Swager HELP!!!


One Shot One Maggie's Drawers
Feb 26, 2005
South of the Mason-Dixon
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I've got a RCBS pocket swager combo and I need to know how to set it up if anyone can help. I've not used one before and want to try it out to see how it compares to reaming.

Do you need the instructions? All I can do is read them, it has been 3 years since I used it last. (back surgury )
If you need them let me know. I have the full set.
I just need the synopsis of how to set it up. I realize there are two sizes but not show how it exactly works. If the RCBS site ever comes back up I'll to call them, again.

I did find out it can't be used with my progressive press and I'll need to get a cheap single stage.
Yea whoops you do need a single stage. the Lee is as good as the cheap RCBS unless you can find one cheap.
( I have one of each) If you still have problems let me know.
Thanx, Glenn. I'll pick up a cheap press somewhere and use it for decapping and the swager. Still don't know how to set up the swager die, though.
Thanx, Glenn. Just need to figure out how set up the die, how to adjust the center rod and what the cup looking thingy is with the hole in the middle. Hope you get to feeling better. I had it not long ago.
I'm going to try to breathe new life into this topic. I'll be receiving a cheap Lee press today and plan use soley for decapping and swaging, (I'm getting fat-fluking tired of reaming crimps).

Anyway, I received the destructions from RCBS on the swaging die and it's a little less confusing. Do I have this correct? The center rod is adjusted tightly up in the body and the depth of swaging is done by lowing the die body into the press?
TonyD said:
I'm going to try to breathe new life into this topic. I'll be receiving a cheap Lee press today and plan use soley for decapping and swaging, (I'm getting fat-fluking tired of reaming crimps).

Anyway, I received the destructions from RCBS on the swaging die and it's a little less confusing. Do I have this correct? The center rod is adjusted tightly up in the body and the depth of swaging is done by lowing the die body into the press?

IIRC, Yes.
For the life of me I cannot get this swager thing figured out. If I crank on this handle any more it's going to rip the mounting bolts out. WTF, over?
Same as the one I've got now. Good thing you bought a Lee press, it won't work on a Rock Chucker. The followin directions should work, please don't feel insulted when I mention the obvious. That's to avoid any confusion.

The swager assembly goes on the ram like a shell holder.

The "case remover" slides over the swager.

You raise the ram, swaging the primer pocket.

You adjust it by setting the die so that when the ram is all the way up (without a case), the remover is hitting the die slightly.

Then adjust the center rod on the die to get the amount of swage you want.

If that doesn't work, reply to me, I'll find an answer.
It's just not getting rid of the obvious crimp ring that is visible. I'm not even sure that's necessary.

The stripper hangs up on the press, too. I'll have to take a file to it to give it a little more clearance.
I forgot to mention that swaging is more "effort" than case forming. So, yes, it'll feel like the press is jumping off the bench.

I mentioned in a different thread that I couldn't find my swager to check it out.

Myself, I currently use a chamfering reamer, and plan on buying a Dillon swager later.
I've come to the conclusion that my little LEE press does not have the leverage to swage. However, it works great for decapping. I guess I'll stick to hand reaming crimps out for the time being.
I know it was a bitch doing it with the RockChucker.

We use a Lyman Spartan, and an older RCBS swager over at my father's gunshop. That works nice, but only does Large Rifle.

Edited to add: I see RCBS doesn't sell it any more, just the one like you and I have.
I just ordered a Dillon 600 Swager... so I'll let you guys know how that works... On my XM 193 cases, I have been using a primer pocket uniformer, and I can't for the life of me see where the 'crimp' is/was after using the uniformer, so I am wondering if the Swager 600 is still needed....

Does anyone have a pic of what the crimp on an XM193 case should look like?

Dillon Swager arrived this afernoon and after adjusting to my case size... the swager only seems to screw up the nice round primer pocker and flash hole I had before I 'swaged' the case.... Not impressed (no pun intended) at all.. Anyone else have one who could provide some guidance.

Jon - I have an RCBS swager but I don't have a single stage press sturdy enough to apply the torque needed.

The swager works by force being applied to the web from the rod inside the case forcing the pocket over the swager head. It's important to get the correct depth set so you don't damage the web (flash hole area). If the correct size head fits into the pocket, then it doesn't need swaged.

Are you sure your cases are crimped? They will either have a 'circle' around the pocket or three 'staked' areas depending on how they were crimped.
Hey guys...

I've tried adjusting the swager and it seems that no matter how I adjust it, it still messes up the pockets and flash hole. I called Federal about the LC XM193 cases and was told that they need to be swaged... however, when I run my pocket uniformer through the pocket and clean everything out nicely, I can prime with Rem 7 1/2 primers that seat flush with the case bottom... They also fire OK... I've tried 10 so far.

I received my .245 Sizer die bushings today... so will load a few LC cases for trial. If anyone is local to Western MA and could give me a hand to check out my reloading efforts to make sure I'm not missing anything, I would really appreciate the help... Westfield Sportsman's club membership or renewal ($50 value - must be an NRA member as well) in exchange... or some really great single malt scotch!

PM me for details... Thanks.


Sure does... RCBS Pocket Uniformer... does a really nice job. I also got a Sinclair version to chuck in my drill... for production...

Mailmanx said:

Sure does... RCBS Pocket Uniformer... does a really nice job. I also got a Sinclair version to chuck in my drill... for production...


If it puts a bevel around the pocket then it is removing the crimp. Therefor, it does not need to be swaged. Crimps are removed two ways; Reaming or swaging. Swaging basically reforms the brass and is quicker. Reaming cuts the crimp out.

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