Terror Attack in London

Don't know why I listen to WEEI anymore, bad habit I guess, but they were talking about the attack this morning. Of course they had that new moonbat lesbian on there saying how she thinks the brits should let the cops have guns but nobody else and she thinks that's how it should be here too.

So by that "logic" the cop that was killed might have been able to protect himself and live. Well that's just dandy. Sure, I am sorry that cop died but what about the other people that got killed?

Maybe armed citizens would not have stopped this one because he was in a car running people over and that's not an easy shot but there are plenty of other instances where these killers are on foot and just one armed citizen could potentially eliminate the threat before dozens of people are slaughtered while sheltering in place, peeing themselves and waiting for the police to show up.

This is the liberal mindset though, protect the elites who always have security with them and to hell with the rest of us peasants. They are so indoctrinated and brainwashed that they are even preaching against their own best interests. Complete and utter morons advocating for the protection of elites only and embracing being hung out to dry without any means of protection for themselves. Even sheep know enough to run from a wolf. These idiots want to hug the wolf then they cry when they get bit.

they have her, Alex and a couple other liberals on WEEI for opposing views so the personalities clash and they disagree and fight...it gets ratings...remember when Dino was on his way out...all he did was talk about "assault weapons"/guns or pitbulls to get people riled up for ratings...those days i turned the radio off and listened to music cause i have both and i get aggravated knowing that this jackoff has a platform to spread this BS to anyone tuning in...i don't know if they actually believe the BS they spew or it's just for ratings...unfortunately there are people out there that are dumb enough to believe it (or the skewed/twisted/specially selected BS stories on the news) as well as people that already had the same beliefs

i think an armed citizen throwing some lead into the car is enough to throw a driver off and possibly crash but the amount of time that an armed citizen has (if on foot) to realize what's going on, react and do this if the terrorist is driving fast isn't long...like was said using a car would probably be better in this case

- - - Updated - - -

Now some news came across they just arrested some ass hat in Belgium for trying the same thing

next up...
Some random thoughts........
reports say the brits will now deploy more guns around the parliament zone to defend future attacks.
how bout that Maura?
more guns less carnage.
is Maura going to issue a knife and SUV ban now from her office of law making? Like she did a knee jerk reaction after Orlando? She likes to ban the tool used as a cure all.

Ever wonder when the lib Londoners are going to live up to the open border philosophy ,
And give back the 6 counties Of Northern Ireland?

they went mid-evil on the Irish when the ira bombed London.

will they have the same resolve for the radical Muslim terrorists residing there?

yeah moar guns around parliament to protect the important people...the peasants? yeah screw them.

UK needs a major enema.
British paper reports that the terrorist was not killed by the police. He was killed by a bodyguard of Mr. Fallon, Minister of Defense.

Great one thing I cannot understand while here. They tell a policeman "Hey we are on a high terror alert, and you are going to guard parliament, BUT you don't get a gun. Then some ******* politician gets a private guard with a gun?
Once again we are being fed an absolute BS. "Lone wolf" from "Asia" is just a delay tactic to fill news with another crap so this will be slowly forgotten. Then, it will be announced that he got "radicalized"in "some kind of an unusual building" in London. "Lone wolf's" action was immediately followed by 7 arrests. There goes the "lone wolf" non-sense.

They announced identities of victims, they know the identity of "the killer from Asia", but they did not announce it.

Governments treating their citizens like children fold.

In this century, you can't have policemen without guns, citizens without guns and governments playing hide and seek games when citizens were brutally murdered.

I bet this animal was investigated, was known to police and the system failed again.

Systematic failures of the intelligence agencies bring up questions about their abilities to do their job in politically charged environment.

well, technically speaking, the mid east is part of Asia sans the north african part. Also ISIS does have a lot of sympathizers (eg the Orlando retard) and part of their strategy is to embolden and encourage disgruntled snackbars around the world to let their hate flow through them. But yeah, referring to a middle eastern terrorist as "Asian" is pretty obviously PC liberal bullshit designed to quell anti muslim sentiment and pretend Islam isn't what it is.. None of this shit will stop until these brain dead nitwits in power drop the PC crap and acknowledge the threat for what it is.
I am optimistic. This is going to stop!

Citizens realizing that their existing government is useless is a good start.

Government is capable of publishing information and warnings about sexual predators. Do you know who from your hood went to fight in Syria and came back? You do not know? Ask your government why!

Start right there and you will see what else needs to change immediately.

Look at the spread of Islam since its inception. It's a religion committed to global domination. Europe is just another step in that direction. Look at all the mosques springing up in America and all the attacks-growing in number and sophistication. Islam was a minority religion in many places it is the super majority. It's pretty telling what it's intent is.

The only times where Islam was stopped was thru force of arms. That's what it understands. The pope was right Islam was spread through the sword. You can't change an over 1000 year religion with safe spaces and diversity training. Every attack emboldens them.
Look at the spread of Islam since its inception. It's a religion committed to global domination. Europe is just another step in that direction. Look at all the mosques springing up in America and all the attacks-growing in number and sophistication. Islam was a minority religion in many places it is the super majority. It's pretty telling what it's intent is.

