I've never owned or shot one but here is what Four Seasons says about them:
"We don't like Taurus products due to terrible customer service experiences that we've had. However, it doesn't matter since we can't sell them anyway."
I have a Taurus .44 Mag (2440089 model 44) and love it! Everyone that's shot the gun has also fallen in love with it. Nothing wrong with the Taurus revolvers. S&W revolvers are sweet, and easier to obtain in MA.
I own a Taurus PT138, it is not my favorite gun, but it does what it is supposed to do. It isn't a Sig, but it is light weight, easy to conceal, and accurate at 25 feet, which is all I ask from a compact.
I have owned a couple of Taurus revo's, model 85CH I think. While they work, that is about all I will say positive about them. The trigger doesn't feel all that great when firing compared to my S&W revos. I know two friends that bought Taurus semi-auto's (.380 & .45). They both broke down in various ways after less than 500 rounds fired. They both made multiple trips back to Taurus for repairs and do not appear to be reliable guns. I won't buy another one.
When you compare the list of features you are getting for the money paid they seem like a bargain. If you are the type of shooter who will shoot one or two boxes of ammo a year thru the gun it will probably be fine. I don't think they will stand up to any kind of prolonged serious shooting. That's just my opinion, but in the last couple of years, I can't remember ever seeing anyone shooting one in any USPSA competition or steel match. That should tell you a lot.
Just my $ .02 worth...