Supreme Court - NYSRPA v. Bruen - Megathread

That's because nobody really knows.

My advice, on Thursday and now, is to go ahead and carry: if you're caught, I doubt the CoP would know what to do with you in the current uncertainty.

But, like I also said earlier, that's easy for me to say. You're the one taking the risk. Depending on where you live and your chief's proclivities, giving them a call might sort it out. But be prepared for them not to have a new policy in place for awhile.
ive actually emailed and called the licensing leo to see whats up
I don’t think so, not necessarily. But it is evident now she would do whatever will increase her odds of re-election.

I used to respect her. But she has gone from being centrist leaning, to pandering to the right. Like a light switch. I get opposing democrats that crapped all over her during the presidential campaign. But she’s gone full blown weasel politician.

Kind a like scott brown, says anything tk get elected than shows his real stripes.
i will i dont have my hopes up but matter as well try tired of not being able to carry cause of stupid restrictions

No, I agree with not getting your hopes up, but yours is a good question and nobody's answered it yet. If you get a reply from your chief, that might be the first answer here from anyone official.
Note well: Eugene Volokh isn't just some member of the Hair Club for Civil Rights.
He's contributed amicus briefs to 1A SCOTUS cases
(and I think has been on some cases' legal teams - at least as advisor).

If Cal tried pulling that "good moral character == woke anti-racist" crap,
there is a very good chance he'd be in on the 1A aspects of the suit.

Puh-leeze; watch Gore in action:

Extraordinary rendition § Historical cases

The American Civil Liberties Union alleges that extraordinary​
rendition was developed during the Clinton administration. CIA​
officials in the mid-1990s were trying to track down and​
dismantle militant Islamic organizations in the Middle East,​
particularly Al Qaeda.​
According to Clinton administration official Richard Clarke:​
'extraordinary renditions', were operations to apprehend​
terrorists abroad, usually without the knowledge of and almost​
always without public acknowledgment of the host government ...​
The first time I proposed a snatch, in 1993, the White House​
Counsel, Lloyd Cutler, demanded a meeting with the President to​
explain how it violated international law. Clinton had seemed to​
be siding with Cutler until Al Gore belatedly joined the meeting,​
having just flown overnight from South Africa. Clinton recapped​
the arguments on both sides for Gore: 'Lloyd says this. Dick​
says that.' Gore laughed and said, 'That's a no-brainer. Of​
course it's a violation of international law, that's why it's a​
covert action. The guy is a terrorist. Go grab his ass.'​

Pass the voter-ID ballot referendum and see what happens.
IIRC, even in Mass 60%-70% of voters want a photo ID law,
and I doubt that number is decreasing...

So the state won't push back on voter ID because they have nothing to hide,
and subsequent election results with be statistically indistinguishable from
what came beforehand.

Pay no attention to the fact that I've heard Donks plan their voter fraud in public.
Don't worry there are now a metric shit ton of new voters with photo ID thanks to giving licenses to every boarder jumper in the state.
Of course we have assurances from the Dem secretary of state that it would NEVER happen .[bs]

It's almost fifty square miles. It's got a lot of different neighborhoods. I'd rather judge Boston by the North End or Back Bay than by Mass & Cass. San Francisco is still mostly lovely. Avoid the Castro and you're fine.

Cow Hollow, Marina, Ft Mason, and the Embarcadero are still well worth a visit. It's a great walking area.

I believe the 2 naked guy were in the marina area.
Hence the text of Justice Thomas' opinion. The discretion is subject to abuse by chiefs who have the almost unfettered authority to abuse it.

or applicants not categorically prohibited from obtaining a license, Massachusetts police chiefs have the authority to issue firearm licenses based on the suitability of the applicant to carry a firearm. Police chiefs also have discretion to set conditions on firearms licenses, including restrictions around the licensee’s ability to carry a firearm outside of the home.
I thought I read that it was 63%, but I'm not sure.

That's the left's dirty little secret. 40% of all abortions are black women. 90% of NYC prosecutions are minorities. They've never changed. They're literally talking minorities to walk into the cattle cars of their own free will. You can hear it in their conversations when talking to them in an all white circle of people, which is what they prefer.
If the call back is not positive, contact Comm2A and FPC. They may dick you around, when lawsuits are possible, they may become more cooperative
It’s what I plan ln doing I have zero hope the chief in Medford contacts me back but it was worth a try and let’s see if the Leo gives me a call back 🫠
Or demand that carry license applicants provide, under sworn penalty of perjury, a complete list of all social media noms de keyboard.
Um... wouldn't that be a 4th AND or 5th Amendment violation?
"Sir/Madame, to make sure you aren't flag material we need to know a list of everyone you've slept with in the past 5 years"
"We see you are on Tinder/Grindr..."
It’s what I plan ln doing I have zero hope the chief in Medford contacts me back but it was worth a try and let’s see if the Leo gives me a call back 🫠
You may have a better shot than me, my Medford LTC expires in 5 months and I have the new one from my new town in hand already so they may ask why I can't just wait another 5 months :rolleyes:
I didn't think they could hand out the new one with the old one in effect....

