Thoughts on used radio shack ham radio?

I don't know how that works. When they do traffic nets here, they connect to the Minuteman repeaters and I think that goes over the internet. But I don't know if the Minuteman repeaters are always connected or not.
I went through the dial last night a little. I finally was able to talk "through" the Mendon repeater. The guy was not in the Mendon area, he was in Hull, maybe using the Quincy repeater. He wasn't even sure. Anyhow, the Mendon repeater is part of the Minuteman repeater group, so it connects to a lot of different places. Is that through the Internet? So, if the Internet goes down, are there a bunch of guys who are now scratching their heads why they can't talk anywhere?

These all work and are linked / un-linked via DTMF.
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These all work and are linked / un-linked via DTMF.
The one in Boxborough is labeled as "Belmont", and out of all of them, that one is on an older version of the "client version" of the software. I wonder if it was a hand-me-down.
Anyhow, it is deceiving or at least confusing if one calls into a repeater, thinking you are talking locally to that repeater, and people could answer from just about anywhere in Eastern Massachusetts.
The one in Boxborough is labeled as "Belmont", and out of all of them, that one is on an older version of the "client version" of the software. I wonder if it was a hand-me-down.
Anyhow, it is deceiving or at least confusing if one calls into a repeater, thinking you are talking locally to that repeater, and people could answer from just about anywhere in Eastern Massachusetts.
This from the guy who wants repeater coverage across the whole state. [smile]
This from the guy who wants repeater coverage across the whole state. [smile]
Nothing wrong with that idea. This, though, is someone going in to another repeater, then going through wires to pop out in Mendon. While cool, it would be nice if it identified this somehow.
Pretty sure a lot of them come from . That is what feeds the Chirp program.

I just noticed I put .955 for Walpole. The correct one (which I had right above this) is .895. I fixed it in my post here.

That is listed on repeaterbook:

Repeaterbook and the ARRL repeater book are notorious for being the worst at staying up to date. If you want accuracy, go to
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