To CB or not to CB...

Mar 27, 2019
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Here is my story (feel free to mock me) -
I am toying with the idea of getting my Technician license, which is something I've always wanted to do but never could find the time. As I quickly approach retirement age, now seems the time.

I figured I could futz around in the 11m space with my new homemade inverted V dipole mounted in the attic. Kind of a sandbox thing to see if I really want to get into the hobby before I drop a ton of dough. I realize CB is nowhere near as popular as it was when I was using it in the early 80s. I thought SSB might offer something for DXing.

I'm trying to find a used CB with SSB locally (Mass South Shore) but that seems to be impossible around here. My 40+ year old AM only seems to have given up the ghost so I called a few local pawn shops, but no dice.

Am I crazy for wanting to play around with CB & SSB before "graduating" to real bands? Is there a good place to pick one up? I don't use Facebook and there is crap all on Craigslist.

Any advice is greatly appreciated!!!

And no, I don't think a GMRS license (vs Tech) fits for me.
I don't have any experience with CB, but I think it's apples/oranges. I wouldn't consider it a stepping stone to ham radio. But I'm sure others will weigh in.

I definitely encourage you to get your technician license, and beyond. Please ask if there's anything you need/want help with in getting your license.
I tend to only use CB when traveling and mainly to listen to the truckers when there are traffic problems. Even while traveling though, I much prefer operating HF mobile on the 10 through 20 meter bands.
If your mindset is to do this on the cheap you're not going to get the results you want you can chinse out on the antenna and some related things like that but after that it's going to cost real money. Most CB SSB setups are going to disappoint, all the serious 11m SSB guys run unlocked HF gear. Most are also hams as well.

The mindset between the two worlds is different... and it's possible to enjoy both, for different reasons with some intersection.
I'm trying to find a used CB with SSB locally (Mass South Shore) but that seems to be impossible around here. My 40+ year old AM only seems to have given up the ghost so I called a few local pawn shops, but no dice.
I don't know if he is retired or not, I've bought a couple of CBs from him. One for the XJ and one for the truck.
I recently traveled from SW NH to Brownville, ME. I programed the repeaters into my radio that I would cross through. Hennicker, NH no tone. When I got to Maine, Biddeford no tone, Augusta, static, Milo, no tone. Brownville, tone and no one on the air.
So, I would suggest if you are looking for traffic reports, or just to "Jaw Jack" then go CB.
If your mindset is to do this on the cheap you're not going to get the results you want you can chinse out on the antenna and some related things like that but after that it's going to cost real money. Most CB SSB setups are going to disappoint, all the serious 11m SSB guys run unlocked HF gear. Most are also hams as well.

The mindset between the two worlds is different... and it's possible to enjoy both, for different reasons with some intersection.

I admit to being a Yankee skinflint in most cases.
I reload all of my calibers (except .22) and picking up a dime is not beneath me:)

However for this, I figured a cheap(?) used CB with SSB on 11m would be similar enough to wet my whistle until I get my Tech and can really dig in with more advanced equipment.
Like you said - "some intersection".

Building the dipole was a fun little project. So was the discone I threw together for my RTL-SDR v4 out of spare "junk" laying around my basement.
Reception seems to be pretty decent for a first try (and something so ugly). Building and trying different antennas is something that appeals to me.
The SDR is what kind of awakened the latent HAM thing.

I don't know if he is retired or not, I've bought a couple of CBs from him. One for the XJ and one for the truck.
He is close and I'll see if he has what I am looking for.
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