clearly. Thanks.
Hypothetical question. From what I understand, I can't buy an ak pistol in MA. Is it possible to buy something like a Draco, have a vfg added and then buy it as an aow? Or add a stock and pay a tax as an sbr? If so, who would be authorized to make the modification? I hope I'm wording this clearly. Thanks.

07FFL would have to mod the draco as it's over the weight limit and not legal for you to has.

07FFL would replace the rear trunnion and add a stock and engrave their shit on it after getting a form 1 approved, and then transfer it to you on a form 4.
it'll be nifty but completely ineffective.

you'd essentially end up doing this:

07FFL would have to mod the draco as it's over the weight limit and not legal for you to has.

07FFL would replace the rear trunnion and add a stock and engrave their shit on it after getting a form 1 approved, and then transfer it to you on a form 4.

Sliiight correction. The 07FFL (assuming they also have their SOT 2) would make the NFA firearm and file a Form 2 notifying the ATF, then do the Form 4 transfer.

SOTs don't have to ask for permission to make NFA stuff, they go "HEY ATF LOOK WHAT I MADE!"
Sliiight correction. The 07FFL (assuming they also have their SOT 2) would make the NFA firearm and file a Form 2 notifying the ATF, then do the Form 4 transfer.

SOTs don't have to ask for permission to make NFA stuff, they go "HEY ATF LOOK WHAT I MADE!"

^ty for extra info. reps.
Sliiight correction. The 07FFL (assuming they also have their SOT 2) would make the NFA firearm and file a Form 2 notifying the ATF, then do the Form 4 transfer.

SOTs don't have to ask for permission to make NFA stuff, they go "HEY ATF LOOK WHAT I MADE!"
That's the fun part. Everyone who is able to should get the 07. Jack.
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