Trump Banned Bump Stocks

You gotta figure they would have during Obama if they could have.

I started a thread on this after Vegas. The gun-community is about to eat itself alive. The damage about to be done is because the hardliners (however well-intentioned they may be) are declaring full-on war with the NRA. How much damage they do to the NRA remains to be seen, but if its enough we will not recover. Anti-gunners are united and galvanized. Our community is demanding perfection and throwing out everything less. Good luck, we'll lose if we do that.

1. Nothing is going to happen.. he is just saying something to shut everyone up

2. Bump stocks are stupid and I care 0% about them. They aren't used for anything besides being an idiot.

He should make a bill getting us Reciprocity and give the antis Bump Stocks, Laser Grips, Tin barrels, and pistol caliber ARs you know all the useless nonsense.

..and within a few years they start chipping away at your reciprocity bill "for the children" and not long after that the reciprocity bill is neutered or gone but the stuff you gave up for the bill is still there. Give them nothing.

Cake And Compromise – Illustrated Guide To Gun Control
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..and within a few years they start chipping away at your reciprocity bill "for the children" and not long after that the reciprocity bill is neutered or gone but the stuff you gave up for the bill is still there. Give them nothing.

Ill be honest and say the gun laws aren't going to affect me..

That being said, I feel like the tide is turning on Gun Control. A lot of the people I know that were firmly 2A friendly are telling me "We need to do something". I would rather give them something stupid like bump stocks. Which again I care 0% about.. than lose everything in a few years.
The problem is the thinking of if we give them this one little thing that they will not come back looking for more.
Till they have all our 2nd amendment rights and we are left thinking how did this all happen?

Someone will always murder someone with a firearm.
It as been that way since they were invented hundreds of years ago.

So the media and politicians will always try to impose more restrictions so they can say that at least they are the only ones brave enough to do something.
Politicians do this for their own job security and future advancement.

To bad it only weakens the honest and empowers those that commit violent crimes!
Whereby increasing assaults and murders..
To which only starts the whole political process of stripping away more of our citizens rights, yet again!
Ill be honest and say the gun laws aren't going to affect me..

That being said, I feel like the tide is turning on Gun Control. A lot of the people I know that were firmly 2A friendly are telling me "We need to do something". I would rather give them something stupid like bump stocks. Which again I care 0% about.. than lose everything in a few years.

And given the history of how this has worked, what makes you think "giving them something stupid" is going to curry favor for us later? Gun laws don't affect you but you want to appease the other side anyways?

Edit: That is never how any of this has worked. Ever. It shouldn't matter if it affects you or not, the whole point is the freedom to do whatever you want including using a gimmicky bump stock. Then that spirals into anything modifying a trigger or trigger pull etc etc
I started a thread on this after Vegas. The gun-community is about to eat itself alive. The damage about to be done is because the hardliners (however well-intentioned they may be) are declaring full-on war with the NRA. How much damage they do to the NRA remains to be seen, but if its enough we will not recover. Anti-gunners are united and galvanized. Our community is demanding perfection and throwing out everything less. Good luck, we'll lose if we do that.


Or, for the first time since we’ve been alive, people are organized to vote as a bloc and get people elected to the NRA board who effect real change. History will tell.
Ill be honest and say the gun laws aren't going to affect me..

That being said, I feel like the tide is turning on Gun Control. A lot of the people I know that were firmly 2A friendly are telling me "We need to do something". I would rather give them something stupid like bump stocks. Which again I care 0% about.. than lose everything in a few years.
Its nice that you dont care about things that dont affect you. Like guys that shoot trap at the club and dont see why people need an AR or a mag that holds more than 10 rounds. You dont really think giving them anything will satisfy them do you? At one point anyone and everyone could own any gun they wished in Great Britain. Today you cant just walk into a department store and buy cutlery. People are throwing acid at each other and that needs to be address with moar lawz. It will never end.

Ask the people that you know why the AR15 has been around for like 60 years with none of these issues until recently. Ask them why there are no calls for knife control or baseball bat control or hammer control or banning trucks after some a**h*** runs a bunch of people down. Ask them why when a crime is committed with a gun, the gun is to blame but when any other weapon is used, the blame rests on the person committing the crime and not the weapon.
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Hopefully but all the useful idiots in the gun community are doing everything they can to destroy, rather than rebuild, the organization. If they are successful, they'll just be f***ing us all over.

I would rather give them something stupid like bump stocks. Which again I care 0% about.. than lose everything in a few years.
I'm fine with giving them something stupid, as long as we get something, even just something only symbolic, in return.

If we just roll over without asking them to compromise on something, we look weak and they'll try to steamroll us.
I wish someone could have put up a fight in 1968 wrt the GCA. It seems to have started a snowball effect that we are living with today.
I'm fine with giving them something stupid, as long as we get something, even just something only symbolic, in return.

If we just roll over without asking them to compromise on something, we look weak and they'll try to steamroll us.
Even if we did get something in return, it can easily be taken away later.

The problem is a societal one. It wasnt really all that long ago when people could walk down the street to a hardware store, buy a box of finish nails, some caulk, a paint brush, oh and by the way, ill take that AUTOMATIC RIFLE hanging on the wall there with a bunch of ammo, thanks Bob.
And given the history of how this has worked, what makes you think "giving them something stupid" is going to curry favor for us later? Gun laws don't affect you but you want to appease the other side anyways?

