Tongue in Cheek Explanation of Chapter 135


NES Member
Jul 18, 2022
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Chapter 135 can possibly be described has taking the 1998 laws combined with the wish list of Everytown/Bloomberg, a heaping helping of spite against the Supreme Court of the United States, together with incompetent legal writing skills thrown in a blender and smeared all over a massive canvas. This left the 2A community, law enforcement, state agencies, etc. looking like a bunch of confused cocker spaniels staring at over a hundred pages of law as if we were all in a modern art museum trying to decipher a chaotic expressionist art piece leaving an interpretation up to the imagination.
Team leader of the legal writing crew:

Chapter 135 can possibly be described has taking the 1998 laws combined with the wish list of Everytown/Bloomberg, a heaping helping of spite against the Supreme Court of the United States, together with incompetent legal writing skills thrown in a blender and smeared all over a massive canvas. This left the 2A community, law enforcement, state agencies, etc. looking like a bunch of confused cocker spaniels staring at over a hundred pages of law as if we were all in a modern art museum trying to decipher a chaotic expressionist art piece leaving an interpretation up to the imagination.
I support GOALs efforts, but would prefer they not insult Cocker Spaniels.
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