The Disillusionment of the Deplorables

Pretty accurate take but missed the most important part: something like 50-80M people in this country have come to the realization the election process is no longer functioning, meaning the government no longer represents the will of the people.

It’s now just a race to disarm the people before the people decide it’s time to start over.
You are right, and I don't disagree with the sentiment of dumping social media. I won't because I find it useful, and I feel like I am capable of using it to my advantage, not detriment (also, I need to kill 8 hours a day while my company doesn't allow me to travel...) But the comment is mostly used in the sense of "social media is bad because other people's opinions suck", When they actually mean "my choice in social media is good because I only get my opinions reflected back at me". I rarely see people make the argument that you are suggesting.

Either way, I really enjoy people that don't realize that this is SM. So is MEWE, as someone referenced above (I think they said something like...I don't use social media. Ya know, except NES, MEWE, jeep forums and anything else that comes up that I deem acceptable)
You’re missing the point. I don’t think Derek is taking whatever he earns here and using it to f up this country like Facebook, Twitter, google, etc. Also, this site is small. Big social media is bad because of their consolidation of power and because of what they are doing with the money they earn. If you are on Facebook you are earning them money and consolidating power into their hands. And apparently, even though you don’t disagree that you should dump it, you are ok with it because you need to kill time.
Holman Jenkins Jr writes a twice weekly column in the WSJ and he has stated since day 1 that Trump never really wanted to win and after he won he knew he and his family were doomed. I'm starting to believe him.

Holman Jenkins is a good writer, but that name - he sounds like the bassist for Tommy Johnson. LOL

But I think Trump wanted to win. He's about winning. Which is why he did not go quietly. He won't leave except on his own terms. Hell, I'm shocked he still isn't kvetching about the fake Obama birth certificate.

Just to address the ballot stuffing, you can go back 200 years and still find evidence of cheating one way or another. Years ago when I was still in school I was doing a paper on the KKK and after blacks got the vote the KKK would give each man voting a 2 dollar bill and a pint of whiskey if they voted for the racist candidate. Nothing new is happening but social media gets people crazy. Sometimes I fall for it when I know someone is just trolling.
The sad part is that the media turns a blind eye to the violence and instead of doing their job they've become Pravda.

Yep. You look at the Andrew Jackson era. You're talking less than 50 years since we fought and died for this country AND less than a 20 after we did it all over again in 1812. The corruption was rampant in both parties. It would make you blush today to watch it.

What I think we've had was a post-WWII era where we could trust both politicians (for the most part) and the media. The times before until old Job told his story was filled with corruption by both institutions. And slowly we've devolved into the same all over again. While I don't want to live with those stinky cars and cigarettes everywhere and air raid drills, the 50's & 60's were the pinnacle of our society in terms of honesty in politics and media.
Great, but know that brawndo guzzlers are still paying attention to some of those media pricks. And even if you opt out (and i think more people should) eventually the consequences will still reach you in some way or another. You should care enough about the media to try to convince more people to turn off the noisebox. It's a bigger threat to liberty than nearly everything else, particularly when most of the stuff they talk about is either fake, loaded with hysterics or unimportant/meaningless.
Politics aside for a moment but every time I hear that the 'doomsday clock' is now 5 seconds from midnight I'm beginning to believe it may be the largest ignored metric by humanity.
Well, that's funny.
Because this weekend pondering the sabotage in South Africa, it occurred to me that
a way to yank the left's chain would be to publicize a Go Time Clock.

If there's a consensus on a fairly strict sequence that significant events would follow,
then one could even write up a (secret) timeline defining the times on the clock.
For instance, we're at 11:45PM because that's the time for a stolen presidential election.
And "state politicians refuse to leave office after losing elections" is preceded by
"defendants in federal sedition trials are acquitted by jury nullification", and is followed by
"coordinated death squads assassinate legislators/judges/bureaucrats".

