THE RULES - Read this whole thing before you post in the classifieds


NES Member
Nov 11, 2005
Northern, MA
Feedback: 168 / 0 / 0
Read ALL of this before you post an ad!!

The "Classifieds" area requires more moderator attention than all of the other threads and forums combined. Therefore, if these rules are violated, the Administrators and Moderators reserve the right to lock or delete any thread in the Classifieds Forum. In addition, failure to abide by the rules may result in anything from a Forum Warning up to a Forum Ban.

You must have a paid membership to place an ad on NES. If you are an unpaid member and place an ad in a different forum on NES the moderators will delete that ad.


Dealer Sales are NOT allowed here without a Dealer account. If you're a dealer, you must sign up for a Dealer account. In addition to being able to post here, with a dealer account you'll also get your own place in the "Dealer Forum" located HERE.

Group buys are NOT allowed here. Group buys are done in the members forum, located HERE. You must be a paid Green member to access group buys.

Links to advertise auctions or online sales (Gunbroker, AuctionArms, GunsAmerica, etc) are NOT allowed.

DO NOT place duplicate ads
. This is not Craigs List.

DO NOT place ads for friends or family.

When placing an ad...

1. All ad TITLES must begin with either WTS (Want to Sell), WTT (Want to Trade), WTB (Want to Buy), FREE, or some combination (WTT/WTS, etc).

2. All "For Sale" ads MUST include a sale price. This isn't an auction site.

3. You must include your general (or specific if you want) location in your ad.

4. Please specify your accepted forms of payment (cash only, cash or check, GearPay or other online service, etc...)

5. Place your ad in the proper category and DO NOT post it in multiple categories. If you can't decide where it belongs, ask a Mod.

6. Please resize your pictures to be no more than 1024 pixels wide; not everyone has a 22" monitor.

7. If you're selling or trading a firearm or ammunition, copy and paste the following statement into your ad:

Statement of Legal compliance:
I will comply with all Federal and State Laws. If the firearm is to be shipped, you must provide me with a signed copy of your dealer's FFL (or your 03FFL if this is a Curio and Relic). For private party face-to-face transactions (only permitted by Fed law when both buyer and seller live in same state), I will meet all applicable state and federal laws.

When ammunition, magazines or other regulated items are sold/bought or traded as part of this transaction, I agree to follow all applicable local, state and federal laws and regulations pertaining to these items.

8. If you're selling a firearm, you must allow a (minimum) 3-day inspection period for any firearm shipped to a buyer. The buyer has the right to return it at the buyer's expense, with a full refund of the cost of the item (excluding any shipping costs).

9. Remember that under Massachusetts Gun Laws, private citizens can only sell a Maximum of 4 guns/calendar year in face-to-face (private) transactions. There is NO limit if you sell thru an FFL.

Feel free to use this template. Just cut & paste and then add the required information. This should cover the basics.

(***Don't forget to add WTS or WTT to your title!***)

Location :

Description :

Accessories :

Selling Terms :

Price :

Contact Information:


Statement of Legal compliance:
I will comply with all Federal and State Laws. If the firearm is to be shipped, you must provide me with a signed copy of your dealer's FFL (or your 03FFL if this is a Curio and Relic). For private party face-to-face transactions (only permitted by Fed law when both buyer and seller live in same state), I will meet all applicable state and federal laws.

When ammunition, magazines or other regulated items are sold/bought or traded as part of this transaction, I agree to follow all applicable local, state and federal laws and regulations pertaining to these items.


EXAMPLE of succesful ad:

WTS Para Ordnance P10.40, .40S&W

Location : Bellingham, MA

Description : Para Ordnance P10.40, .40S&W, Blued. Has a few minor scratches.

Accessories : 2 ten round magazines, original (non-locking) plastic case, manual 50 rounds of S&B, 30 rounds of CCI blazers, 20 rounds of Eldorodo Starfire

Selling Terms : Face to Face Must have LTC

Price : $550 No personal checks.

Contact Information:pM me or send email to

Pictures:(go here if any)

Statement of legal compliance:
I will comply with all Federal and State Laws. If the firearm is to be shipped, you must provide me with a signed copy of your dealer's FFL (or your 03FFL if this is a Curio and Relic). For private party face-to-face transactions (only permitted by Fed law when both buyer and seller live in same state), I will meet all applicable state and federal laws.

When ammunition, magazines or other regulated items are sold/bought or traded as part of this transaction, I agree to follow all applicable local, state and federal laws and regulations pertaining to these items.

After placing an ad...

1. NO bumps are allowed unless at least 7 days have elapsed since the last post/bump. This means 7 days (or 168 hours) from the last post.
Example: An ad posted at 10:00 AM on the 12th cannot be bumped until 10:00 AM on the 19th. If you try to bump it at 7:30 AM, you'll be told yo don't have sufficient privileges.

2. If you've placed multiple ads, you will only be able to bump one ad per day (see the section on Consolidation below if you want a solution).

3. If you need to edit your ad, do not add a post to the thread. This includes price changes, the addition of photos, adding or subtracting items from the ad, changing the terms of the sale, trades etc. Make all edits in the original post. This benefits you since most readers look at only the first post.

4. Ads that go 4 months without a new post might be subject to deletion. Please bump your ad periodically if you want to keep it active.

When you've made a sale/trade...

Let us know you sold it by editing the post:

Click on the "Edit" button, then click the "Go Advanced" button. Replace the thread's title with "Sold", "Traded" or "Bought", "Delete", etc, then add a new post to bump the ad to the top. The mods can't read every post of every classified. By modifying the title and bumping it, you will help us more easily identify threads that need to be removed.

Posts marked 'Sold Pending Funds' or SPF will be considered a completed transaction.

NOTE: Completed transactions will be deleted. You should save a copy of your ad prior to marking it "sold" in case you need to re-list it.

Consolidate your Ads.

There is a limited amount of front page space on all forums. In order to give everyone fair advertisement the mods may, at their discretion, request that you consolidate your threads if you are selling multiple items in a particular forum.

If adding additional products, edit your original post.
Bump rules remain the same.

The moderators reserve the right to merge your existing threads or delete new threads if you don't abide by the request.

If your ad gets deleted or locked:

Don't PM the mods and ask "Why did my ad get deleted? What did I do wrong? Will you restore my ad so I can edit it?"

If your ad was deleted, it was for violating the rules, plain and simple. If you read the rules before you posted and used the template, you wouldn't have had the ad yanked in the first place.

Mods cannot ask each violator of the Rules to make changes to correct their ads and return to see if the changes have been made. Therefore violations of the Rules will result in the ad being deleted.


Buyer, Sellers or Traders, who make use of the classifieds, agree not to hold the management of nor the moderators liable for any problems resulting from unsatisfactory transactions which occur as a result of the use of this forum.

Use of the classified sections of this forum acknowledges user's agreement to these terms and rules.

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