Using a high end gun for self defense

I carry whatever gun(s) I shoot well that go with my outfit.

Cost is not really a concern for me; I assume that if I'm involved in a shooting, all my guns are going to be finding a new home for awhile.
reliable, easily concealed and comfortable to carry are my pre requisites. As to shooting well, I’ll train with the above until I do. I’m not humping around a cinder block all day.

As to cost, $500, $1000, what’s the difference really. It will suck to lose either way. I’m not buying a hi point for self defense just to save a few bucks.
reliable, easily concealed and comfortable to carry are my pre requisites. As to shooting well, I’ll train with the above until I do. I’m not humping around a cinder block all day.

As to cost, $500, $1000, what’s the difference really. It will suck to lose either way. I’m not buying a hi point for self defense just to save a few bucks.
Yeah... so my carry setup is a macro comp with holosun and tlr7sub

Around 1100 with holster

A wilson is 3x then i would need to buy a light and rmr

Not outrageous but that's a lot of money for a gun

Id be pissed too if my finish got messed up from carrying it

Idk i don't have a cheap carry setup but I don't think I'm carrying a staccato either
Yeah... so my carry setup is a macro comp with holosun and tlr7sub

Around 1100 with holster

A wilson is 3x then i would need to buy a light and rmr

Not outrageous but that's a lot of money for a gun

Id be pissed too if my finish got messed up from carrying it

Idk i don't have a cheap carry setup but I don't think I'm carrying a staccato either
Depends on the wardrobe, but my preferred carry is an Sig 365 with Streamlight TLR6, extra mag and crossbreed holster. About $1,500 if I recall. I’d be asking for my gun back.

If they don’t charge me with a crime, I don’t see what legal reason they would have to keep it. I’m not even sure where that urban legend started.
What's the scoop on red dot optics on self defense guns? Will a jury of your peers see you as an operator out to kill?
I’m old. I can’t use iron sights anymore, because I need reading glasses. But I can use a red dot. My expert witness would explain that.

More than a few police agencies are switching to red dots.

As for the original question, that’s just silly. Even a Wilson Combat would pay for less than a day of a good lawyer’s time, and you’ll need a lot more than 1 day of your lawyer’s time.
reliable, easily concealed and comfortable to carry are my pre requisites. As to shooting well, I’ll train with the above until I do. I’m not humping around a cinder block all day.

As to cost, $500, $1000, what’s the difference really. It will suck to lose either way. I’m not buying a hi point for self defense just to save a few bucks.
Doesn't matter in MA. If you are involved in an encounter, even if obviously not guilty, you can expect your other guns to be seized until you are formally cleared at which point you might get them back.
I'll stick with my $100 S&W
Like the slant six in my dodge dart, The body will rot around it before that motor would quit
Doesn't matter in MA. If you are involved in an encounter, even if obviously not guilty, you can expect your other guns to be seized until you are formally cleared at which point you might get them back.
Hypothetically, what would happen if the cops searched your place and didn’t find any guns and you refused to answer any questions about their location?

Yeah I know you would lose your LTC, but what criminal charges would they nail you with?
Rittenhouse’s got his gun back, I’ve gotten my guns back, my brother got his guns back twice….. the first time the cops had to go back to their house and collect them because they stole the f***ing things ,Come to think about it. I don’t know anybody personally who didn’t get their guns back.

They can’t just keep your property assuming you’re not convicted also, if they weren’t used in the crime and you’re convicted, it’s still your property and you can sell it or transfer it
Depends on the wardrobe, but my preferred carry is an Sig 365 with Streamlight TLR6, extra mag and crossbreed holster. About $1,500 if I recall. I’d be asking for my gun back.

If they don’t charge me with a crime, I don’t see what legal reason they would have to keep it. I’m not even sure where that urban legend started.
I'll give you an example that happened here in MA:

- Man initiates conflict asking landscaper to not throw trash out his car window
- Landscaper threatens him and gets out of his car, man holds gun at side
- Man charges with assault; charges dropped be complaintant (landscaper) will not testify due to his upcoming assault trial
- LTC revoked.
- Subject appeals to district court and loses.