But you don't publish a definition until/unless its event occurs.

All I can say is I'm beyond happy since I've burned down my social media accounts, cancelled my cable TV and spend less time doing non-productive crap like complaining on the internet every day. ... If enough people did it the bad folks would disappear. I mean what cable TV company would carry a news network that had a smaller audience then even a low grade youtube channel?
When there were rounds of belt-tightening at the (failing, lefty) Minneapolis Star-Tribune
during the 2007 recession, someone pointed out that (conservative, human interest/cultural) columnist
James Lileks was probably safe, because his personal blog The Bleat
had more regular readers than the entire newspaper had paid subscriptions.

As for the election. Did Biden himself actually cheat or order someone to cheat? My opinion is I doubt it very highly.
Biden* was too senile to order dinner even before the election.
The Bride commented this weekend that she'd watched some video of him
from when he was VP, and the degradation has been profound.

Was their cheating in the election? Oh yeah, for sure, but there always is. Ballot box stuffing has been going on a lot longer than choosing a prom queen in a 1950s high school election. Was it enough to sway the election? Probably but that's just a guess on my part. In all likelihood it wasn't. Right now I see right wing media cherry picking facts from power point slides of auditors and stating them as facts in much the same way as the left does. I'm not convinced either way although my gut instinct is that there was enough tampering in just a few places to tilt an election in another direction. Of course I willingly say it's an opinion and not a fact. I don't think we'll ever know the truth and that's really sad.
If you don't understand how to steal a close race under
the winner-takes-state Electoral College system by ballot box stuffing
in the dumpster-fire First World Sh¡thole cities of battleground states,
then don't try a mid-life career change from software to Democrat Party Operative -
you don't have the skills they need. [shocked]

For some bizarre reason people don't think of forums, listservs, and usenet as social media, when in fact they were the /original/ forms of social media. The main advantage of which is that the content is not curated by ConhugeShitcos.
How much you want to bet that Google has been furiously scrubbing
the Usenet archives that they bought from DejaNews in 2001?
You’re missing the point. I don’t think Derek is taking whatever he earns here and using it to f up this country like Facebook, Twitter, google, etc. Also, this site is small. Big social media is bad because of their consolidation of power and because of what they are doing with the money they earn. If you are on Facebook you are earning them money and consolidating power into their hands. And apparently, even though you don’t disagree that you should dump it, you are ok with it because you need to kill time.

Legitimately dont know your point. Are you saying that social media is ok as long as "you don't think they use their earnings to f up this county"?
Legitimately dont know your point. Are you saying that social media is ok as long as "you don't think they use their earnings to f up this county"?

I think he's arguing that using big fag social media like faceplant, twatter, etc, is bad. The thing is, good luck getting people off that shit. Especially when various groups these days are too lazy to build web forums etc anymore. Like one cigar group I'm in on FB was like "oh we cant sell shit in here no more, so stop doing that" instead of saying "hey guize we're starting a forum here, join etc, give us a few bucks for overhead" etc. But everyone is lazy, and moreover, a bunch of f***ing skinflints that don't want to pay for their own autonomy and freedom. Like there are a few groups I am in on faceplant. Good luck at getting any of them off faceplant. Like as a hypothetical lets say the state had a bunch of public ranges that were shitty and poorly maintained, but "free". A few guys build some more private clubs that are way better, have a clean clubhouse, toilets, better facilities, etc. But they have to charge dues of $100 a year. If that was the case most of the private clubs would be closed because people are a bunch of skinflint faggots and want the "free" shit over everything else.
Yeah but who cares about the media? I wouldn't give them the time of day so I don't care and I'm happier for it.
I'm with you here. I honestly cannot remember the last time I sat down and watched "the news" or even any news show including Fox or OAN or anything. I've been much happier for it. My brother always calls me asking if I've seen this or that on that last Tucker episode and I'm just like "no dude why? Why purposely piss myself off and raise my blood pressure?"

