Supreme Court staying away from Illinois gun ban cases as Thomas seeks 'more guidance' on protected weapons


NES Member
Dec 13, 2006
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Illinois gun control law went into effect following 2022 Highland Park Fourth of July parade mass shooting​

The Supreme Court announced Tuesday that it will not yet review challenges to an Illinois ban on certain types of semi-automatic weapons, attachments and magazines, effectively leaving the law in place while lower courts decide the cases.

In its final order list before going on a summer recess, the Court denied petitions to hear six different cases over the so-called "assault weapons ban," prompting a statement from Justice Clarence Thomas.

Thomas noted that the Supreme Court was presented the case after the Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit already rejected a request for a preliminary injunction against the law. That court held that the AR-15, among the most popular semi-automatic rifles in the country, does not enjoy Second Amendment protection.

One can read Thomas's statement about the IL denied AWB cases starting on page 14 of today's orders list.

He ends his statement with the following:
But, if the Seventh Circuit ultimately allows Illinois to ban America’s most common civilian rifle, we can—and should—review that decision once the cases reach a final judgment. The Court must not permit “the Seventh Circuit [to] relegat[e] the Second Amendment to a second-class right.”
SCOTUS is fine with states giving people the choice of either being felons of surrendering their property and then after the court decides 10 years from now that was wrong those people can buy the same guns back at probably double the price due to inflation.

Fukk off SCOTUS. I guess the reaction to overturning Roe really got all of you nervous about rocking the boat again, eh?
Is this a shock? Thomas is THE MAN. He wants to single-handedly put the courts back into 19th century status. No, you don't get to trample rights. No you don't get to jump the line becasue of your feelings. That goes for both the left AND the Right. Let it matriculate.

He was eloquent in his opinion. And basically told the lower courts - "If you screw this up, we're gonna bitch-slap you." Which, in and of itself, is pretty damned funny. He basically is ruling without ruling.

And 7th Circuit is STILL going to get it wrong. LOL

Count on Thomas to ALWAYS follow the rules. Despite him asking some very concerning questions (to the gun community) about bump-stocks, he ruled that the ATF overstepped their bounds. He didn't let his possible personal concerns override his desire for integrity.

If you're upset about this ruling, you need to check your emotions at the door.

I'm sure Maura, et al, is VERY happy right now. They have an opportunity to maintain their gun bans for a few more years. Even if the 7th rules correctly, it is not enforcable to mASS. Ergo, we have to file and win our own case OR lose and go to hte SC.
Even if the 7th rules correctly, it is not enforcable to mASS. Ergo, we have to file and win our own case OR lose and go to hte SC.

This is what I was thinking, everyone seems to hope for the 7th circuit to rule against the ban but it seems that we’d be better off if they uphold the ban, which would likely be a faster route to SCOTUS and relief to those of us in CA, NY, MA, etc.
The founders would have put their gun factories and powder mills into high gear.

Take the hint.
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