Taped 911 call - Eye Opener

She shot the bastard about 10 minutes into the 911 call and the cops arrived about 13 minutes after that.
She did everything right. She kept her cool until after she had to shoot.
When seconds count, the police are minutes away.
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The lady was calm and collected.

Up until she shot the S.O.B., understandably.

What would you have done differently?

Well none of us were there, so it's kinda hard to quarterback the whole thing after the fact. But... I didn't hear any verbal warning from the nice lady with shotgun. Pretty sure I'd be hollering at the top of my lungs "Leave or you will be shot"

In all fairness, she got permission from the dispatcher to defend her self and her home. ( Not that I am saying getting permision is acceptable, but think it was for reassurance about her rights) She was not told that she needed to give any warning. Mind you that the dispatcher alludes to an officer telling the dispatcher to give the lady permision to fire if she needs to. Legally, she was in the right, and the tape proves it. She did what she needed to do, and feel for her, after she was forced to shoot.

I am of the opinion, this woman should not have had to need to give warning, nor should anyone put into this situation. A person should be held accountable for their actions.

Drunk or not, it is this guys fault for his own death.

I would recommend in this state MA, that you warn an intruder, multiple times if possible, and do it while on the phone with 911 to cover your butt, which is again sad in its self, but no one should need to comprimise the saftey of them selves or their loved ones for anything, anyone, for any reason. I am just glad she came out on top.

All I can say, is if I had been put in that position, I would have fired, and may have been just as upset, but not as emotionally. Taking the life of another is a situation I truley do not want to be in, but the decision to shoot will not be my cross to bear, the perps actions will have dictated the outcome.
30 minutes for cops to show up is crazy... how deep in the woods do you have to be for that kind of response time? I'm glad she's ok, but just from the way I heard her say "God help me" aftr she shot him..I'm pretty sure this is something that's gonna haunt for the rest of her life.
25 minutes until the police showed up! She should have hung up the phone and got on the radio. She had enough time to call in immediate air support.

"Dragon 31, this is Little Old Lady 01, this will be a Type 1 control, advise when ready for 9-line. Be advised, DANGER CLOSE."
25 minutes until the police showed up! She should have hung up the phone and got on the radio. She had enough time to call in immediate air support.

"Dragon 31, this is Little Old Lady 01, this will be a Type 1 control, advise when ready for 9-line. Be advised, DANGER CLOSE."

Ideally, an AH-64 would have been perfect:


On another note, one of the most interesting things is I never heard her yell, warn, scream or say anything to the intruder when he was attempting to enter.

By the sounds of it though, that man was determined to get into that house.
I dont watch allot of Main Stream Media, has this story hit?

Even if they had an 11minute response time it would not have been enough, 25minutes should wake up the people that a phone cannot defend you and your family.

Powerful tape.
It is a chilling recording, to say the least.

This ought to be a huge eye opener for alot of people. People need to be prepared (as this lady was) to defend themselves because the police can be too far away etc.
I dont watch allot of Main Stream Media, has this story hit?

Even if they had an 11minute response time it would not have been enough, 25minutes should wake up the people that a phone cannot defend you and your family.

Powerful tape.
yes it has........i saw it on tv at the drs office about an hour or so ago....i think it was cnn or headline news.
I dont watch allot of Main Stream Media, has this story hit?

Even if they had an 11minute response time it would not have been enough, 25minutes should wake up the people that a phone cannot defend you and your family.

Powerful tape.

You can't possibly think that the media would explain it took 23+ minutes for the police to arrive or if they did, that the "people" would think there was anything amiss on any level with that fact. They would never apply that fact to their own lives.
30 minutes for cops to show up is crazy... how deep in the woods do you have to be for that kind of response time?

We aren't what you would consider deep in the woods, but one of the times we called 911 and it was over an hour for us to get police, etc out here. We ended up having someone take the person to the hospital since it obviously was quicker.[thinking]
We live in the center of town. We are a bedroom community for Northampton.
We have a part time PD, and if our town officers aren't working the staties cover it. Have a volunteer Fire Dept, etc.
Joys of living in the sticks.[laugh]
I don't know that I'd want to issue a warning.

If there's a bad guy crawling around, I don't want him to know I'm armed and waiting for him. There is a real chance that this would put him into a mindset where he's dealing with a serious adversary rather than a defenseless victim. Grizzly hunting and grouse hunting are two different animals.

My $.02.
Up until she shot the S.O.B., understandably.

Well none of us were there, so it's kinda hard to quarterback the whole thing after the fact. But... I didn't hear any verbal warning from the nice lady with shotgun. Pretty sure I'd be hollering at the top of my lungs "Leave or you will be shot"

No dirtbag breaking into my house gets a verbal warning, and the warning shot goes into center mass.
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