Great, but know that brawndo guzzlers are still paying attention to some of those media pricks. And even if you opt out (and i think more people should) eventually the consequences will still reach you in some way or another. You should care enough about the media to try to convince more people to turn off the noisebox. It's a bigger threat to liberty than nearly everything else, particularly when most of the stuff they talk about is either fake, loaded with hysterics or unimportant/meaningless.
True, but how realistic is it to convince these dolts to shut their TV off? Best I can do when someone brings up what they saw on the news and they're fishing for my opinion is to say "IDK I don't watch that trash". I think getting people off the tube is akin to trying to pull a brainwashed friend or family member out of scientology or some other cult. The "news" is like religion for a lot of these people.
I'm with you here. I honestly cannot remember the last time I sat down and watched "the news" or even any news show including Fox or OAN or anything. I've been much happier for it. My brother always calls me asking if I've seen this or that on that last Tucker episode and I'm just like "no dude why? Why purposely piss myself off and raise my blood pressure?"

True, but how realistic is it to convince these dolts to shut their TV off? Best I can do when someone brings up what they saw on the news and they're fishing for my opinion is to say "IDK I don't watch that trash". I think getting people off the tube is akin to trying to pull a brainwashed friend or family member out of scientology or some other cult. The "news" is like religion for a lot of these people.

It's a box people stare at for hours a day. You know it's a propaganda machine, you know it lies to you. But you just sit there and zone out anyways. Makes no sense.
It's a box people stare at for hours a day. You know it's a propaganda machine, you know it lies to you. But you just sit there and zone out anyways. Makes no sense.
a lot of people either don't know that or are literally addicted to it. I know people who think the news is real. Maybe they're deluding themselves, maybe cognitive dissonance, but it seems to me that a huge # of people don't think "the news" is propaganda. These are useful idiots, I suppose. Then there's the addicts. Some people actually enjoy and get a dopamine hit out of all the nonstop political outrage. Over time those dopamine hits carve new neural pathways and these people's brains are no different than a junky addicted to heroin.
a lot of people either don't know that or are literally addicted to it. I know people who think the news is real. Maybe they're deluding themselves, maybe cognitive dissonance, but it seems to me that a huge # of people don't think "the news" is propaganda. These are useful idiots, I suppose. Then there's the addicts. Some people actually enjoy and get a dopamine hit out of all the nonstop political outrage. Over time those dopamine hits carve new neural pathways and these people's brains are no different than a junky addicted to heroin.

Like I mentioned before there are a lot of people out there addicted to outrage. Every single day when they wake up they are in search for something to be outraged over in much the same way that a junkie is looking for todays fix. That 'outrage thing' changes from day to day. Is there a shooting? Then the outrage mafia is all over gun control as a solution. Did someone die of hunger in a homeless camp? Then it's public assistance programs. Did Donald Trump say anything at all today? Then it's orange man bad. It's all over the lot and changes. People on the right tend to focus in on a single issue and stay focused on that one thing that's why CRT just keep boiling in the pot day after day for example.

The bigger problem is what do we do with these people who are outraged all the time? How do we reel these people in instead of being angry and outraged every second of the day? A lot of these young people are going to grow up, inherit their parents home and wealth. Maybe then they'll be happy I don't know, but addiction to rage is a real mental health problem that needs to be recognized.
Yeah but who cares about the media?
Ironically, I was listening to network news on WFEA-AM at 3PM
right before Howie came on, and they were trumpeting a 700+ drop
in the Dow with one more hour of trading left in the day.

The rocket surgeons in the financial media were blaming it
on breaking news about the Delta Variant,
and something else of similar (non) importance. [rolleyes]

I realized that back in the day the financial newswires
were probably leery of spewing total BS,
lest it attract an SEC investigation for gaming the markets.

