this will get your dander up.

Does anyone know if any LEOs or military personnel were charged with civil rights violations? Or did the DOJ just turn a blind eye?
Does anyone know if any LEOs or military personnel were charged with civil rights violations? Or did the DOJ just turn a blind eye?

TTBOMK, nobody has been charged. It usually takes the ACLU to push those issues and get DOJ to act and they ain't gonna touch this one with a 30' pole! They don't ever support the 2A no matter how egregious the act is.

I doubt that much "paperwork" was done, probably just brought the guns in and piled them up . . . except for some that "got lost" in transit.

BTW, even if a new law were to be passed in MA prohibiting such action, I'm 100% certain that in the event of a crises, Mumbles Menino would issue the same order as NO did and his puppet (police commissioner of the moment) would react the same way!! Obeying the law wouldn't be important to him at all.
I had to turn it off, Those are not Law Enforcement Officers. Those were COWARDS ! Bullies with badges, nothing less, nothing more !

Boy they sure showed that old lady who was boss !

I can say if anything like that ever happen here, the "Authorites" are going to find out just how organized the "Unorganized Milita" really is.

Have to stop now RCOB descending.
This is a reminder that people simply can't be trusted. Fear and uncertainty produce expediency and submission to authority. The authority can be expected to do what is necessary to protect the power it values above all else. Most people will accept this, and many will welcome it. The fragile protections offered by law and precedent quickly become meaningless. The only question is whether the holders of power choose good or evil behavior. The only way to affect the answer to that question is to retain the means of achieving power. And in the end, power comes from the point of a gun.
This kind of thing makes my blood boil. I wish they had included a LEO
in the video who had issues with what he was asked to do. While many
act like robots I'm sure there are also some that had issues with essentially
having to steal lawfully owned property from people. You would think
that they had better things to do during a flipping disaster!

The problem with this kind of thing is all you can really do is hide your
stuff really well in the face of a disaster, or at least the "spares" that you
don't need to get to immediately.

I wonder also if "force presence" would have played a role.
If a bunch of like minded folks got together on the person's property
with the biggest house, and they were all openly armed, I wonder how
eager "the man" would be to start trouble.

IIRC some of the rich people paid Blackwater and other PMCs to guard
property in NO. I'm not sure if these guys got deputized/permission or
what, but I doubt there were many negative interactions due to force

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