If it was me, I would carry anyway like I think Picton said... But I'd be willing to be a test case given the circumstances.
They have to, or you couldn't receive the new one before the old expires. The new one will have a date of issue on it that is the expiry date of the old one: your birthday.

I may know someone who did exactly that, but I refrain from advising folks to do things threat increase their that area...
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I didn't think they could hand out the new one with the old one in effect....

If it was me, I would carry anyway like I think Picton said... But I'd be willing to be a test case given the circumstances.

Again, IANAL and I know it's not MY license on the line, it's yours.

But I don't think CoPs are unaware of this ruling. I'm sure they think about things like this, and I'm also sure they know their bosses will get mad at them if they knowingly get the town sued.

Most, unless they're actual antis, are probably pragmatic enough to realize their days of suitability discretion are over. They might not feel they can put out a formal policy to that effect until they can talk to their town council and/or consult with their DA, but most of them have to know the writing's on the wall. They are unlikely to care all that much about an otherwise clean LTC holder carrying against restrictions right now.
Any valid reason for blocking an applicant
is going to have to be based on some criterion
examining the applicant's criminal and medical records -
MEDICAL records? Pretty sure that is illegal.

Isn't this almost EXACTLY the opposite of what the Supreme Court just said they wanted to happen?

I think you will be surprised how fast the roe hissy fit will die out. If there is anything the "general" public isn't interested in its that.
I think you are wrong on that one.

The pro 2A judges were waiting for the opportunity to have the votes and opinions to do what they needed to support the 2A. With Kennedy as the pivotal vote, this case wasn't ever getting written up this way. I think more will follow, now. There is no reason to punt on important 2A cases. The time is now.
Do they have to wait until next June for decisions to come out again, or can they come sooner?

The difference is that Maura would actively lobby the legislature to pass an anti gun bill. Baker wouldn’t.

You are making exactly the same mistake that progressives made during the Bush v Gore campaign in the 2000 presidential election. “There is no difference between Gore and Bush” they claimed, so they voted for Nader instead, who more closely matched their leftist views. As a result, Bush was elected. Then came the Iraq invasion and they realized there really is a difference between a Democrat and a Republican.

Is Baker a conservative? No. He’s not. But he also isn’t left wing Democrat.

The late columnist Mark Shields was known to point out that politics should be about finding converts, not punishing heretics. Both the Democratic and Republican parties are currently fixated on punishing heretics.
Good points. I wouldn't be so sure about Baker not lobbying for a gun bill though.
You may have a better shot than me, my Medford LTC expires in 5 months and I have the new one from my new town in hand already so they may ask why I can't just wait another 5 months :rolleyes:
We’ll I contacted them today I know my chief isn’t responding I’ve heard he doesn’t usually respond to no one but let’s see on my licensing Leo I called and left a voicemail

Attorney Who Won Historical 2A Case At Supreme Court Fired By Law firm​

I think you are wrong on that one.
My friend is a cameraman for one of the big local stations. He works all that shit and said the same thing. Said there was a big protest on the common Saturday night and they were gearing up for big trouble. I texted him Saturday night and asked how the riots were going. Said it was a small turnout that lasted barley two hours before they all left. [rofl] Now you might get more of a reaction in the bigger shit hole cities but the general public aren't going to hitch their wagon to some freaks who threaten to intentionally get pregnant just so they can kill the baby. People will get behind climate change, police brutality, or gunz. But that three ring circus doesn't do anything to help their cause and has a shelf life.
MEDICAL records? Pretty sure that is illegal.
The Maine nonresident application requires that you sign to allow them to look up your medical history WRT mental health. In sure they're not the only ones

Isn't this almost EXACTLY the opposite of what the Supreme Court just said they wanted to happen?
Absolutely. And the MA AG will fight until she can't any more.

Do they have to wait until next June for decisions to come out again, or can they come sooner?
Too many variables. If they remand a case to consider in the light of this case, it could be pretty quick. Or it could wait until the next session and release quickly. It it could be a year or more.
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