this brings the term "moonbat" to a WHOLE new level.


I say that to my friends all the time! The typical response is: [rolleyes]
Well, what are you going to do - they can poke fun at the Faraday faithful right up until Devoid Patrick puts a !@#$ing chip in their inspection sticker... [laugh]

I'm impressed. These guys are fighting at an entirely different level. How many real "libs" are drawn to this sight. Perfect.

It's 1:37am and there are:
Currently Active Users: 1154 (84 members and 1070 guests)


This made my night.
It is funny, but if is fun at the expense of minorities! I learned a long time ago in business that that sort of humor can sting. Best to not do it.

The truth is that gun owners, in general, are the most Un-racist bunch I know of. You can be black, gray, yellow, pink, green, gay, rastafarian, women....whatever! If you are in favor of gun rights and like to shoot, you are welcome!
holy crap! i just joined, same screen name.

Maybe you should start a thread to build momentum for the "stickers not guns" campaign to disarm the police and have them hand out "smiley" and "frowny" face stickers instead?

A peace sign on every forehead - a joint in every hand... Peace and love shall rule the world... [rolleyes]
holy crap! i just joined, same screen name.


You can help bolster the latino perspective on gun control. [laugh] Too many racist whites and gang bangers drowning out the other voices.

Maybe the military has some gun detector technologies that we could use here state side.

See, they need you there to tell them that this special military technology is in use in the states but has not been deployed widespread yet because it was originally designed to work in the arid, predominately quartz based soils of the middle east. The higher levels of iron and clay in the soil here are interfering with the multiunidirectional gamma reflectivity probes and especially prone to false negatives are the x-ray proof polymer glocks that are so popular here with right-wing radicals.
one user name "pimp_fotay"

i'm gonna fall out of my chair!

the website is down as of now() 3:26pm. LOL
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oh my freakin lord! i wish i'd never looked in here. the website is back up, some of those avitars and screen names are too much. i'm gonna die of laughter.
if this site is a joke, jelsoft should be contacted.

what an internet shite hole [laugh]

i would join if i had the extra time just to play a little
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