
While carrying the OTF's and other switchblades are fun, a little, they really are not useful as the day-to-day sharp steels we need.

I would have liked them in the olden days when I grew up in Framingham and we had to deal with Jose Losempez and the rest of the Ricans when we ventured to downtown on the south side from the Junction in the Northside. We thought we were tough, nonetheless, but all we were was just stupid dumb f***s.
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While carrying the OTF's and other switchblades are fun, a little, they really are not useful as the day-to-day sharp steels we need.

I would have like them in the olden days when I grew up in Framingham and we had to deal with Hose Losempez and the rest of the Ricans when we ventured to downtown on the south side form the Junction in northside. We thought we were tough, nonetheless, but all we were was just stupid dumb f***s.
They come in very handy for me on the water or around the dock. Sometimes I need to get a knife out and deployed one handed. Usually I have a victorianox in a sheath on my bib straps when fishing, but other times I don’t have my bibs on but always have my knife on me (OTF boker)

99% of the time I’m cutting rope

Assisted open works, automatic side opening works but an OTF allows a full firm grip on the handle while opening and no rotational torque on the knife

But today at my kid’s birthday party I used it to open some plastic ware and got some sideways looks lol
They come in very handy for me on the water or around the dock. Sometimes I need to get a knife out and deployed one handed. Usually I have a victorianox in a sheath on my bib straps when fishing, but other times I don’t have my bibs on but always have my knife on me (OTF boker)

99% of the time I’m cutting rope

Assisted open works, automatic side opening works but an OTF allows a full firm grip on the handle while opening and no rotational torque on the knife

But today at my kid’s birthday party I used it to open some plastic ware and got some sideways looks lol
I love my OTFs. But I'd never use them around salt water. All the little parts and springs that make them work will probably rust themselves to death and you can't really clean those parts.

When the law was overturned, I went out and bought a regular opening switchblade to carry regularly.
After a day or so I realized that I like my assisted flippers that I've been carrying for years better. Mainly because they can be opened with either hand. They are intrinsically ambidextrous.
The same is true of the OTFs. I just feel dumb opening an amazon package with a $300 knife.

Since we're talking cheap.
Has anyone ever owned/tried/seen one of these??

Looking at some of the clones/ knock offs on OK knife.
Seriously thinking of a cqc7… and some sort of otf…
any strong feelings of something like an infidel vs trodoon type?
I love my OTFs. But I'd never use them around salt water. All the little parts and springs that make them work will probably rust themselves to death and you can't really clean those parts.

When the law was overturned, I went out and bought a regular opening switchblade to carry regularly.
After a day or so I realized that I like my assisted flippers that I've been carrying for years better. Mainly because they can be opened with either hand. They are intrinsically ambidextrous.
The same is true of the OTFs. I just feel dumb opening an amazon package with a $300 knife.

Since we're talking cheap.
Has anyone ever owned/tried/seen one of these??

Good point on the salt and corrosion
I can open a regular folding knife just as fast, if not faster, than my switchblades. But I still like my switchblades, just for the cool factor.

Also, they also always bring out the Karens, male and female, who just have to say something, usually wrong.

An older guy once saw my son, I think 10 at the time, snapping his OTF in and out, because what else do you do when you're bored, and have an OTF. He told my son that it was illegal for a minor to have a switchblade, and my son needs to be careful of the police. My son told him he knows its illegal, but he doesn't care because his Dad (me) said it's a stupid law and we're not following it - then he pointed to me and said "That's my Dad, you can talk to him if you like". The guy walked away, my son kept playing with his knife.

To be clear -
Yes, I've told my kids that I don't care if they don't obey stupid laws, as long as they man up when caught.
No, we never talked about switchblades being illegal for minors, because they aren't unless it's in school.
Yes - my kid is just as much of an a-hole to know it all Karens as I am. I'm good with this.
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