Tyler Grey Small Unit Tactics, MAY 20-21, Columbia, CT

Aug 1, 2008
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Note: This class has been rescheduled to May 20-21.

Folks, this is an interesting training opportunity that will be taught by a retired Army Delta assaulter.

NES guys and gals are WELCOME. We'll need your good guy credentials and you'll need to check in with me regarding gear.

Thanks for all your support, past and present.

Please shoot me an e-mail at training_ne at yahoo dot com for additional details or if you have any questions.

Signup here:


Tyler Grey Small Unit Tactics

May 20-21, 2017.

Columbia, CT

About Tyler Grey
Tyler Grey is a former US Army Special Operations Veteran who served 4 and half years with the 2nd Ranger Battalion as a Sniper and then spent the rest of his career at Ft. Bragg as an Assaulter in an Army Special Missions Unit. He was medically retired in 2005 after being seriously wounded in Sadr City, Iraq while conducting an HVT Raid.

Since his arduous recovery from his combat wounds, Tyler has become very involved in veterans' issues and is in very high demand as a tactical trainer for the military, law enforcement, and civilian markets and as a military consultant in the film and entertainment business. He has also worked as a high level Executive Protection Specialist and Security Consultant for Fortune 500 companies, celebrities, and members of several foreign royal families. He is currently featured on the Grey Man series focused on personal security that is executive produced by Larry Vickers.

2-Day Small Unit Tactics
While team tactics is typically considered to be the domain of the military, it has only recently entered the consciousness of the law enforcement community which has been facing new and unprecedented armed threats. The real power and the ability to pursue active shooters, multiple shooters, and other threats comes from effective team coordination. Students in this course will learn how to operate whether with only a single partner or with multiple teammates. This course will focus on the three principles of small unit tactics: shoot, move, and communicate. Students will learn the concepts of effective fire and maneuver as well as how to develop a combat mindset and incorporate them into the high stress environment of an armed engagement. Students will be required to quickly “layer” what they learn and develop instinctive actions and reactions thus freeing the conscious mind to effectively process and communicate the unfolding situation. Students who graduate this course will have a better understanding of the mechanics of engagements and the principles of how to be effective and efficient in their actions as a team and as an individual.

Gear requirements:

750 Rounds Rifle
250 Rounds Pistol

Equipment list:
Serviceable and functional carbine of any variety. (Please make sure it is cleaned and lubed prior to the class)
Serviceable Pistol
5 or more rifle magazines
2 or more pistol magazines
Weapon sling for your rifle
Sturdy belt and/or load bearing gear and proper pouches to carry your magazine and weapon load out
Serviceable Pistol Holster
Dump pouch
Eyes and ear protection
Bring plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated

Plate carrier
Hydration carrier
Optics for your rifle

Cost: $575

Signup here:


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