Whereas now they not only can't distinguish between
received objective truth and the outright lies they themselves make up,
but they probably get brownie points for sabotaging the markets.

If the financial press is tanking like that,
it may make it easier to make money in the market.
If you can think for yourself, you can outmaneuver the masses
frantically pulling the wool over their own eyes.

I know people who think the news is real. Maybe they're deluding themselves, maybe cognitive dissonance, but it seems to me that a huge # of people don't think "the news" is propaganda.
There may be a variant of Gell-Mann Amnesia operating.

They may wander around in total agreement that
everyone else's news is biased,
but their news source is trustworthy.

Like I mentioned before there are a lot of people out there addicted to outrage.
In 2000, I toyed with the idea of sending articles on a recurring theme
to my regular EMail correspondents. If successful, I could have expanded it
into a blog. The theme was "People Are Upset".

I sent one message:

Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2000 13:44:28 -0500​
From: @AHM
Subject: People Are Upset: MADD upset with PETA pro-beer/anti-milk campaign​
People Are Upset, V1#1​
Bonus: the International Dairy Foods Association is upset with PETA.​
It just doesn't get any better than this.​
Your correspondent,​

CNN of course tossed the (AP) story down the memory hole
some time in the past 21 years.

However, this CBS article is a good substitute:

The bigger problem is what do we do with these people who are outraged all the time? How do we reel these people in instead of being angry and outraged every second of the day? A lot of these young people are going to grow up, inherit their parents home and wealth. Maybe then they'll be happy I don't know, but addiction to rage is a real mental health problem that needs to be recognized.
Don't lose sleep over it -
if they inherit their parents' wealth,
and they don't just piss it away,
their children will piss it away.
There are some things that cable is needed for. Media isn't one of them, for the most part. I like to know the weather forecast. After all, this is New England. Local news, I can get here on NES it seems. Recently saw on NES that a guy from Falmouth, was shooting up a local DPW location, with a Smith 686, before It was all over the news. Shows how affective media is, unless you want to consider NES media, which I don't. I know that some here, stopped watching NFL games, for their own reasons. I look forward each year, to the NFL season and I don't see that changing. Besides, who doesn't want to see Brady, Gronk and Brown, come back to Foxboro in October. Maybe this October game will answer the question, so many people have which is," for the twenty year, Pats Dynasty, was it Bill, or Tom, that was the really important factor". Of course the Bill and Tom team is the quick and easy answer, but of the two, which one really made the Pats, the Pats.
Pretty accurate take but missed the most important part: something like 50-80M people in this country have come to the realization the election process is no longer functioning, meaning the government no longer represents the will of the people.

It’s now just a race to disarm the people before the people decide it’s time to start over.
We have a winner, in the above post.
It seemed pretty obvious to me in 2016 that Trump was neither expecting to or wanting to win.

To him it was all about building his brand.

His lack of preparedness once he won tells me that he had already moved on and was planning a day on the links for November 9 2016.

Of course the irony is that his brand is a disaster because of his presidency. This is not an editorial on him or his presidency. It just is.

Prior to 2016, if you told a professional group that included both conservatives and liberals that they were going to a convention and staying at a Trump property, everyone would be happy because his hotels are nice.

After 2016, the only people staying at his hotels are conservatives. His presidency just eliminated half of the people in the world as potential guests.
It seemed pretty obvious to me in 2016 that Trump was neither expecting to or wanting to win.

To him it was all about building his brand.

His lack of preparedness once he won tells me that he had already moved on and was planning a day on the links for November 9 2016.

Of course the irony is that his brand is a disaster because of his presidency. This is not an editorial on him or his presidency. It just is.

Prior to 2016, if you told a professional group that included both conservatives and liberals that they were going to a convention and staying at a Trump property, everyone would be happy because his hotels are nice.

After 2016, the only people staying at his hotels are conservatives. His presidency just eliminated half of the people in the world as potential guests.

