The moonbats are barking again today...


Lonely Mountain Arms
Mar 13, 2005
Starksboro, VT
Feedback: 33 / 0 / 0
So I'm at a party, and I don't know how it started, but I hear someone declare that the Bush Administration pressured Tony Blair to have the 21 terrorists arrested this week because of "politics".

Me: Really? What were they trying to accomplish?
BM: Well, it was political - the timing, that is.
Me: And why did they arrest them that day? What political end did it serve? For example, why not do it two days earlier and shore up Sen. Liberman's campaign? For that matter, where are you getting this information? Who said it?
BM: Well... it was fourth hand... on the blogs... *mutter, mutter*

For the record, this particular barking moonbat is a friend of mine... but I couldn't let his assertion pass unchallenged. And when challenged, it seems to be nothing more than a case of BDS*. [rolleyes]

*Bush Derangement Syndrome
Let's follow the logic

Sane person (SP): So, how does he benefit politically by the news of a thwarted terror bombing.

Moonbat (MB): He uses them to scare people into thinking there are these terrorists out there who want to kill us.

SP: But, where's the benefit to his political career?

MB: Well, he knows that the Democrats have no plan - or ability, for that matter - to protect the country from all those murderous Islamic thugs. He wants to remind people that if the Democrats ever regain power, they'll turn this country into a cowering victim, and allow radical Islam to rule the world.


MB: Did I just say that out loud?
Sane person (SP): So, how does he benefit politically by the news of a thwarted terror bombing.

Moonbat (MB): He uses them to scare people into thinking there are these terrorists out there who want to kill us.

SP: But, where's the benefit to his political career?

MB: Well, he knows that the Democrats have no plan - or ability, for that matter - to protect the country from all those murderous Islamic thugs. He wants to remind people that if the Democrats ever regain power, they'll turn this country into a cowering victim, and allow radical Islam to rule the world.


MB: Did I just say that out loud?

I had to read that twice... for a second, I thought MB stood for mAss Backwards! That really confused me, though, as I know Bruce is no barking moonbat!
Sane person (SP): So, how does he benefit politically by the news of a thwarted terror bombing.

Moonbat (MB): He uses them to scare people into thinking there are these terrorists out there who want to kill us.

SP: But, where's the benefit to his political career?

MB: Well, he knows that the Democrats have no plan - or ability, for that matter - to protect the country from all those murderous Islamic thugs. He wants to remind people that if the Democrats ever regain power, they'll turn this country into a cowering victim, and allow radical Islam to rule the world.


MB: Did I just say that out loud?

[rofl] [rofl] [rofl]
Most people make up their minds about something with very scant information and then scurry around trying to find things to prop up their beliefs. It has more to do with fashion, perception or wishful thinking about the way they see the world, than with objective analysis of facts. People want to picture them selves in a certain way in their own mind and then do intellectual or moral summersaults to prop that up.

If your warped self image of a caring intelligent objective person is propped up by goofy things like embracing victim hood, or spending a ridiculous amount of time navel gazing about terrorist rights; you will be more than happy to convince yourself that the terrorists are only reacting to things that the bad Americans like Bush and the Republics do.

It is not just confined to people on the left. The right has plenty of moonbats as well.
I wasn't really surprised about Jay's politics... he's part of a group of folks who met at UMass Amherst. (I met this group through a guy I met in the Masons; then met the rest through gaming with my friend the Mason).

But they all seem to have sipped the same Kool-Aid... [rolleyes]
I wasn't really surprised about Jay's politics... he's part of a group of folks who met at UMass Amherst. (I met this group through a guy I met in the Masons; then met the rest through gaming with my friend the Mason).

But they all seem to have sipped the same Kool-Aid... [rolleyes]

Hey! I thought we were on the same page, more or less???

you have to kill the entire family or something

Speaking of sympathy towards terrorists. There was this eye opening quote in the news today from Jill Carroll, the kidnapped reporter who was finally freed in Iraq.

Throughout the experience, Carroll also noticed a few small children in the houses, including a 5-year-old, whose parents helped capture and guard Carroll.

"He was really cute," she said, talking about the 5-year-old. And he wants to be a holy warrior," she said. "It was this entire family unit. … If you're going to combat insurgency, you have to kill the entire family or something. Or imprison the entire family. That 5-year-old boy is going to grow up and pick up a gun one day and start shooting. Obviously, he's being trained for that."

One night in the kitchen, one of the men explained proudly that his wife wanted to be a suicide bomber; she blushed from his praises.

"And she had three little kids sitting there playing … and they're making dinner and she's four months pregnant. I was stunned, I didn't know what to say," Carroll said.

I guess she would know better than any of us if it was necessary to kill the whole family of these Islamic psychopaths. She's probably right. I feel like if there were more reporters like her who got to spend quality time with these people up close and personal, there wouldn't be so much second guessing of these guys who have to go in and clean up entire cities full of these people in the "Triangle of Death".

There are probably smarter ways to battle this kind of brainwashing than just killing every Islamo-fascist. But our government does not seem to be able to come up with any as far as I can tell.
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There are probably smarter ways to battle this kind of brainwashing than just killing every Islamo-fascist. But our government does not seem to be able to come up with any as far as I can tell.
I can't think of any, either... and I'm not stupid. I am reluctantly coming to the conclusion that that is exactly what the only possible solution would be.

And I wonder if you can possibly understand how abhorrant that thought is to a Jew... it wasn't that long ago that someone was making a real good start at exterminating US. To think that I can even CONSIDER that as a "solution"... well, it makes me hate the extremist Muslims even more for forcing me towards that conclusion.

There MUST be another way... but I'll be damned if I can think of one. [thinking]
No one wants to think like that, that it's necessary to wipe out families....but these people raise their children to hate, if the kids aren't used as weapons themselves long before they grow up, they become killers as adults. It's sickening. I truly believe the only way to stop it is to kill them first. It's as though that ancient religion they follow has caused them to not fully develop as thinking people. [thinking]
As far as the islamofascists go, it will ultimately come down to nukes. They don't think we're serious about stopping them and we're going to have to demonstrate to them that we are very serious about it indeed.
Let's just put it this way. It ain't little old ladies with nail files or knitting needles who are trying to take down planes.

I give you:

and more importantly, this:
The Most Outrageous Story You Will Read Today... (WARNING: Take your blood pressure medication before reading this article.)
This report from the London Daily Mail summarizes the entire problem of Islam in a single news story. Denial. Arrogance. Neanderthal ideology. It's all here, and it's coming to a Western government near you. ... they want the partial introduction of Sharia law. Goodbye, Magna Carta and hello, Muslim clerics!

or how about:
"Another Reason To Hate The MA State Legislature In 2004, the Democrat-controlled Massachusetts state legislature was able to pass a bill in less than 24 hours to take away Gov. Romney's right to name a replacement for Sen. Kerry should he have been elected president. That same legislature had more than a YEAR to pass the "Welcome Home" act that would give tuition waivers to Iraq and Afghanistan war vets returning home to the Bay State to attend state colleges. They didn't. And now our vets are scrambling for the money they need to enter the UMass system. The Democratic leaders of this legislature did, however, push for a vote to give subsidized college tuition to illegal immigrants earlier this year, a measure that was only defeated because of the outcry from 96.9 FM TALK listeners. Can you imagine what would be happening if we had a Democratic governor working with the state legislature? Illegal immigrants would be attending UMass for free, and active-duty military would be banned from campus."
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