Supreme Court - NYSRPA v. Bruen - Megathread

So where are we now? NJ, CA, and parts of NYS are already capitulating?


Lotsa Mass. people here (myself included). Those of us sitting outside of Boston with LTC, probably not much change.

I grew up in Jersey. This is huge. My dad had to get an FID card to get a freakin' BB gun. Get a carry license? Ha. I think the only LTC regime worse is Hawaii. Such an anti-state. A number of non-residents found themselves jammed up just for passing through.

Too bad no hollow point carry (...for now...)
I have not read this whole thread.

So as a NH resident, I still can't bring a gun into MA, right? But if I could, I would be allowed to conceal it. But, I'm not allowed a gun period, so concealing is a moot point other than to avoid getting caught. Right?

I did have a NH carry permit but it expired (seemed pointless here). If I renewed it, would it then be valid in MA?
The ruling has nothing to say about open versus concealed. The ruling just says that carry of handguns must be allowed without any subjective discretion in licensing.

It doesn't say that licensing is required, nor that licensing is banned. Just that if there is a licensing scheme in place, it must be objective, equal, and obtainable without excessive fees or onerous burdens.

When it comes to interstate carry, we're going to see a couple of decades of court cases over that. There will be arguments about Privileges and Immunities (Article IV), versus Privileges or Immunities (14th Amendment).

Whatever shall-issue licensing system that NY and NJ and MD settle on is more likely to be the interstate requirement than what we have in NH/VT/ME.
I watched an interview with NYC mayor Eric adams. He’s not just liberal, he’s pretty damn stupid. He want BS’ing, he was really ignorant of the laws.

Listening to him and the governor, etc talk about it becoming the Wild West, etc. it’s the same nonsense the antis say with every debate in states passing constitutional carry.
The places that most resemble the Wild West are almost always the big Democrat run cities like Chicago, Detroit, and NYC.
CA is still claiming that "Any arrest in the past 5 years, regardless of disposition..." is grounds for denial.
And that you must have "good moral character" and can be required to pass psychological testing. The 5 year arrest regardless of disposition of the arrest/case is a grounds for denial for lack of good moral character.


Remember when the SCOTUS struck down the challenge to Obama's health care law? Pelosi and pals were marching down the street with an oversized gavel talking about the law of the land, settled law etc..

Remember that?
Precedent was set in DC vs Heller by Scalia. “In common use“ which would include hundreds of millions of magazines and millions of firearms like the AR15, one of, if not the most popular rifle in the country.
I don't think it'll just be mags and AWB that falls, but also state bans on NFA items. It was pointed out in the ruling that there are 43 other states with shall issue and I believe all those same states allow most NFA items to be owned, but the same may issues states and others don't. If proper cause for a CCW is a violation of the 14th amendment, so too are bans of NFA items.
Fixed that for you. :)

Everyone here should start reading these opinions - Thomas is great in his ability to make complex legal arguments comprehendible to the layperson.
It will take a few hours to read the opinion and concurrences, skip the dissent as it is simply a rehashing of the old arguments that were struck down in Heller, McDonald and now this decision. liberal whining.
You will quickly get all of the areas where, even though Kavanaugh and Roberts deny it, this opinion opens up many avenues to strike down other infringements (it is true that THIS decision doesn't cover those areas however it definitely does set the legal foundation for challenges)
Is the 60-year American Marxist “slow march through the institutions” coming to an end?
I hope so, it been going on far too long ... More like 100 + years, and the 20th Century was one of the bloodiest due to these errors being spread far and wide.

"If my requests are not answered, there will be wars and rumors of wars, entire nations will be destroyed, Russia will scatter her errors throughout the world, thousands of the good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer, but...

IN THE END MY IMMACULATE HEART WILL TRIUMPH." ,<---- I believe this is happening NOW !

-- Our Lady of Fatima 1917
I just left a message for the Medford LO informing him that I'd like to discuss my restricted LTC in the wake of the SCOTUS ruling, I expect a call back either tomorrow or Monday.

