Tentative Deal : NY Restrict Capacity 7 Rounds

You are thinking rationally. They are not. We need to figure that out or we are screwed.

I guess I should qualify that and say, they are not rationally attempting to reduce crime. They are not rationally attempting to make anyone safer.

They are rationally attempting to ban guns in the proven incremental method of their vile historical company of mass murderers.


None of this nonsense has ANYTHING to do with actually saving lives. They just want to take all the guns eventually and this is an opportune time to push the camel farther in the tent.
"-- limit mags to 7 rounds and current NY owners have 1 year to sell their hi-cap mags out of state. Possession of hi-caps would be misdemeanor."

Well at least it's not a felony... but seriously... wtf! They're messing with people's private property that they paid for themselves.
Well at least it's not a felony... but seriously... wtf! They're messing with people's private property that they paid for themselves.

How big of them.... "We'll give you a WHOLE YEAR to sell off your private property, that you bought legally, for an almost definite loss on investment."

Any chance they put in the 7 round limit as something they could negotiate back to 10 so that they can get the rest of their crap passed?
I don't get it!!!! Then again I'm not retarded.... The whole thing is screwed up! Everyday new laws are being passed and each and every one takes away a little bit of our freedom!!! Then every day they increase some tax or fee... Which not only takes away my hard earned money but also takes away my right to spend my money as I see fit... Why do we live like this? I'm honestly upset with generations that have come before me... This is what you have left for me? I vote, I write my legislators, I make donations when applicable... But nothing ever gets better!!! At this point my only option is to run for office myself!
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That said anyone with more than 7 round mags will have to get rid of them within a year of law going into effect, no grandfathering in.

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3. So a less intrusive FA-10 for NY now eh?

No, more intrusive. All private sales through a dealer (at whatever the dealer charges) so essentially no private sales at all. They can then pull an "approved roster" EOPS or "public safety" nonsense like in MA, and gun sales approach zero.

It's worse than that, the law also calls for FA10 style reporting for all ammunition, by a dealer, even between individuals. Search for


in the full text of the bill. It'll make your head explode.

No, more intrusive. All private sales through a dealer (at whatever the dealer charges) so essentially no private sales at all. They can then pull an "approved roster" EOPS or "public safety" nonsense like in MA, and gun sales approach zero.

It's worse than that, the law also calls for FA10 style reporting for all ammunition, by a dealer, even between individuals. Search for


in the full text of the bill. It'll make your head explode.





Section 1. Amends the business law to require that prior to the retail
sale or transfer of firearm ammunition, the dealer must conduct a
national instant criminal background check pursuant to 18 U.S.C.
922 and deny sale if the purchaser or transferee fails said
background check. It also creates a recording requirement, whereby
the retail dealer must record certain indentifying information about
the purchaser and ammunition, furnish the record to the Department of
Criminal Justice Services, and retain said record for not less than
seven (7) years. The legislation also makes the violation of these
provisions a class A misdemeanor.

While New York State law currently requires that a background check be
conducted when an individual seeks to purchase a firearm, there is no
such requirement for the purchase of ammunition. This inexcusable gap
in the law permits convicted felons and the dangerously mentally ill
to easily buy deadly ammunition without any checks or oversight. A
dangerous individual who has purchased a gun on the black market or
through a straw purchaser can simply go to his nearest sporting goods
store and acquire the means to kill. This common sense bill closes
the current gap, and will help keep bullets out of the hands of those
who are not permitted to possess firearms in the first place.
Go-Time in NY. If they don't, they are sad and pathetic excuses for Americans. First step is the guns, we all know what the next step is. NY is now officially step one of the systematic dismantling of our constitution. They passed NDAA, Patriot Act, etc. Enough is enough. They are stripping your last line of defense.
New York; It is no longer another state = It is officially a FOREIGN LAND.....

“If it's true that our species is alone in the universe, then I'd have to say the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little.”- George Carlin
With friends like this.....

"It is well-balanced, it protects the Second Amendment," said Senate Republican leader Dean Skelos of Long Island."
With friends like this.....

"It is well-balanced, it protects the Second Amendment," said Senate Republican leader Dean Skelos of Long Island."
Well, it will protect the second amendment by creating laws so arbitrary, capricious and unconstitutional that they force case-law to be created faster to invalidate them.

I really hope people are paying attention and we have another post 94 cleansing of these idiots.
Scalia flapped his gums on "reasonable restrictions" when he didn't need to say anything... The gun-grabbers ran with that and the other unintended comment of "in the home."

That and the level of "scrutiny" to be applied to 2A are still yet to be decided by SCOTUS.

Obviously, I agree with you - once 2A was incorporated, there was no "in the home" and the "reasonable restrictions" the court specifically mentioned were schools, felons in possession and others, so the lower courts have clearly taken great/excessive license with that as well.
Does anyone still believe they have rights protected by law? We are and will always be just one moment of panic away from tyranny. The constitution and everything on paper that followed isn't worth the time it would take to burn it.

Regardless of what happens next the situation is the same. We live at the privilege of the mob, with the only true choice being the decision of when to die. As usual there is plenty of tough talk flying around. And, as usual, it comes from people in one state telling those in another that they are cowards or weak if they do nothing. That some of those calling out New Yorkers live in Massachusetts is hilarious, or would be if the situation were not so miserable.

Most of America is relatively free -- as of today, and that's all we will ever have. The smart move is to get out of New York / New England and leave these idiots to themselves. Don't stop in Illinois, but stop before you hit California. It's a big country, and thankfully the collectivists have decided to cram themselves into urban centers and coastal areas. They can have them.
Between demographics (population growth) on the Coasts and the seemingly omnipresent slide toward complacency and disarmament until a a black swan event, I really think it is a mistake to just run away and think that's all you need to do.

This stink will follow you wherever you go and we are seeing that now in NH and VT.
Between demographics (population growth) on the Coasts and the seemingly omnipresent slide toward complacency and disarmament until a a black swan event, I really think it is a mistake to just run away and think that's all you need to do.

This stink will follow you wherever you go and we are seeing that now in NH and VT.

You are correct. It's insanity to think that this will not follow to other states, quickly here and more slowly everywhere.
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