To cerekote a Glock or not?

Mar 4, 2013
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Looking for some opinions about cerekoting a Glock or any other hand gun for that matter... Currently have a G26 as my every day carry and was considering having the frame cerekoted in FDE... zI carry it in a n82 Professional Holster. I was concerned as to how the cerekote holds up over time? Although I would like the look of the FDE on Glocks, i'm not sure if its worth any long time damage, or wear.

Any thoughts, opinions, experience, pictures or links would be helpful...

if you do it, make sure you remove the plastic channel liner inside the striker channel.

i bought a glock from a guy who claimed it was "broken". got a great deal.
bonehead had cerakoted it with the plastic channel liner still present, so it contracted and thus prevented it from cycling properly.

$2 later and i had the gun fixed.

anyway just a small point but important one if you are cerakoting on your own.
If the original finish is still solid, I would say leave it alone and spend the money on something else. On the other hand is the finish was worn, I would say cera-kote is worth it!
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