Taped 911 call - Eye Opener


In all fairness, she got permission from the dispatcher to defend her self and her home. ( Not that I am saying getting permision is acceptable, but think it was for reassurance about her rights) She was not told that she needed to give any warning. Mind you that the dispatcher alludes to an officer telling the dispatcher to give the lady permision to fire if she needs to. Legally, she was in the right, and the tape proves it. She did what she needed to do, and feel for her, after she was forced to shoot.

I am of the opinion, this woman should not have had to need to give warning, nor should anyone put into this situation. A person should be held accountable for their actions.

Drunk or not, it is this guys fault for his own death.

I would recommend in this state MA, that you warn an intruder, multiple times if possible, and do it while on the phone with 911 to cover your butt, which is again sad in its self, but no one should need to comprimise the saftey of them selves or their loved ones for anything, anyone, for any reason. I am just glad she came out on top.

All I can say, is if I had been put in that position, I would have fired, and may have been just as upset, but not as emotionally. Taking the life of another is a situation I truley do not want to be in, but the decision to shoot will not be my cross to bear, the perps actions will have dictated the outcome.

She did a great job. But...if she thought the guy was drunk could she have cracked a window and told him "Hey pal you've got the wrong house and I am about to kill you if you dont get the f*&^k out of here!!" Drunk or not I think that may have registered with the older man who appeared to be drunk and looking for some other woman. But, as stated, the dead guy has no one to blame but his sorry self and she did what she had to do.....
Things brings up an interesting question. Do you warn someone if they are clearly carrying a firearm? That gives them the chance to turn and fire or possibly shoot the person they already have the gun trained on. Now, I'm referring to all situations, not just home invasion.
Things brings up an interesting question. Do you warn someone if they are clearly carrying a firearm? That gives them the chance to turn and fire or possibly shoot the person they already have the gun trained on. Now, I'm referring to all situations, not just home invasion.

Absolutely NOT. Someone placing me in fear of death or serious injury because they are wielding a weapon (notice I did not limit it to guns) is going to get shot without warning until he stops being a threat if I can't GTHO.

Some guy in Miami tried the warning thing during an armed robbery at a Burger King and became a lead magnet for his trouble. He killed the perp anyway, but he also ended up with several bullet wounds that required serious hospitalization.

F that.
Things brings up an interesting question. Do you warn someone if they are clearly carrying a firearm? That gives them the chance to turn and fire or possibly shoot the person they already have the gun trained on. Now, I'm referring to all situations, not just home invasion.

Let's use this situation here, how would the old lady know if that nut was carrying a gun unless she looked out the window or opened the door to check?

You would have to put yourself in the line of fire....frig that.
Well....I'll give a more specific example. There is a convenience store near me that has been robbed a few times. If I were to walk into a situation like that, it is legally okay if I am behind the guy to just rid the world of one more punk or am I REQUIRED to allow him to disarm. Now, if this was some guy that was collected and just wanted the money, I say let him have it. That is why insurance exists. But what it he is one of those jumpy little crack addicts? If I warn him, he could shoot the cashier or me. If I just slowly draw a weapon he wouldn't know when the Mozambique hit him. Thoughts on this?
Actually, the bigger question is if you just let someone take the money, will they just leave? Or will they just shoot you or someone else anyways? That is the thing I struggle with.
I agree Martlet, but what is the law in this crazy Communistwealth? It used to be that if they were in your house, all bets were off. Now you have to make every attempt to leave and they must be armed (that is my understanding, but please correct me if I am wrong).

G.L.c. 278, § 8A. Killing or injuring a person unlawfully in a dwelling; defense.

7In the prosecution of a person who is an occupant of a dwelling charged with killing or injuring one who was unlawfully in said dwelling, it shall be a defense that the occupant was in his dwelling at the time of the offense and that he acted in the reasonable belief that the person unlawfully in said dwelling was about to inflict great bodily injury or death upon said occupant or upon another person lawfully in said dwelling, and that said occupant used reasonable means to defend himself or such other person lawfully in said dwelling. There shall be no duty on said occupant to retreat from such person unlawfully in said dwelling.

NO reference to a "weapon;" "serious" or otherwise.

Again....This is law......

Again, no weapon, and nothing about making every attempt to leave, or warnings........people making up false laws is what causes the problem........
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That's why I asked Mark.....between all the laws, regulations, ordinances, lists, etc.....it's hard to know what the law actually is around here....I had heard it from someone at the range, but they were obviously wrong
That's why I asked Mark.....between all the laws, regulations, ordinances, lists, etc.....it's hard to know what the law actually is around here....I had heard it from someone at the range, but they were obviously wrong

Right up there with dispatchers and gun store commandos as a source of misinformation.

Welcome to the forum. You might want to spend some time in the Mass. Law section.
Okay, this has been my issue with MA gun laws since the start. So many layers of laws, regulations, AG crap, etc....how do you know the truth without a damn law degree??? Something I would love to see is a clear list of "if you're going to own a gun in MA, obey these rules". Not to oversimplify here, but when I go to a public pool, there is a list of "do's and dont's". Why not have something like that for the gun laws? I have read numerous laws and regulations, but it always seems there is something else.....or something overrules something else.
Liberals like to get as much misinformation out there to muddy everything up so they can control the sheep by utter confusion. Look at Global Warming...... Basically the intent is to scare people about the laws so much that they are afraid to own a gun.
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Well....I'll give a more specific example. There is a convenience store near me that has been robbed a few times. If I were to walk into a situation like that, it is legally okay if I am behind the guy to just rid the world of one more punk
Yes. So long as you can articulate that you feared for your life and/or the life of another.

or am I REQUIRED to allow him to disarm.

Now, if this was some guy that was collected and just wanted the money, I say let him have it.That is why insurance exists.
I agree, but you need to decide quick and be ready to change your course of action just as quickly if shit starts to go down

But what it he is one of those jumpy little crack addicts?
Shoot him to the ground

If I warn him, he could shoot the cashier or me

If I just slowly draw a weapon he wouldn't know when the Mozambique hit him.
Correct again
That is no excuse. Immediately look in the mirror and do this [slap]. Then repeat a hundred or so times.

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