The only times where Islam was stopped was thru force of arms. That's what it understands. The pope was right Islam was spread through the sword. You can't change an over 1000 year religion with safe spaces and diversity training. Every attack emboldens them.

There are internal and external forces at work during every invasion. Europe was always fighting Mongolians, Turks, Arabs, and we may think Europe was a winner. Well, sometimes nomads just decided to go back where they came from on their own. Nowadays we have a different situation. We have CITIZENS who are "soldiers of Islam". In any normal country that is an obvious treason. If you would like to be a soldier, join the military forces.

So, our problem is not Islam. Our problem is the simple fact that we allow soldiers of Islam to exist. Liberals confuse safety with weakness. The weaker, the sorrier you are, better for you, you will show your enemy your soft pink belly and the enemy will show compassion. This is the concept.

Our civilization can't launch crusades. Crusades were failures. But we will get a support of everybody if we will go with everything we have after "soldiers of Islam". Round them up as fast as possible. Do not make any difference between "citizens" and "outsiders".
well, technically speaking, the mid east is part of Asia sans the north african part. Also ISIS does have a lot of sympathizers (eg the Orlando retard) and part of their strategy is to embolden and encourage disgruntled snackbars around the world to let their hate flow through them. But yeah, referring to a middle eastern terrorist as "Asian" is pretty obviously PC liberal bullshit designed to quell anti muslim sentiment and pretend Islam isn't what it is.. None of this shit will stop until these brain dead nitwits in power drop the PC crap and acknowledge the threat for what it is.

Globalism and Obama love to play with words. Asia has a certain image associated with it. They know such image will last only few hours but they need that time to craft "appropriate response". Same play with ISIS and Daesh or IS or whatever. New meaning is always shifted from the original and as a result of it administration gains time.

Leftists love complications. Once you accept that the reality is complicated you are prone to forgive incompetent politicians their neglect.

Let's see, we have a state of alert and it is fine for police to walk around without even a knife. We have soldiers of Islam on watch but we tend to get them off the list and replace them with more soldiers just because we keep borders open and we let propaganda channels working in the name of the free speech.

There should be a plenty of resignations today in UK. What we going to get is UK Strong BS instead + we will not tell you the name because you are not worthy that information, you may not know what to do with it, you, target. And that is what bothers me the most! Do not come to me and tell me that my brothers and sisters were murdered and you need time to tell me who did it!
Starting with the mayor.

Mayor of London was democratically elected! Never forget that!

I was 15 years ago in Birmingham. Every day (I was there for 2 weeks) CITIZENS were holding demonstrations against Israel. Every day they showed that they do not like England and they exhibited their anger very clearly. I walked there with many Brits......Suddenly, yesterday, SWAT teams were making arrests in Birmingham. Everybody saw it coming 15 years ago but they were hoping that their measured ignorance will be rewarded. It was not!
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There are internal and external forces at work during every invasion. Europe was always fighting Mongolians, Turks, Arabs, and we may think Europe was a winner. Well, sometimes nomads just decided to go back where they came from on their own. Nowadays we have a different situation. We have CITIZENS who are "soldiers of Islam". In any normal country that is an obvious treason. If you would like to be a soldier, join the military forces.

So, our problem is not Islam. Our problem is the simple fact that we allow soldiers of Islam to exist. Liberals confuse safety with weakness. The weaker, the sorrier you are, better for you, you will show your enemy your soft pink belly and the enemy will show compassion. This is the concept.

Our civilization can't launch crusades. Crusades were failures. But we will get a support of everybody if we will go with everything we have after "soldiers of Islam". Round them up as fast as possible. Do not make any difference between "citizens" and "outsiders".

And where do soldiers of Islam come from? I disagree Islam is the problem. I have yet to see the scale and severity of attacks committed by bhuddists, animists, Hindus, christians and so on in modern times. Isis, al queda, Muslim brotherhood-all the same. Wipe one out then there is the Koran and the history of conquest that creates another. Islam is expanding.

As for crusades-they do work. Though some religions call them jihad. I hardly call a small religion from the Arabian pennisula taking over a quarter of the world a failure. In fact Eurabia is quickly becoming a fact. This is not the movement of a few people and lone wolf attacks. This is a true clash of civilizations. All you do is have read what happened when Rome lets in hundreds of thousands of people all at once that refused to assimilate. Sound familiar.



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Khalid Masood, 52 years old, born in Kent, West Midlands (capitol is Birmingham). Arrested many times for violent crimes, never for terrorism.

So Birmingham is in Asia? Got it.

It really ticks me off that they are referring to him as "Asian". I don't care if his ancestry is from a country that is technically in Asia. As others have said, those pricks know damn well what people think of when you say Asian and it aint some guy named Khalid Masood, it's a guy that looks like Jackie Chan or Mr. Miyagi.
Liberals are complicit in the decline of Western Civilization. These useful fools don't understand as soon as the immigrants take power they will kill all these useful idiots. These white American repressives are writing their own death certificates.
It really ticks me off that they are referring to him as "Asian". I don't care if his ancestry is from a country that is technically in Asia. As others have said, those pricks know damn well what people think of when you say Asian and it aint some guy named Khalid Masood, it's a guy that looks like Jackie Chan or Mr. Miyagi.