I wouldn't worry about what is printed on the license now. You possess a license, and the SC just said you have the right to carry. All set. I'm still curious to see Medford responds.
I wouldn't worry about what is printed on the license now. You possess a license, and the SC just said you have the right to carry. All set. I'm still curious to see Medford responds.
It’s easy for me to say about another guy’s license, but I’d agree.

They know now that an arrest based on ”restricted” carry cannot stand. That’s as of now, already, regardless of what state law or your CoP’s policies say. Meaning, could they arrest you? Sure. Would their case go anywhere? Nope.
Here is the Left spin and denial of the 2A language. Greatly expanded gun rights they say, really. The language is written clearly.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

All gun laws are infringements.
By the same Karens that were demanding medical apartheid for forcible non-long term tested vaccines five minutes ago after being anti-vax for a decade. I swear to G-d Oprah is responsible for turning media addicted suburban white women into neurotic monsters.
Yup .
I throw that in every liberals face every chance I get.
You were foaming at the mouth to have peoples lives and livelyhoods destroyed to force a medical procedure on them a year ago and now it's "My body , my choice?" GFYS.
She gets hotter every time I hear her speak. She was one of the first Demonrat presidential candidates that was forced out of the race, now you can see why...

I did just look up her voting record on gun control and it is spotty, perhaps her eyes have been opened after getting trashed by the Demonrat party. She has voted on mostly related issues like to protect gun rights of veterans, hardening schools, and gun-show background checks. Apparently was never a sponsor to assault weapons ban bills and did sign on to a buyback bill after a lot of party pressure but it was clearly going to fail. Sponsored a bill to ban bump stocks.

Her other voting record definitely leans progressive left but always in support of veterans. Let's hope she has a new perspective.
She wants to appear "Centrist " .
You'll find out once she's elected and makes a tire screeching hard left turn.
It’s easy for me to say about another guy’s license, but I’d agree.

They know now that an arrest based on ”restricted” carry cannot stand. That’s as of now, already, regardless of what state law or your CoP’s policies say. Meaning, could they arrest you? Sure. Would their case go anywhere? Nope.
Question is how readily will authorities arbitrarily and capriciously revoke permits to effectively create restrictions since they have to issue permits but it has not been determined what happens if they do not allow people to keep them. I bet that game gets played until struck in courts.
With the Bruen case being settled; and two additional 2A cases being held. Could SCOTUS just rule on the MD AWB and the "large capacity" mag ban without any additional fanfare?
With the Bruen case being settled; and two additional 2A cases being held. Could SCOTUS just rule on the MD AWB and the "large capacity" mag ban without any additional fanfare?

My guess is that they will take the AWB and magazine cases. Thomas wrote that the "two step approach" is no longer acceptable and seem to indicate that intermediate and strict scrutiny is not acceptable either.

My wild guess is that with those new boundaries, any restrictions such as AWB and magazine capacity bans will not stand. Hope they take those cases and that we have a favorable ruling by next June!

Or they can send them back to the lower courts with instructions that "two step approach" and scrutiny is not applicable.
My guess is that they will take the AWB and magazine cases. Thomas wrote that the "two step approach" is no longer acceptable and seem to indicate that intermediate and strict scrutiny is not acceptable either.

My wild guess is that with those new boundaries, any restrictions such as AWB and magazine capacity bans will not stand. Hope they take those cases and that we have a favorable ruling by next June!

Or they can send them back to the lower courts with instructions that "two step approach" and scrutiny is not applicable.
Ya, it’s hard to imagine that AWBs/mag bans are going to survive this ruling, I guess we will just have to see the pathway this ends up taking.
Remember when the SCOTUS struck down the challenge to Obama's health care law? Pelosi and pals were marching down the street with an oversized gavel talking about the law of the land, settled law etc..

Remember that?
pepperidge farms remembers
If NYS is smacked down by the Feds,
then state licenses will be valid in the five boroughs,
and city residents will be able to get state licenses.
NYC law may be as dead as Biden's(*) gray matter.
This ruling does not hold this - Place of carry is specifically called out as not being a covered subject.
Please read the opinion and concurrences - they are written pretty plainly so are easy for the layperson to understand
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