topp 10 survival downloads

Thanks! some good info here worth downloading to a removable drive and to print and store in a binder and hope you never have to use it. But be glad that you have it.
[rofl][rofl] thats retarded... sorry, this stuff is taught by professionals (i.e. Physician Assistants, Nurse's, Paramedics, seasoned Ranger NCOs, Special Ops "Operators" among a few) to new candidates of the same....

emergency war surgery? [laugh2] all it's missing is quick clot...

to down these manuals w/o proper training is a mockery and guaranteed way to get yourself or someone else killed.
[rofl][rofl] thats retarded... sorry, this stuff is taught by professionals (i.e. Physician Assistants, Nurse's, Paramedics, seasoned Ranger NCOs, Special Ops "Operators" among a few) to new candidates of the same....

emergency war surgery? [laugh2] all it's missing is quick clot...

to down these manuals w/o proper training is a mockery and guaranteed way to get yourself or someone else killed.
I'll admit these downloads are not for everyone and cannot speak for you. But I'm pretty sure the rest of us could get thru the Raised Bed Gardening, Guide to Canning, Household Cyclopedia without losing a eye. And while the Emergency War Surgery may be over the top for some of us, the First Aid Manual is good to have.
So if you manage to chop off your leg. Don't come running to one of us to put it back on. [wink]
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That link is showing 404. It's embarrassing, could you update an active site regarding similar content based post.

13 posts (1 is this post) and presumes to set the standard for a long standing website...

I am certain that with standards like that jlutzcurtis spens his days making sure his contributions to the internet are maintained inperpetuity. [rolleyes]
13 posts (1 is this post) and presumes to set the standard for a long standing website...

I am certain that with standards like that jlutzcurtis spens his days making sure his contributions to the internet are maintained inperpetuity. [rolleyes]

feeling glad, you spent your precious time to figure this out. so admiring. [shocked]
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