Things are going "South" .... in South Africa


NES Member
Dec 19, 2005
Southern NH
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When DeKlerk bowed to the pressure of the globalists (sold out), did we really expect any different outcome? I’m surprised it’s surviving at all. Crime, inflation, and shortages have been the norm for nearly three decades. “Land repossession” is being discussed seriously.

Rhodesia has fared no better. The communists have won. Farm seizures have made the formerly prosperous country completely dependent upon the largesse of Western nations.
Interesting (?) side note. There appeared to be an exhibitor from South Africa drumming up business for hunting expeditions to her country at this past weekends Outdoor Sporting Show at the Big E. She was a part of the news coverage (video) of the show.

Coulf have been interesting to talk to her in light of this report.
When DeKlerk bowed to the pressure of the globalists (sold out), did we really expect any different outcome? I’m surprised it’s surviving at all. Crime, inflation, and shortages have been the norm for nearly three decades. “Land repossession” is being discussed seriously.

Rhodesia has fared no better. The communists have won. Farm seizures have made the formerly prosperous country completely dependent upon the largesse of Western nations.
All I can say is-


This is exactly the outcome I expected from a socialist / globalist takeover.
Interesting (?) side note. There appeared to be an exhibitor from South Africa drumming up business for hunting expeditions to her country at this past weekends Outdoor Sporting Show at the Big E. She was a part of the news coverage (video) of the show.

Coulf have been interesting to talk to her in light of this report.
Why is it interesting that someone would be selling tickets to the Titanic after it struck the iceberg.

She likely doesn’t give a shit what happens to travelers once they give their deposit check for the hunting trip.
Why is it interesting that someone would be selling tickets to the Titanic after it struck the iceberg.

She likely doesn’t give a shit what happens to travelers once they give their deposit check for the hunting trip.

Some people are inquisitive and find it both interesting and informative to meet people from other areas of the world, especially those in some turmoil.

Some people aren't.

Attitudes and approaches differ.
Why is it interesting that someone would be selling tickets to the Titanic after it struck the iceberg.

She likely doesn’t give a shit what happens to travelers once they give their deposit check for the hunting trip.
I’ll bet she was NOT GUILTY
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