USCG 3gun registration open

Stage 6: A mixed rifle and shotgun stage. I'll also have a video of this. Highlight: I got to use a battering ram to take down a door. Not cuz, I had to, but because I thought it would be neat!

That's a pretty sweet looking AR you had there. [wink]
Yea that AR was awesome. Especially when I had to use the barrel to make a trench(that was one of the stages). thanks for the loan Jason:)

Couldn't have made it much dirtier.
Yeah, jackets coming back are a fact of life when shooting steel. I got a minor cut on my nose at my first ever IDPA match. That's why my eye pro never leaves my face anywhere near an active range. Whole bullets coming back are thankfully pretty rare. Talk about being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Hopefully the shooter will make a quick and full recovery.

Back to the good parts of the match. Somehow me and one other multigun noob got on the industry squad. I got to shoot with Travis Gibson of MGM targets and two guys from Mossberg's design team. Apparently the regular factory rep had to cancel at the last minute and these guys got subbed. As soon as they heard the company would pay for the ammo, they were in. :) I'm pretty sure they're hooked on action shooting now and will be back.

Shooting with Travis Gibson was a pleasure. He was happy to give advice when asked and was always the first guy out to tape and set steel. What other sport do you get to compete alongside the people you see on TV and have them treat you like an equal? The Mossberg factory guys were great too, I wish I could remember their names, but I'm terrible with names.
And it was for a good cause. I forgot to mention in my post how great it was to deal with the Coast Guard cadets. I could get used to all the ROs being extremely polite and always calling me sir. Shooting matches with these young men proudly serving their country gives me hope for America's future.
I had a pretty good run going until we got stopped. Then the next two stages were crap. Oh well, even a bad day shooting is better than a day in the office.
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