The Road -- Novel and soon to be released movie

May 4, 2009
Worcester County MA
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I went to the book store yesterday and bought the book The Road. I saw a trailer for a movie about it recently and thought I'd check it out. I ended up reading it in a single day. Not something I can say I've ever done before (about 300 pages).

It centers around a TEOTWAWKI situation with a father and his son. Man. Some Scary S**t.

It is books like these that make me wonder. If I live in such a heavily populated area like the megalopolis between Boston and D.C. will it even matter how much you prepare? Sure it might for the first month or year. But long term... I mean if TSHTF in a big way it will not really matter. It would be like The Road Warrior on steroids type situation.

Anyway, a good book and interesting prospective.
I thought that The Road was a good book with some interesting thoughts about post apocolyptic human behavior. I didn't agree with the father's OPSEC choices all the time but the kid's needs drove some of those choices. Looking forward to the movie.
Yeah. I've been wanting to see this film. Is is just not playing anywhere. I'm not willing to travel to Boston for it. That is where I draw the line.

The book still does haunt me though. I'm sure the film will not be anywhere as dark as that book.
I watched most of War of the Worlds (w/ Tom Cruise - bleh!) last night. It gave me some insight into the human condition in crisis. This is something you try and imagine but its difficult since we'd never seen crisis on that scale. I am looking forward to 'The Road' but not to seeing a hopeless depressing end. Reality is necessary to confront and realize far before the crisis so I am actually hoping to gain some knowledge there.
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