Edit: That is never how any of this has worked. Ever. It shouldn't matter if it affects you or not, the whole point is the freedom to do whatever you want including using a gimmicky bump stock. Then that spirals into anything modifying a trigger or trigger pull etc etc

I used to have the same view about no compromise. But whenever one side gets too extreme.. there will be a backlash. Right now the dems are reaping the backlash for 8 years of idiocy. Its about looking like we are reasonable. Antis literally know zero about guns and gun laws. I had a argument with a guy today who is a combat vet. He didn't know we already had federal back round checks... yeah. They get something in their head and they have nothing better to do but have a meltdown daily until "something gets done". Give them something inconsequential.. they will wander off and get fixated on Trans Marriages or some bullshit.

I don't think the "don't give them an inch" plan goes well long term. But whatever... knock yourself out.
“Community” lol savages bent on canabalism is more like it. Fake or not fake, this time, we can all feel it coming. Remember this mantra, doing something is better than doing nothing.
I used to have the same view about no compromise. But whenever one side gets too extreme.. there will be a backlash. Right now the dems are reaping the backlash for 8 years of idiocy. Its about looking like we are reasonable. Antis literally know zero about guns and gun laws. I had a argument with a guy today who is a combat vet. He didn't know we already had federal back round checks... yeah. They get something in their head and they have nothing better to do but have a meltdown daily until "something gets done". Give them something inconsequential.. they will wander off and get fixated on Trans Marriages or some bullshit.

I don't think the "don't give them an inch" plan goes well long term. But whatever... knock yourself out.

Give me one example where compromise on our side led to something positive in return? I'll wait because you won't be able to find one. You act like the other side is being reasonable when they aren't. Sure they move on til the next shooting or gun incident and then they come back to the table asking for more. IMO there is nothing extreme about "Shall not be infringed".

But hey all is good until they come after something YOU deem to be important right.
Hold the line!! Do not give an inch!! Blaming an inanimate object for the evil embedded within a human being is insane!!

Just think of all the inanimate objects we would still be blaming for all the murders that the Germans committed during world war II!
Much wailing and gnashing of teeth over nothing. You guys know the Prez doesn't write law, right? Take a deep breath FFS.

He shouldn't have said anything. No reason to give the anti's any more fuel for the fire. And the fact that he told Sessions to look into should scare the sh!t out of everyone. He is all about trampling individual's liberties.
Trump calls on Republicans AND Democrats to support stronger background checks just hours after proposing banning bump stocks in new drive for gun control following the Parkland massacre

there you have it. flipflop trump.
I got no issue with it.. he did "something".

Bumpstocks have zero application for anything useful.

1. Nothing is going to happen.. he is just saying something to shut everyone up

2. Bump stocks are stupid and I care 0% about them. They aren't used for anything besides being an idiot.

He should make a bill getting us Reciprocity and give the antis Bump Stocks, Laser Grips, Tin barrels, and pistol caliber ARs you know all the useless nonsense.

Ill be honest and say the gun laws aren't going to affect me..

That being said, I feel like the tide is turning on Gun Control. A lot of the people I know that were firmly 2A friendly are telling me "We need to do something". I would rather give them something stupid like bump stocks. Which again I care 0% about.. than lose everything in a few years.

Your cute.

These points do better all together. Glad to help!
Wow, the number of people saying they don’t care, they’d be fine with banning bump stocks, or that it’s no big deal because Presidents don’t have authority. Just wow.

As if the Constitution has stopped a President yet from exceeding their authority.

The hypocrisy of is probably worse. The ungodly bias some of you have. It’s Trump so him supporting 2A infringements is fine.

What’s that phrase some of you love. Outing yourself? Is that the one? Well if being okay with Trump NOT supporting or defending the Constitution isn’t that, I’m not sure what is.
... It wasnt really all that long ago when people could walk down the street to a hardware store, buy a box of finish nails, some caulk, a paint brush, oh and by the way, ill take that AUTOMATIC RIFLE hanging on the wall there with a bunch of ammo, thanks Bob.

I'm fine with giving them something stupid, as long as we get something, even just something only symbolic, in return. If we just roll over without asking them to compromise on something, we look weak and they'll try to steamroll us.
Even if we did get something in return, it can easily be taken away later.
The original definition of compromise is I give you something, you give me something in return.
The left's idea of compromise is you give up part of your rights, and I give you back a fake promise to wait a while before I come back for the rest.
Crazy how after a shooting gun sales go up after all the gun control talk.
Kind of the opposite result those that are anti-2nd amendment don't want to happen..
The problem began with allowing the banning of machine guns. They were banned because democrats thought they were icky, despite being all but irrelevant with regards to criminal activity, and the ban was allowed to stand. This has become the template for future actions - make something icky and it's OK to ban.

We need to fight back not because bump stocks are particularly useful, but because we need to change the perception that it's OK to ban something YOU feel someone doesn't need regardless of any actual harm.
I'm fine with giving them something stupid, as long as we get something, even just something only symbolic, in return.

If we just roll over without asking them to compromise on something, we look weak and they'll try to steamroll us.

I would expect Trump to be scheming something to make their heads explode - like trading pre-21 AWB for a ban on pre-term A-words...or something else that will help Cryin Chuck Schumer and the fake media to self destruct.
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