Taking NFA items out of state to the range Form 5320.20

You can apply for a 5320 with a year's life span. Jack.

+1. I've found that the ATF is very reasonable with these. The only stupidity is that you need to do a separate one for every state. I've got a stack of photocopied 5320s. Every year, I fire another copy with an updated date off to them for MA, NH and VT. Just because there's a chance I'll want to shoot there. Its worthe the 44 cents once a year.

Another related question. I have a cabin in NH and I would like to bring NFA firearms when I go up. I travel thru vermont to get there (rt 91) do I need a 5320 for vermont too or just NH? I guess I could just get one for VT every year and not worry about it but I never do more than travel thru VT.
You don't need one. (per safe passage portion of FOPA)

But like Jack said, for the time to fill out another 5320 (not even the cost of a stamp, since both 5320s can go in the same envelope) why not do it.

I have a 5320 all filled out with everything but the destination, signature and date. I simply photocopy it and send it out when I need to. I typically try to hit MA, NH, and VT every summer when I'm registering my MG with CT. Its just an hour doing gun paperwork that pays dividends throughout the year.

You don't need one. (per safe passage portion of FOPA)

But like Jack said, for the time to fill out another 5320 (not even the cost of a stamp, since both 5320s can go in the same envelope) why not do it.

I have a 5320 all filled out with everything but the destination, signature and date. I simply photocopy it and send it out when I need to. I typically try to hit MA, NH, and VT every summer when I'm registering my MG with CT. Its just an hour doing gun paperwork that pays dividends throughout the year.

Just be sure to not wave your suppressors around in MA or VT. Jack.
Yeah. That $25 fine in VT is a real downer. [rofl]

I think the law WRT VT only applies if you are using one. Not just possession. IANL.
Their law as written says that you can't manufacture, sell, use or possess with intent to sell a "silencer". Looks like you could walk around with one in your pocket. This would allow you to have a suppressor to use in another state. Jack.
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I'm filling out my 5320 and have a few questions. My cabin in NH does not have a street number just the road name. Should I just put the road or make up a street number? Also, I was going to fill one out for VT in case I ever wanted to shoot there, what would I put for a destination since I don't know where I'd be going yet. Last, does the date have to end 12/31/2012 or can I have it go one year from the date I submit it?

Thanks guys!

I've successfully submitted 5320s that for question 7 "Transporting To", simply said, "multiple, for training".

Remember, theres no reason to worry. The worst they can do is reject it. All it will cost you is a stamp.

When I first got a SBR I submitted one 5320 for multiple states. I got back the form with an explanation that I needed one for each state.
On the handwritten note was an offer to discuss it. I called and learned a lot.

Think of it as a 50 cent learning experience.

I don't do the suppressors pre-emptively for the year.

I've read from Bardwell FAQ and more than one other place that 5320s aren't even needed on cans (by the way the law is written) although if you do one, BATFE will still process it.

I think you are right.

Every year I try to remember to do one one of my pre-ban registered SBR AR lowers for MA, RI, VT, and NH. You can request that it be good for 1 year. Which I do.

I mail them in separate envelopes, I can't remember why I started doing that, and don't really know if its necessary. Ha.

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