Trap shooting


NES Member
Jun 16, 2009
Warren mass
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I am wondering if any clubs in central mass have trap shooting open to the public? I shoot every sunday at my home club Hamilton in sturbridge. I am looking to try to get out and shoot a few rounds at least one more day a week.
I am wondering if any clubs in central mass have trap shooting open to the public? I shoot every sunday at my home club Hamilton in sturbridge. I am looking to try to get out and shoot a few rounds at least one more day a week.

I believe there are some clubs in the Brookfields or Brimfield that have Trap.
Also I shoot at Wallum Lake in RI which would not be far from you in Sturbridge.
Plus there is Valley Springs in Ct. which is not far either.
Wallum is on Wed. nights 6-9pm and Sat. 10-2pm
I believe Valley Springs used to be Tues. and Saturdays but I have not been there in awhile.
Southborough Rod and Gun is open to the public Thursday nights 6pm-9:30pm and Sundays 1pm to 4ish for both Trap and Skeet. $3.00 a round for non members, shells are available at $6.50 a box.

If you are a member of GOAL they list the clubs by town that offer clay shooting to the public in the Outdoor Message.
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