Thanks to all who showed up last night at the House

Mar 6, 2008
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Hi All...

I just wanted to post a quick note to thank all of you who took time from your families and work to come to Smith Hill yesterday evening. I understand not everyone can do that, and I also understand that doing so is a sacrifice, not just for you but for your family as well.

The good news is that it appears your efforts were well worth the effort. Having been doing this for years, I can say that this committee was the most attentive I have ever seen. I sat there until about 12:30AM, and right until then the members paid close attention to all testimony. The Chairman outright said that whenever possible he will resist limiting the time of any person who wishes to address the committee. Members asked very pertinent questions of witnesses. Best of all, at least the members who were present appeared largely supportive of our bills. Clearly, not every member supports us, but even those who do not were considerate and attentive to what we had to say. This is quite a change from past years.

If you can, I suggest you send a brief thank you note to the Chairman and members, even those who typically oppose us, to thank them for their time and consideration.

I'm trying to remain cautiously optimistic. I spoke with one of the committee members after they adjourned and he seemed optimistic that our CCW reform bill would get a favorable recommendation from the committee. We still have a very long road; getting legislation of any type passed is quite difficult, but I must say that I am more optimistic this year than ever before. Fingers crossed!
Whoooo, I'm sick. Every year, without fail it happens. If anyone has a head cold/aching body with a wicked cough lets commiserate together.

Thank you to for coming to, your testimonies are always great.
I agree it is a sacrifice, but everyone I talked to said it was well worth it. It was also nice to see so many first timers testify in favor of the pro-gun bills. The antis seemed to have lost a lot of the momentum they have been getting since Newtown (at least if we judge by the number of their people at the State House) and I think it was mostly the same people as in previous years.
Even though some didn't testify, it's a good experience to see how the legislative process work and to get your feet wet. I know many of these people will testify next time.
It was also nice of them to order Pizza for us although I am sure the tax payers are paying for it :-)

It was nice to finally put a face to the infamous name. Thanks for everything you'd done for the community. I testified and it was my first time. first time at the state house also, I enjoyed it. I wish I remembered to speak on tavares' testimony but Im glad you covered it. I think I will be even better prepared next time. quick question, so the representatives are not required to be there? I think Almeida may have stayed for all of 1hr after testimony started. I found it interesting who was left on the committee and it was interesting as a whole how our legislature works.

It was nice to finally put a face to the infamous name. Thanks for everything you'd done for the community. I testified and it was my first time. first time at the state house also, I enjoyed it. I wish I remembered to speak on tavares' testimony but Im glad you covered it. I think I will be even better prepared next time. quick question, so the representatives are not required to be there? I think Almeida may have stayed for all of 1hr after testimony started. I found it interesting who was left on the committee and it was interesting as a whole how our legislature works.

Almeida always bails, especially after what happened when he introduced a bill back in 2013 and got schooled on case law, essentially he put himself into a position and made a fool of himself. As for the member that stay, I would say that the reps. that stay to the end are generally those that do so to further support their position, hence what ever Almedia proposes goes out the door as soon as he does.
Almeida always bails, especially after what happened when he introduced a bill back in 2013 and got schooled on case law, essentially he put himself into a position and made a fool of himself. As for the member that stay, I would say that the reps. that stay to the end are generally those that do so to further support their position, hence what ever Almedia proposes goes out the door as soon as he does.

In that regard, Filippi was awesome, as was Keable. They asked some really pointed questions of the "moms".
Both Keable and Filippi had some great questions for the antis and really put them on the spot and you could clearly see they were uncomfortable and wanted to get the heck out of there. I will go to both of their fund raisers to show them my support and I hope many other gun owners will do the same.
In that regard, Filippi was awesome, as was Keable. They asked some really pointed questions of the "moms".

It's enjoyable to see how they prop up Tavares and tweet about him, only moments later for him to make a fool of himself when tasked with questions with answers not on his script.

Question, if someone lies while testifying and is later called on it can they be charged with perjury?
What was this for?

I wonder if we could set up some sort of email list concerning bills that we need folks to show up for and vote. There's so much information on this site, I miss a lot of stuff. I'd like to get an email notification if someone needs my help.
What was this for?

I wonder if we could set up some sort of email list concerning bills that we need folks to show up for and vote. There's so much information on this site, I miss a lot of stuff. I'd like to get an email notification if someone needs my help.

The gun bills which is in the thread right below this one, to answer your question, there is a system to notify. If you would like to be signed up, contact newportri. There also is an automated email server as well.
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