under $600 1911


NES Member
Aug 22, 2009
S.E, N.H.
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I am looking for a inexpensive 1911 for under $600. I would love to get a springfield,kimber or sig but they are out of my price range. I shot now I realy would like to find one that is "the best bang for the buck". Any thoughts would be appreciated.
The only cheap 1911 I would ever consider buying is the Rock Island 1911.... they are OK for the price.

Otherwise save up at least enough cash to get yourself a used Smith 1911. You can probably find one for $650 if you look hard enough.

Stay the hell away from the Taurus 1911. They're basically made out of turds that somehow or another got forged into a handgun in Brazil. [laugh]

Bear in mind though with 1911s in general you will not get what you didn't pay for. If I was very tight on cash to spend on guns (or repair them) the last thing I would look at is a 1911 of any kind. The one upshot with the smith is you can send it back if it breaks and they'll fix it for nothing, unless it was your fault somehow.

I picked up a slightly used Auto Ordnance (made by Kahr) for under $400.00. Had a trigger job done and now its a great shooter. I also found a used Colt 1991 for $600.00 so it can be done. Since your in NH you have lots of choices. I hear good think about the new Remington and the Rock Islands. Both would be in your price range.
I was in this very same boat about 5 weeks ago. I had 600 and wanted a 1911. I received the same advise to save up. You get what you pay for. I found exactly what I wanted in the classifieds, I said I'll take it only to be told it was sold an hour ago! How can I get a few more bucks quick?? I went through my firearms items found several things I never use and listed them here in the classifieds. Some sold here some to friends. It's amazing how fast you can save a 100 bucks when you get 20 here and 20 there. I did a few odd jobs and went with out a few meals. I soon had the 870 I needed to buy a brand new S+W 1911 and I'm glad I waited. I now have a gun I always wanted with a full warranty! Trust a guy who just did it!! It's worth the wait.

The Remington Rand is out, they were 609 at Gun & Sport North in Salem NH, so they are in your price range.

I want one, but am waiting for someone else to buy one and let me know how they like it. If you buy one and don't like it I'd still buy it from you if it was for sale... I'm just addicted like that lol!

I have held one and am looking forward to getting one soon
Para GI expert and get 2 Wilson Combat mags. You should be right around 600 or maybe under.

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I would just save the cash and save up for a decent one or something you know you will be happy with. I have a Rock and im not to pleased with it adn wana get rid of it. My buddy has a Regent and hes also doing the same.
I would just save the cash and save up for a decent one or something you know you will be happy with. I have a Rock and im not to pleased with it adn wana get rid of it. My buddy has a Regent and hes also doing the same.

The Para is my range and beater 1911. It's pretty decent for $525.00 stainless steel 1911.
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