"Suspicious Individual" rings my doorbell

Jun 24, 2008
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Gotta get the eff out of Worcester. First the drug dealing neighbor, now this.

This evening, at about 1800, our doorbell rang. The Warden was with the Squire (our kid), so I answered the door. The Warden said it was probably my nephew stopping by to pick up some stuff we had set aside. That set me at ease and I opened the door.

Not my nephew. Here's a teenage kid, in a black hoodie, who, I hate to say it, doesn't look like he's from the neighborhood. He's about 5'6" and fifteen-sixteen years old, African American, and gave me an "oh shit" vibe when he saw me. Through the outer door (screen door in the summer), I ask him what's up.

"Um, my friends and I ordered a pizza and we're a few dollars short. Can you help me out?" he says.

"Sorry man, can't help" I said.

He missed a step on the way down my walk, turned right, and that's the last I saw of him.

I shut and locked the door. The Warden asked what that was all about. I told her that if I wasn't home, she probably would have gotten jacked, if not worse.

Called my brother in law who's a LEO. He said to call the WPD non-emergency line and report a "suspicious individual." I did. The officer I spoke with laughed and said this is the oldest scam in the book. He said he'd send a patrol, yadda yadda.

I had my snubbie on me. I realized just a few minutes ago that this was as close as I've come to needing it. Freaked me out.
Next tinme answer the door wearing nothing but combat boots, a Pancho Villa bandoleer, and a shotgun.

Guarantee you will be left alone.
Next tinme answer the door wearing nothing but combat boots, a Pancho Villa bandoleer, and a shotgun.

Guarantee you will be left alone.

that would be a case of "dude dont go there that man is crazy"

better than home owners insurance
Time to get the family and get out to a country town. Glad to hear your carrying at home. Do not open the door without verifying who it is through a window and always be armed. Never let anyone in your home that you do not know and watch their hands at all times. This is very important since you are already at a disadvantage. Bad guy picks time and place to attack and then time to pull out weapon. Be suspiscious about EVERYONE and do not feel embarrassed about being absolutely blunt about it. I'd rather look crazy and paranoid to a stranger than look bloody and unconsious to him.
Do not open the door without verifying who it is through a window and always be armed. Never let anyone in your home that you do not know and watch their hands at all times. This is very important since you are already at a disadvantage. Bad guy picks time and place to attack and then time to pull out weapon. Be suspiscious about EVERYONE and do not feel embarrassed about being absolutely blunt about it. I'd rather look crazy and paranoid to a stranger than look bloody and unconsious to him.

This cannot be said enough times!
I had similar encounters while living on Florence Street. Usually these guys are scoping out the property for a later burglary. Either he was checking to see if anyone was at home, so he could rob the place, or he was doing reconnaissance to see what level of threat might be encountered at some future time.

Not good, Trout.

We had central monitoring alarm, with a wearable "panic button" add-on.
Gringo - excellent post.

We too have a centrally-monitored security system with a panic button feature. I've instructed the Warden to arm it in "stay" mode (doors and windows only, not internal motion sensors) while I'm away. We've also begun discussions about her getting a LTC.

CRS - The clown across the street attracts a bad element. Too bad. You're right, this used to be a great neighborhood.
Might be a good time to think about getting a dog. That's pretty shady though. That would really put me on edge. I've been pissed when strangers have knocked on my door because if I wasn't home it would really scare my wife.

Remember a few years ago when those kids killed those Professors up in NH. Before they tricked the couple into letting them in (and then butchering them) they tried another house first. The homeowner answered with a pistol in clear view. This from wikipedia:

On July 17th, 2000, Tulloch and Parker, went to a remote house in Vershire, Vermont armed with hunting knives, intending to murder the inhabitants and steal their belongings. Near the house, they dug makeshift graves for their intended victims. Then late at night, Tulloch knocked on the door while Parker waiting off to the side in the bushes intending to ambush the homeowner when he opened it.

Inside, 47-year old Andrew Patti, home with his 11-year old son, was alerted the teens' presence by the sounds of his dog barking. Suspicious of the knock on his door at such a late hour, he answered the knock by going to the door and pulling back the window blinds without opening it. Behind his back, he held a Glock pistol in his hand.

Claiming to be stranded motorist, Tulloch asked to enter the house, but Patti refused. After several more requests for entry, Patti became concerned enough to hold up his Glock where Tulloch could see it. Then he closed the blinds on the door and went back to call the police. When he got to the phone, he discovered the line was dead. But when he returned to the door, Tulloch and Parker had left the house. They would not return.