Lol do you think all trump voters are "conservatives?" [rofl] That's coastal/northeastern weirdo stuff there. You're smarter than that.

I don't entirely disagree with the premise of your point BTW, and I think that was bound to happen regardless of what he did as president.

IMHO its not "50%" its the "10% full blown commies" that end up causing him problems WRT branding. Trump could have been liked by 80% of
america and his brand would still be tainted by virtue of being president.

I just think that, as a product, if you politically charge something, most of your customers better be already on your side and the rest better not give a
shit. For some hospitality f***o thing like a hotel or something, I get it. Its a problem there not even because "everyone hates trump" but because someone is going "I want to host this convention at Trump whatever, but I have no idea whether or not this people who are coming are commies or not, even if only 5% of potential customers are commies we dont need this
problem" etc. THAT is the problem, not that "50% of the customers dont like trump". Guilt by association. He kinda pissed in his own well simply by being president.

Here’s a link the author shared to a site that formatted and posted it.

I think it nicely captures all the shinnenigans in a way I could’t.
This article from September is so much more interesting now… Meet Norm Eisen: Legal Hatchet Man and Central Operative in the "Color Revolution" Against President Trump - Revolver
I don't think all his supperters are conservative. He's not an ideologue, other than that he does what is best for him.

An acquaintance of mine is a union rep. He told me that prior to trump being president, they stayed at Trump properties all the time. Now its no go.

No business person wins by being political. Selling is easier if politics is out of the picture. Even if you were "adored" by the "public" like Obama.

I put quotes on those words, but the truth is that while a significant chunk of the country disagrees with Obama's policies, the majority think he is a decent human being. I'm not sure, but I think that may be more important than actual political affiliation. Though this is hardly a well thought out opinion of mine
It's quite obvious the "stolen election" was not just about the voting, it was the Coup orchestrated by the lamestream media, the swamp, the dirty Dems and local and State govts changing voting laws on the fly. James O'Keefe's video of the CNN program director bragging about their decision to NEVER give positive coverage on the Trump Admin from the start and all other media outlets except FOX/Newsman followed suit. They brainwashed the public into believing Trump was bad orange man with hysterical outrage over every decision made by his Admin and promoting every nonsensical conspiracy theory brought by the Left like Russian collusion and Impeachment. Where's the Durham report? Imagine if the lamestream media published the contents of Hunter's laptop or reported on Hunter's lying on his 4473 when buying a gun or reporting on his discharge from the Navy for pissing hot before the election? Imagine if they reported on the Biden crime family like they dogged anyone associated with Trump? His kids? Remember all these retired swamp creature spooks signing a letter stating Hunter's laptop story was Russian disinformation before the election? Where are they now with a retraction. The "stolen election" was more than ballots, it is about our govt, DOJ, FBI, CIA, State Dept, Military, etc. conspiring to remove/take down a democratically elected President because he wasn't a career Pol who threatened their careers. When I read the excerpt from the soon to be released book where GEN. Milley calls us Brownshirts you now know the whole thing is rotten to the core. The Fed/
state govts are infested with liberal Dems defending their turf at our expense and sneering at us when we elect someone to clean up the swamp. They sent a message to Trump/us that THEY run the country and if you oppose them they will come after you and destroy you. Look at the harassment and prosecution of Trump insiders and associates from his CFO, Rudy G. and now another associate Tom Barrack. You don't have to watch cable news to see the writing on the wall but burying our heads in the sand will only prolong the inevitable. Without a serious wake up call to the Swamp we as a country are doomed. If Trumps election wasn't enough, and if they succeeded in bringing him/us down then we all have bullseye's on our backs. Remember, Little Puty and President Xi are celebrating as our Democracy implodes from within, we are doing their jobs for them.
They brainwashed the public into believing Trump was bad orange man with hysterical outrage over every decision made by his Admin and promoting every nonsensical conspiracy theory brought by the Left like Russian collusion and Impeachment.
Why, no. Most people in this country don't give a shit about politics, and are still under the mistaken belief - as are many here - that "next time" the Donks will be routed. It's all just politics, and an election.