Not sure what happened to his gun - he may have been able to transfer it to another LTC holder.
Rittenhouse’s got his gun back, I’ve gotten my guns back, my brother got his guns back twice….. the first time the cops had to go back to their house and collect them because they stole the f***ing things ,Come to think about it. I don’t know anybody personally who didn’t get their guns back.

They can’t just keep your property assuming you’re not convicted also, if they weren’t used in the crime and you’re convicted, it’s still your property and you can sell it or transfer it

That's f***ed the cops did that.... But just an observation, you seem to be involved in a disproportionate amount of defensive cases involving the use of your firearm.... Maybe start keeping better company or hanging out in better neighborhoods? IDK man... Jesus Christ.
What's the scoop on red dot optics on self defense guns? Will a jury of your peers see you as an operator out to kill?
A jury of my peers would be something like the people holding this discussion on NES. The actual jury would be a crap shoot at best and all antis at worst.
You’ve never heard of a frame transfer??

The frame is the serialized part. To the extent of my knowledge, that is the "firearm" that then must be transferred through a dealer if crossing state lines. As the "firearm" isn't on the approved roster, the dealer would be breaking the law by transferring it to an in-state resident.

Is that not the law?
Down here in ga I'm seeing a lot of high end setups for self defense

Lot of staccatos and wilson combats specifically

I always thought you pretty much could kiss your gun goodbye if you use it in self defense no?

And then i was curious how many nes'rs run a high end self defense setup

Not knocking them i want a Wilson lol... just not sure id carry it
When a gun is taken as evidence, if you eloquently ask them the right way, some departments will issue you a temporary replacement gun while your gun is taken for evidence. You say that you obviously need one for self defense. BTW, don't they eventually give you your gun back?
Hypothetically, what would happen if the cops searched your place and didn’t find any guns and you refused to answer any questions about their location?

Yeah I know you would lose your LTC, but what criminal charges would they nail you with?
They'd dream up something....maybe losing your guns and not reporting it???
Handing over a firearm to 'the authorities'? Imagine the fun in court when they present 'Exhibit A'.


[rofl] NFW would I be able to keep a straight face, so probably not a good idea.

If i were on your jury nfw wouldi convict. Only someone ethically and apiritually pure would carry this gun. Its the blessed sword of Antioch.
The frame is the serialized part. To the extent of my knowledge, that is the "firearm" that then must be transferred through a dealer if crossing state lines. As the "firearm" isn't on the approved roster, the dealer would be breaking the law by transferring it to an in-state resident.

Is that not the law?
You have been here 11 years and are asking this?

Short answer: no, no laws are broken.

Long answer: I am sure someone here will come up with some hypothetical, and some grey area. Add some mental gymnastics, imagine a scenario that never happened but sh*t his pants anyway and in the end you will arrive to my short answer above.
You have been here 11 years and are asking this?

Short answer: no, no laws are broken.

Long answer: I am sure someone here will come up with some hypothetical, and some grey area. Add some mental gymnastics, imagine a scenario that never happened but sh*t his pants anyway and in the end you will arrive to my short answer above.
Username checks out and solves the mystery of who would pay Gun Parlor ~$3K for an old Olympic Arms AR.
A jury of my peers would be something like the people holding this discussion on NES. The actual jury would be a crap shoot at best and all antis at worst.
The original term comes from Britan - "peers" meant juries of Noblemen for nobles; juries of commoners for the little people.
have no clue what you all have been talking about for 80+ posts but the intruder i shoot with my bargain norinco .45 isn't going to know the difference. but if i were going to carry a super impressive gun for defense, i'd make sure 3 things. 1. the trigger is around 4-5 lbs, the safety worked 3. i wouldn't cry too much when it was confiscated.
have no clue what you all have been talking about for 80+ posts but the intruder i shoot with my bargain norinco .45 isn't going to know the difference. but if i were going to carry a super impressive gun for defense, i'd make sure 3 things. 1. the trigger is around 4-5 lbs, the safety worked 3. i wouldn't cry too much when it was confiscated.

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