NES Member
Looking for a 1903 Springfield Rifle, 30-06, WW1 era. (No 03-A3's). As correct as possible, most were rebuilt for WW2, so willing to look at one that was, but the serial number has to date it for the WW1 period ( little later is o.k. into the 1920s). Let me know what you have and price you are asking. Few photos would be great. Would consider a Rock Island Mfg. also. Either one has to be above serial number range listed below for shooting.
Springfield serial number 800,000 and up
Rock Island serial number 285,507 and up
Will travel for the right rifle.
Contact: PM with what you have, maybe a photo, description and price.
Terms: Cash, LTC, I also have my C&R FFL. Also have other Mil Surp Firearms willing to trade if desired.
Location Milford/Holliston MA area
Springfield serial number 800,000 and up
Rock Island serial number 285,507 and up
Will travel for the right rifle.
Contact: PM with what you have, maybe a photo, description and price.
Terms: Cash, LTC, I also have my C&R FFL. Also have other Mil Surp Firearms willing to trade if desired.
Location Milford/Holliston MA area
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