Due to the length of this post, I am unable to upload the entire text, list, and links due to forum restrictions on length.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Things that I have in my range bag:
Rifle classes:
Bring an extra:
Shotgun classes:
My edc out in the world. EVERY SINGLE DAY
Rescue Essentials ankle trauma medical kit (not their standard kit, purchased an empty kit)
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Download this full post in a PDF from Google Drive:
View: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13DnF-eGTTRCJk7KNnzP-B0z4kRadewwJ/view?usp=sharing
Part 1:

TAKING A SHOOTING CLASS/GUNFIGHTING CLASS? SOME TIPS: There are a lot of new shooters wanting to go to classes. I thought I would share some suggestions, tips, and what I bring to a class. The first thing is an open mind. Does not matter if this is your first or one-hundredth class. Walk in...

Part 2:

Due to the length of this post, I am unable to upload the entire text, list, and links due to forum restrictions on length. Part 1: https://www.northeastshooters.com/xen/threads/taking-a-shooting-class-gunfighting-class-here-are-some-tips-part-1.410285/ continued..... Bring lots of water...

Things that I have in my range bag:
- Trauma kit (Dark Angel Medical)
- Eye protection, clear and shaded
- Ear protection electronic (x2), earplugs
- Extra batteries for everything that takes batteries
- Sunblock, bug spray, chapstick, sun neck gator
- Electrolytes replacement, energy bar, caffeine mints
- Boo boo kit: band-aids, Neosporin, athletic tape
- Masking tape for targets
- Sharpies, ballpoint pens
- Reporter’s notebook, index cards
- An extra gun, magazines, holster (just in case)
- Cleaning kit with lube, exam gloves, repair kit, multi-tool
- Knee pads
- Mag loader
- Ibuprofen, Tylenol, Tums, Pepto tablets
- Wet wipes, D-lead wipes
- Trash bags, zip lock bags
- Mag belt pouches
- Shooting gloves
- Liquid chalk, anti-fog spray
- Bandanna, wrist sweatbands
- Dummy rounds
- Foldable dump pouch
- Business cards (to hand out to new friends)
- Phone battery with a cord
- Headlamp in case we are cleaning up in the dark
Rifle classes:
Bring an extra:
- Rifle if you are able to
- BCG (you should have one for training and one for GO TIME)
- charging handle
- Sling & QD attachments
- ammo
- Lube the BCG up!
- A way to carry your mags, belt mag carriers, chest rig…
Shotgun classes:
- Take a five-gallon bucket and empty all your shells in there. Easy way to move bulky rounds around.
- Lube the action the night before class
- Bring a way to carry shells, dump pouch, shotgun Velcro cards or shotgun chest rig.
- Shotgun if you can (I broke 2 shotguns in one class once)
- Sling
- Shotgun shells
My edc out in the world. EVERY SINGLE DAY
- M&P 2.0 4.25” with a Holosun HE507CGRX2
- Dark Star Gear Orion Appendix IWB
- 2 extra mags (one in each front pocket)
- Small Pepper spray
- Benchmade 530
- Surefire Tactician
- O-light tiny light in my coin pocket
- Rescue essentials ankle trauma medical kit
- Sometimes I’ll add a SIG P365 in a Galco ankle glove
- Sometimes I will add Shivworks Clinch Pick
Rescue Essentials ankle trauma medical kit (not their standard kit, purchased an empty kit)
- SOFTT tourniquet
- H&H compact wound seal
- Gloves (x4)
- Quickclot Gauze
- H&H mini duct tape
- H&H Klever safety cutter
- H&H Mini compression bandage
- H&H mini compressed gauze
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Taking a shooting class / gun fighting class
Taking a shooting class / gun fighting class? Some tips: There are a lot of new shooters wanting to go to classes. I thought I would share some suggestions, tips and what I bring to a class. First thing is an open mind. Does not matter if this is your fist or one hundredth class. Walk in with...
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View: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13DnF-eGTTRCJk7KNnzP-B0z4kRadewwJ/view?usp=sharing