Top Shot back tonight

Are you saying they might put a slant on the story through editing, and throw a guy under the bus??
Do tell !!! Ha!

Sure the guy throwing a fit might look bad on national TV, but if the other guy REALLY deserved it then doing nothing would be worse.
Are you saying they might put a slant on the story through editing, and throw a guy under the bus??
Do tell !!! Ha!

Sure the guy throwing a fit might look bad on national TV, but if the other guy REALLY deserved it then doing nothing would be worse.

Hopefully you've enjoyed our discussion on this issue Adam. [laugh]
In all fairness, I honestly thought Ashley was meaning to "save" the handshake with Joe for last. That is how I would have done it. If I lost the elimination challenge, I would say bye to the other members, then give the one last handshake to the deserving member that I just lost to, out of respect. Kind of like: "save the best for last" kinda thing.

Or, he had just shaken hands with Joe at the end of the challenge as a congratulations. He might not have thought of doing it again, so Joe took the initiative.
As for who wins, I would like to see Joe win, but would be happy with anyone but George.
Is it possible they made sure to show Ashley's rant because they knew he was being eliminated at the end of the show, and wanted the audience to feel a sense of justification/satisfaction with his loss? It just seems really strange that this is the first episode we see him lash out like that, and he's gone by the time the credits roll.
So now that we've established Ashley is a good soldier but has some poor sportsmanship...

and due to creative editing Jaimie and Ashley differences could of stemmed from one of them is actually a scientologist and the other is a wiccan but the producers left it all on the cutting room floor...


shooting from a moving jeep and hanging from a 125-foot crane are among the challenges

In the second-season finale, the winner is chosen from the final four contestants who face their last challenges.
The marksmen reunite to talk about the past season and pass on their secrets, strategies and discuss controversial shots. Also: a preview of Season 3

At the reunion show i'm sure the Jaimie/Jay/Ashley/George drama will finally get aired out and beat to death, but i'm excited to see what season 3 is going to bring
Well, Ashley posted the rest of the story tonight on Facebook in 3 parts..

Part A: Email between Jaime and Ashley

Jamie Franks April 15 at 8:48pm Report


This shit is rediculous. First of all - whatever I may have said, you were not there for. The conversation in question was between George and myself. It was late one night after we had watched a movie, I think, and all the cameras and microphones had gone away. I know for a fact that you (or anyone besides Goerge) did not hear the story I told. And the story keeps evolving. First I was a SEAL, then EOD, then it was completely unheard of that I could have possibly gone out with Marines to do captures. All of that has been proven by me. I never lied to you about anything, ever.

The fact of the matter is for some reason(s) unknown to me, you guys rode my ass from Day-1. First you guys didn't know what my job was, then it was performance based, then it was the alarm clocks, then I was shady, then it was performance based again (even though I was starting to out perform you guys), then it was the fight that we almost had after the 10/22 challenge, then it was that I claimed to be attached to a MARSOC unit in Iraq (which I have never said in my life!), then it was something else, and something else, and something else. By the end of the competition, I would have told you guys ANYTHING you get you out of my ass.

I don't know what more I can say. No - I've never been in combat. No - I've never shot anybody. No - I never head shot anybody with my M4... f***! .

Ashley Spurlin April 15 at 8:51pm You told me you engaged a guy and hit him in the face, I even asked you what happened to his teeth and all, do you not remember that, You george and I were out on the porch by the grill, no cameras....please tell me that did not happen? George knows it too. .

Jamie Franks April 15 at 8:55pm Report

You weren't there! You asked me about the teeth and all that shit at the Nomination Range, or whatever. But - again - NO. I haven't shot anybody, in the face or otherwise!

The one insurgent that was shot was shot once in the face with a 5.56 and once in the torso. But I said we were still ......(DELETED FOR OPSEC by me for safety)......on the dead body, and that we found out that that guy had actually been (DELETED FOR OPSEC by me)......, etc. Do you remember that part of the conversation? Probably not because I swear to God it was only Geroge and I. But anyway - I didn't shoot the guy.

Part B: Email between George and Ashley

George Reinas April 15 at 8:51pm Report

Hey bro just got your messages.. I got your back bro just let me know what you need. I remember the story like it was yesterday. He said he was in Afghanistan working with marine snipers on a 3 day mission or some shit. He any know their names but said the lead sniper was a Sgt. He said that they were observing two insurgents retrieving an ied from a culvert. He says higher ups told them to wrap Em up.. That's when I called bs because snipers would never leave a hide sight at night time to wrap up unknown personnel... That's what Qrf is for... He said that they went down and challenged the one individual on the moped... I asked if he knew Arabic and he said " no I had a terp with me" okay so it's you a marine corps sniper team and a terp in a hide sight??? Get the f*** out of here. He then said when they challenged him he raised his AK so Jamie said that's why he shot him in the face. Then they secured the other guy or some dumb shit... That's what I remember.

Sent via Facebook Mobile .

Ashley Spurlin April 15 at 8:52pm That is what I remember as well, thanks, that is all, dismissed. I love you and will now cease and desist.

Anyways, I will be able to call you soon, you in TX? .

George Reinas April 15 at 10:28pm Report

Bro who the hell keeps deleting shit??!!! It's pissing me the f*** off!!

Sent via Facebook Mobile

And the Final post on the subject:

I have posted some email traffic below from FB. I have not edited anything except some things from Jamies email traffic due to OPSEC stuff. I also said I would stop all this stuff after it was fianlly explained. Yes it is true, some people could have made all this up or I could have typed it up myself because this is the internet, but this subject along with everyone clearly being able to see there was more going on in the house than is shown from day one should open your eyes as to why I acted the way I did towards one person in the house. If it is a story of He said/ He said, than it is one big misunderstanding and I apologize to all parties. No it is not some conspiracy between George and I, but again, it is the internet and for all we know Jamie, George and I could be doing this for publicity. A few of you have also seen his posts in his toyota site as well and will see some possible misunderstanding there as well. Please let this be the last we have to hear of this matter and move on to the fun stuff again, besides, we have to see who wins, right? Thanks.
[laugh] What a buncha whiney internet bitches... [rofl2]

No kidding. Who gives a flying f about any of that?

That Jamie guys should have just said "operations specialist" when they asked him what he did in the Navy. If they pressed him further about what an OS does, he just should have said "radar operator" and left it at that.
finally caught up with the entire season up til now, and wow, George Reinas is a little bitch to put it nicely. "He's not military, he is no good, etc etc" shove it George. I dont like Jay, but he is stepping up when it counts, regardless of his background.
OMG !!!

Tonight they use a GLOCK!

I havee to admit that a small part of me was rooting for a cable snap while George was at the top of the lift (just one, so he'd crap himself).
I said the same thing to my girlfriend and she told me to shut up. [laugh] Guess I correct people on TV too much.

I started saying it, but then realized who I was watching it with. I got out "no it wasn't..." then looked accross the room and saw the blank stare on my wife's face and finished with "nevermind...".
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