Tulloch and Parker would not attempt to strike again for another six months. During that time, they upgraded their weaponry, purchasing high-quality SOG SEAL 2000 combat knives over the Interne
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Next time answer the door wearing nothing but combat boots, a Pancho Villa bandoleer, and a shotgun.

From this point onward, this will be known as "The Jose Uniform".

Next time, draw on him and yell, "Honey, get the shovel and a bag of lime! Again!"
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Time to get the family and get out to a country town. Glad to hear your carrying at home. Do not open the door without verifying who it is through a window and always be armed. Never let anyone in your home that you do not know and watch their hands at all times. This is very important since you are already at a disadvantage. Bad guy picks time and place to attack and then time to pull out weapon. Be suspiscious about EVERYONE and do not feel embarrassed about being absolutely blunt about it. I'd rather look crazy and paranoid to a stranger than look bloody and unconsious to him.

I'd like to expand on Bobkatt's excellent post.

When you open the door to anyone, you look them up and down, but they are looking past you and looking at your material goods. Both of you look each other up and down but with your true gazes lie elsewhere. There is no harm in yelling through a doorway with a "NOT INTERESTED."

If you are still caught unawares and answer the door, be sure you are in fact armed and that you at least block the full door from opening with your body/foot. Remember the momentum to shove a door open is a lot easier that trying to shut it closed. Its like that expression, give an inch... you open that door a crack and all the other person needs is leverage.
Next tinme answer the door wearing nothing but combat boots, a Pancho Villa bandoleer, and a shotgun.

Guarantee you will be left alone.

I did that once. I was smoking a cigar and holding an angry German Shepard by the collar with my left hand though too.
Thats the time when you flip out and scream "What the F*&^ do you want?!" "This better be good Mother F*&^er!"

Trust me when I say that kid will never come to your door again.

Think about it... would you rather have some punk home intruder kid think that he can come back with a mask on and get in your home, or stay well away from the crazy guy that flipped out on him and might possibly kill him should he return?
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Might be a good time to think about getting a dog.[/I]

Yup. Lots of "urban" kids are scared of them, because they grow up without dogs, and the ones around are pitbulls trained to be aggressive. I have 2 dogs, one small Cairn Terrier (think Toto) and one medium hound mutt. Neither one would hurt a fly (thats my job [smile]) but the little one is a terrific noise maker.
Time to get the family and get out to a country town. Glad to hear your carrying at home. Do not open the door without verifying who it is through a window and always be armed. Never let anyone in your home that you do not know and watch their hands at all times. This is very important since you are already at a disadvantage. Bad guy picks time and place to attack and then time to pull out weapon. Be suspiscious about EVERYONE and do not feel embarrassed about being absolutely blunt about it. I'd rather look crazy and paranoid to a stranger than look bloody and unconsious to him.

Very good advice. Never, ever, answer the door without knowing who is there. Have had my doorbell ring at 2 A.M. Looked out the windows and saw no one. Opened the door with my left hand...in my right was my Mountain Gun in .45 Long Colt. No one around. Prank? Who knows? This has happened several times....in the wee hours. Someone testing? Don't know. Waiting to see if anyone is alert? Again, don't know.

In the future, will not even respond to the door in the wee hours. If its a "casing" situation...I will still be ready...for whatever.[wink]
A few months ago we almost had a break-in. Our Aussie started to go ballistic come 2am. This alone didn't scare the guy at the door, the sight of a bright flashlight did. I was stupid and didn't have the phone with us in the bedroom. Really have to change that pronto.
If I don't know who it is I don't answer the door unless I ordered pizza period[grin], I'm lucky my windows are positioned so they have full view of both the back porch door and front door so all I have to do is peek and see who it is.
Worcester can be one tough neighborhood. Sounds like you just got tested.

Thank god I live outside of any large city. ANYONE at my door is suspect seeing as someone would have to traverse some real estate and get blasted by a few 1000w halogen motion lights just to get to a door.
Might be a good time to think about getting a dog. That's pretty shady though. That would really put me on edge. I've been pissed when strangers have knocked on my door because if I wasn't home it would really scare my wife.

Remember a few years ago when those kids killed those Professors up in NH. Before they tricked the couple into letting them in (and then butchering them) they tried another house first. The homeowner answered with a pistol in clear view. This from wikipedia:

The rest of the story here. Sick.
If I don't know who it is I don't answer the door unless I ordered pizza period[grin], I'm lucky my windows are positioned so they have full view of both the back porch door and front door so all I have to do is peek and see who it is.


if i'm NOT expecting someone, the door shall go unanswered.

this one of the most basic lines of defense IMO.
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