Tennessee serial killer who called self ‘Michael Meyers’ sentenced to over 250 years in jail for 5 murders


NES Member
Dec 13, 2006
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A self-professed serial killer who called himself the “Michael Meyers” of Tennessee was just given 159 years for three slayings — on top of his 102-year sentence for killing his pregnant girlfriend and her unborn child, authorities said.

Joshua Dotson, 24, pleaded guilty to three counts of first-degree murder and three counts of reckless endangerment with a deadly weapon after the new killings, according to Shelby County Prosecutors.


Look whose coming for dinner!
A black serial killer, that's rarer than an unsarcastic comment from Greg.
Black serial killers are more common than White ones...


No, Black serial killers are not rare, and the assumption that they are is a harmful and inaccurate stereotype. In fact, a study found that African-Americans were overrepresented among serial killers from 1945 to 2004. However, the media often undercovers Black serial killers.

Google AI getting jiggy wit it.
Black serial killers are more common than White ones...


No, Black serial killers are not rare, and the assumption that they are is a harmful and inaccurate stereotype. In fact, a study found that African-Americans were overrepresented among serial killers from 1945 to 2004. However, the media often undercovers Black serial killers.

Google AI getting jiggy wit it.
Quick, name 5 black serial killers that people heard of, or even 5 black serial killers.

Gangsters don't count, that's just business.

3 or more to qualify. Yeah pretty sure most gang bangers rack up that much of a body count before being turned into someone else's body count or catching charges.
Quick, name 5 black serial killers that people heard of, or even 5 black serial killers.

Gangsters don't count, that's just business.

That is the point of the post.

The media covers them up.

Lets face it, White serial killers are way cooler.

Here is on nasty fellow:

93 Claimed. He has a photographic memory.
What narrative?
The media pushes that Whites are evil and Blacks are amazing and innocent.

Blacks also are more likely to kill other Blacks.

BLM only cares when Whites kill Blacks.

Which is rare.

It's only an outrage when a White person kills a Black person.

They kill each other every day but there is no outrage.

To point that out is racist.

4,000 shootings in Chicago last year. 98% Blacks killed by other Blacks.

You are not allowed to say that in public.

But, one White cop "kills" a Black man with enough Fent to kill an elephant an there are upset.

The Greatest Lie Ever Sold: George Floyd and the Rise of BLM​

It's all a lie.
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