SWEET new Ruger .22 rifle - it's an AR lookalike

The controls aren't the same though. I'd much rather have a S&W M&P-15-22 or a 22LR conversion on a real AR.

There are a lot of .22AR Fakes coming out lately, this ruger thing, S&W has one and so does colt (or someone licensed by colt, I forget). Personally I'd rather have a conversion kit or a dedicated upper on a real AR, at least that way the controls are the same and it has some real training benefit. Besides these cheap fakes seem like they are all plastic.

Now I'd finish my .22LR AR if Troy ever gets around to shipping me my damn forearm! [angry]
There are a lot of .22AR Fakes coming out lately, this ruger thing, S&W has one and so does colt (or someone licensed by colt, I forget). Personally I'd rather have a conversion kit or a dedicated upper on a real AR, at least that way the controls are the same and it has some real training benefit. Besides these cheap fakes seem like they are all plastic.

Now I'd finish my .22LR AR if Troy ever gets around to shipping me my damn forearm! [angry]

+1 on the conversion kit. For $200 for the bolt and some spare mags I can same some serious cash for ammo and shoot more with my normal upper. Then if I want to go back to centerfire I can make the change in 30 seconds or less and go long range.

Don't get me wrong, the .22 AR's are cool. Heritage in RI had some last time I was in there; they were nice, but not my cup o' tea.
Cool factor is ok, the safty and AK style mag release(assume that is what is hanging down forward of the trigger gard) A treue dedicated upper for a AR 15 is only for practice for handleing your AR. That is my why I chose a dedicated upper. I want handleing of my AR to be secound nature, only achived by practice.
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