What they were - and in many cases STILL are - brainwashed into believing is that there's a terrible, awful, deadly-deadly virus lurking, which justifies practically ANYTHING, up to and including allowing what the Establishment critters have been drooling for for decades: fraud-by-mail voting. With that can of worms opened, there's NO way to verify who has actually voted and that said voter is legit, or, as ol' Joe Stalin said, “Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.”

The "public health" "officials" should have been tarred and feathered a year ago March. Not only did that NOT happen, people are running - not walking - to their local clinic for an EXPERIMENTAL vaccine. And the Establishment is once again making lockdown noises.
Why, no. Most people in this country don't give a shit about politics, and are still under the mistaken belief - as are many here - that "next time" the Donks will be routed. It's all just politics, and an election.

What they were - and in many cases STILL are - brainwashed into believing is that there's a terrible, awful, deadly-deadly virus lurking, which justifies practically ANYTHING, up to and including allowing what the Establishment critters have been drooling for for decades: fraud-by-mail voting. With that can of worms opened, there's NO way to verify who has actually voted and that said voter is legit, or, as ol' Joe Stalin said, “Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.”

The "public health" "officials" should have been tarred and feathered a year ago March. Not only did that NOT happen, people are running - not walking - to their local clinic for an EXPERIMENTAL vaccine. And the Establishment is once again making lockdown noises.
Hmmm, supposedly 73 Million Americans voted for Trump and over 80 Million for Dementia Joe so many voters do care about who is President. We know most voters vote for their wallet and local issues but with the Southern border out of control, inflation coming back, CRT, out of control violence in Dem controlled cities which Joe blames on us, Kamala looking clueless and Dementia Joe stumpling and stumbling thru speech's and Press Conferences it's buyers regret.
Hmmm, supposedly 73 Million Americans voted for Trump and over 80 Million for Dementia Joe so many voters do care about who is President. We know most voters vote for their wallet and local issues but with the Southern border out of control, inflation coming back, CRT, out of control violence in Dem controlled cities which Joe blames on us, Kamala looking clueless and Dementia Joe stumpling and stumbling thru speech's and Press Conferences it's buyers regret.
The 73 million (which is probably an undercount given the cheating employed) represents that fraction of 330 million people who cared enough to cast a ballot. Most people - once that civic duty is done - don't think much about it again. Seriously. Those of us who do are the exception.

Hell, most people STILL haven't made the connection between the Shamdemic and the election Fraud-a-Rama.
Legitimately dont know your point. Are you saying that social media is ok as long as "you don't think they use their earnings to f up this county"?

If someone can't tell the difference between big tech/globohomo/5g and NES in terms of social media.... I don't really know what to say

Wilson is not up to speed, for reasons only he knows.
It seemed pretty obvious to me in 2016 that Trump was neither expecting to or wanting to win.

To him it was all about building his brand.

His lack of preparedness once he won tells me that he had already moved on and was planning a day on the links for November 9 2016.

Of course the irony is that his brand is a disaster because of his presidency. This is not an editorial on him or his presidency. It just is.

Prior to 2016, if you told a professional group that included both conservatives and liberals that they were going to a convention and staying at a Trump property, everyone would be happy because his hotels are nice.

After 2016, the only people staying at his hotels are conservatives. His presidency just eliminated half of the people in the world as potential guests.

I don't really understand how people fail to see Trump's bravery and his incredible resilience under four years of relentless attack.

Trump sure campaigned hard, spending his own money, for someone who didn't want to win.

Trump's businesses were hit at least as hard by the plandemic as by Democrat boycotts.
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Hmmm, supposedly 73 Million Americans voted for Trump and over 80 Million for Dementia Joe so many voters do care about who is President.
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