That is less a contemporary deception and more just Brit-speak.

I grew up in a suburb of Birmingham and it was over-run with "Asians" even then although the un-politically correct also called them "Pakis."

The engine of the British invasion is the same as in the USA. The virtue-signaling "tolerance" of the upper classes who are not directly affected by the invaders and their hatred and contempt for the lower classes who bear the burden of the population replacement.
That is less a contemporary deception and more just Brit-speak.

I grew up in a suburb of Birmingham and it was over-run with "Asians" even then although the un-politically correct also called them "Pakis."

The engine of the British invasion is the same as in the USA. The virtue-signaling "tolerance" of the upper classes who are not directly affected by the invaders and their hatred and contempt for the lower classes who bear the burden of the population replacement.

This. I was at lunch yesterday with my buddy from London and he was reading me the article that referred to the guy as being Asian. I must have made an "I'm stupid and confused" face because he explained to me that everything East of the Suez is Asia in brit-speak.
That is less a contemporary deception and more just Brit-speak.

I grew up in a suburb of Birmingham and it was over-run with "Asians" even then although the un-politically correct also called them "Pakis."

The engine of the British invasion is the same as in the USA. The virtue-signaling "tolerance" of the upper classes who are not directly affected by the invaders and their hatred and contempt for the lower classes who bear the burden of the population replacement.

This. I was at lunch yesterday with my buddy from London and he was reading me the article that referred to the guy as being Asian. I must have made an "I'm stupid and confused" face because he explained to me that everything East of the Suez is Asia in brit-speak.

Ah, pardon my American-centric thinking. I wasn't thinking like a Brit, not that I could if I tried, never been there. Lets see if the American press picks up on it though and starts using "Asian" instead of middle-eastern or Arab going forward.
Ah, pardon my American-centric thinking. I wasn't thinking like a Brit, not that I could if I tried, never been there. Lets see if the American press picks up on it though and starts using "Asian" instead of middle-eastern or Arab going forward.

Cheers, mate.
This. I was at lunch yesterday with my buddy from London and he was reading me the article that referred to the guy as being Asian. I must have made an "I'm stupid and confused" face because he explained to me that everything East of the Suez is Asia in brit-speak.

Just like "white hispanic" in the us.
When I was in England in the mid 1970s, "Pakis" was the commonly used term. There were a lot of Paki jokes, but I suspect that no one is laughing at them any more. Formerly Great Britain has dug itself into a deep hole, with the EU helping to dig. I don't know if it's too late to reverse the trend, or if Brexit will help them out. I do know that much of the government and populace is in denial about the extent and danger of the threat. Until the British acknowledge the threat and take steps to counter it, nothing much will change. The longer they wait, the bloodier it's going to be.

That is less a contemporary deception and more just Brit-speak.

I grew up in a suburb of Birmingham and it was over-run with "Asians" even then although the un-politically correct also called them "Pakis."

The engine of the British invasion is the same as in the USA. The virtue-signaling "tolerance" of the upper classes who are not directly affected by the invaders and their hatred and contempt for the lower classes who bear the burden of the population replacement.
When I was in England in the mid 1970s, "Pakis" was the commonly used term. There were a lot of Paki jokes, but I suspect that no one is laughing at them any more. Formerly Great Britain has dug itself into a deep hole, with the EU helping to dig. I don't know if it's too late to reverse the trend, or if Brexit will help them out. I do know that much of the government and populace is in denial about the extent and danger of the threat. Until the British acknowledge the threat and take steps to counter it, nothing much will change. The longer they wait, the bloodier it's going to be.

Canadians refer to 7-11's as Paki's not as package stores but because they are all owned by Pakistanis.
(gross generalizations on both accounts)
This. I was at lunch yesterday with my buddy from London and he was reading me the article that referred to the guy as being Asian. I must have made an "I'm stupid and confused" face because he explained to me that everything East of the Suez is Asia in brit-speak.

Why don't they just speak English? [wink]
Unfortunately the response will be that since he was born in GB, he was not an immigrant, so all this talk about stopping Moslim immigration is bunk.
Ah, pardon my American-centric thinking. I wasn't thinking like a Brit, not that I could if I tried, never been there. Lets see if the American press picks up on it though and starts using "Asian" instead of middle-eastern or Arab going forward.

Won't happen as "Asian" is commonly understood to mean something else equally inaccurate in the USA.

This is Birmingham, UK today:

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I'm surprised that's not a hate crime in Canadastan. Where they refer to Native Americans as "First Peoples". Only, there is evidence that the "First Peoples" displaced the people who were here before them. But I digress.

Canadians refer to 7-11's as Paki's not as package stores but because they are all owned by Pakistanis.
(gross generalizations on both accounts)
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