Thunder Ranch MA

I've attended TR when they were in TX and can't say anything but good things about Clint Smith. His instruction is well worth it.
2 day course is $700???

Jesus himself could be speaking and I wouldn't pay that.

Time for a joke to lighten the mood.

One day one of the top IPSC gamesmen passed away in a tragic accident and shortly thereafter found himself at the Pearly Gates standing in front of St. Peter. St. Peter says:

"Welcome to Heaven. We have been expecting you."

The gamesman replies:

"Well, hold on just a second. I'm honored to be here, but before I go in I need to make sure of one thing. I'm not coming in if any of those single-stack 1911-loving, tactical school-running guys are here. I can't stand them and I won't be in the same heaven with them!"

St. Peter replies:

"Oh, you don't have to worry. I don't think any of those guys will make it this far."

Satisfied the gameman goes in to Heaven and begins to make himself at home. In a little while he finds his way to Heaven's pistol range and decides to see if he can set up an IPSC match. But much to his dismay he finds a big man with a "TR" hat, a Colt 1911 on one hip and a shiney new S&W .44 special with a huge gold emblem on the side on the other hip organizing shooting classes and running students through some tactical drills. Angered the gamesman stalks off to find St. Peter.

"St. Peter!" he bellows. "I thought you said that there were no tactical-school people here. Well, what do I find at the range but Clint Smith himself running classes. Why did you lie to me?"

St. Peter kind of looks down, scuffs his toe in the clouds, and mumbles in an embarassed tone, "That's not really Clint Smith.".

"Well, who is it then?"

"Actually, that's God. On his days off he likes to dress up and pretend that he is Clint Smith."
Clint Smith is one of the best instructors around. If your life isnt worth $700 to you then I dont have any suggestions.

That said, the best Clint has to offer is in his facitilies where you can take advantage of some great shoot house training.
2 day course is $700???

Jesus himself could be speaking and I wouldn't pay that.

I know I'm dating myself here, but your comment reminded me of the classic old Jack Benny routine:

Thug with Gun - "Your money or your life!"

Long, silent pause

Thug with Gun - "I said, your money or your life!"

Jack Benny - "I'm thinking! I'm thinking!"

FPrice. That is hilarius.

DavidK. I spend my training dollars wisely. My $700 is, imho, better spent with Jeff Gonzales, Pat Rogers, SouthNarc, etc., and it has and will be.
FPrice. That is hilarius.

DavidK. I spend my training dollars wisely. My $700 is, imho, better spent with Jeff Gonzales, Pat Rogers, SouthNarc, etc., and it has and will be.

Thanks. My personal opinion is that Clint Smith, along with the guys you mention, are all top-ranked instructors. Each has their own strong points and reasons to choose them. If I had the $700 and knew I could commit this far out I would take smith's class. Going to Thunder Ranch though has a lot of reasons to choose that route though.
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