The “Like” feature went all skallywonkers on me


NES Member
Sep 7, 2013
Feedback: 47 / 0 / 0
Tried to ‘Like’ a post and this page popped up. 596C36EA-EDC8-4F9A-9CEC-F19618D21187.png

Wouldn’t let me proceed and wouldn’t accept the confirm button either. Never seen this before.

****Editsd to add it won’t let me reply in this thread either. No Likes. No quotes. No single post down below. Nada.

Just tried a forced reboot. Didn’t work. Will try cookies and cache now.

Cleared cookies and history and rebooted. No luck. I cannot like, post or reply to threads at this time.

Will stand by for further @Admin @sHORTY

IOS 15.7.1 Safari

It’s allowing me to keep editing this post to update at least.
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Don’t you know that the like button actually sends a request to your personal Fed to log in their system and then they do the actual like at their end to make it seem legit. Usually they’re quite fast but your guy must have been out taking a piss break.
Yep. I’m at about 50/50 speed right now. After I post I have to wait several minutes or get blocked again.
Tried to ‘Like’ a post and this page popped up.View attachment 684678

Wouldn’t let me proceed and wouldn’t accept the confirm button either. Never seen this before.

****Editsd to add it won’t let me reply in this thread either. No Likes. No quotes. No single post down below. Nada.

Just tried a forced reboot. Didn’t work. Will try cookies and cache now.

Cleared cookies and history and rebooted. No luck. I cannot like, post or reply to threads at this time.

Will stand by for further @Admin @sHORTY

IOS 15.7.1 Safari

It’s allowing me to keep editing this post to update at least.
yep, chrome on iphone is doing the pop-up. chrome on windows does not do the popup.
something happened to the mobile version of the portal most likely.
This is happening due to JavaScript being disabled and/or not loading properly. There have been no updates to the site; it's being caused by an update at the browser or CDN level and something out of our control, unfortunately.
i do not think chrome on my iphone was updated. says it was updated 2 days ago and this was not happening yesterday i think. and does not happen on windows in any browser.
This is happening due to JavaScript being disabled and/or not loading properly. There have been no updates to the site; it's being caused by an update at the browser or CDN level and something out of our control, unfortunately.
Also cannot add new response at the bottom of the thread. it is a solid non-typable area.
I think it a very recent change. As almost everybody report that, it cannot be an isolated incident.

and now, i think, the blue slider on top of the page on mobile chrome never gets to the end, so, the page load on mobile never finishes anymore.
switching to desktop version of site does not help, cleaning cache also does not help.

so, after 3 minutes after page refresh it loaded - so, would be nice to check what spy element on the forum is dragging now. it is easily seen with a manual refresh of the page on the phone. once it finishes - everything works fine.
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Seems to be working normally again for the moment. Guess the Feds needed a distraction to get their programs loaded. 😱

Thanks @sHORTY and all.
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