Thoughts on 92FS sights?

May 26, 2007
Lost in the MGLs
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I've got a 92FS that I picked up a while ago from ZHA, and it's basically become a safe queen. It seems to shoot about four inches too high at 25 yards. If I use a 'dot the i' sight picture instead of a 'bullsize' sight picture, it gets a little better but it still shoots high, and I don't like 'dot the i' anyway. Additionally I find the white sight dots really hard to see. So I was thinking of putting it up on the classifieds and getting rid of it, perhaps somebody else would have better luck with it. But I took it out to the range yesterday just to be sure, and I really like the feel of the gun, I like the look of it, I like the trigger, and it's my only 9mm. So I decided I wasn't ready to get rid of it.

So, anybody have experience swapping out the rear sights on one of these? I see that Beretta makes an adjustable sight for about $60. Any others worth considering? And what about the front sight? It's a permanent sight, unlike the rear, so I can't just drift it out. Can I have a gunsmith cut it out and replace? My only real issue with the front is the poor visibility of the dot. Is it reasonable to just put some new brighter paint on it?
So, anybody have experience swapping out the rear sights on one of these? I see that Beretta makes an adjustable sight for about $60. Any others worth considering?

Take this with some caution, as I'm not writing from actual experience, but I've been looking at the same problem lately. The only options for adjustable sights I've seen that didn't look really junky are the TPA sight and the Beretta target sight. The funny thing is that they actually look very similar, and TPA is an Italian company, so I bet they make both. (Dunno where you get the $60 figure; the Beretta sight is around $43 and the TPA is $41, pricing from Midway with a C&R.)

There are actually replacements for the fixed front sight that involve drilling a hold through the existing sight and clamping a taller monstrosity over it. (Obviously, I'm not a fan; they might actually work well but I think they're ugly and more complicated than a front sight should be.) If you do that, then you can go with taller rear sights and you start having more options. The nice thing about the Brigadier slide (if either of us actually had one!) is that it's got a dovetailed front sight, too, so you can install whatever you want.

If you end up wanting to sell the 92FS, drop me a note; I'm in the market in a low-key sort of way. (What is it about the 92FS that makes lots of them show up in the want ads with asking prices higher than brand new? If I can get a decent used one at Four Seasons for $450, why does everyone think their beater with two ten-rounders is worth $550?!)
Thanks, amb. I'm not liking the sound of clamping something on top of the front sight! Blech. I may just leave the front alone. I saw the TPA sights and had the same thought you did, they look very, very similar to the Beretta ones.

The $60, btw, was list price from Beretta + shipping. I hadn't looked at Midway et al yet for pricing since I hadn't yet decided what I was going to do.
You can have the front sight post drilled and a Trijicon night sight dot put in. It's a very common job. Including rear night sights, the whole job usually runs under $175, so doing just the front sight shouldn't be too expensive. Add your rear adjustable sight and you have a pretty cool setup.
Thanks for the help, guys. I think I'll get the Beretta adjustable rear and see how that is, and if I still think it's necessary go for the Trijicon in the front.
Not the sight picture......

I've got a 92FS that I picked up a while ago from ZHA, and it's basically become a safe queen. It seems to shoot about four inches too high at 25 yards.

You may want to try several different bullet weights as bullet weight will effect POI. IIRC a heavier bullet will hit higher than a lighter bullet.

A different brand of cartridges would change it as well. Some firearms like different brands as well. Sometimes you have to try a lot of different ones to get the result you're looking for.

One reason some folks reload.
Thanks for the help, guys. I think I'll get the Beretta adjustable rear and see how that is, and if I still think it's necessary go for the Trijicon in the front.

I'd be curious to hear what you think of it. Also note that there's a Beretta adjustable target sight and another one that's "adjustable" in that you can take the rear blade out but it just locks in place with set screws and ships with multiple blades for height adjustment. (About the same price, $40ish.) The latter might be a better bet if this is for a carry gun.

For a super-cheap option, since it shoots too high anyway, you could always grind down the front sight a touch and repaint the dot...
Also note that there's a Beretta adjustable target sight and another one that's "adjustable" in that you can take the rear blade out but it just locks in place with set screws and ships with multiple blades for height adjustment. (About the same price, $40ish.) The latter might be a better bet if this is for a carry gun.

Yes, I'm talking about the target sights. I'm not ever planning on using it as a carry gun. I've got a SIG P229 (that shoots dead on for me) for that.
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