
NES Member
Feb 18, 2020
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A few jarheads and myself have been organizing a USMC birthday celebration each year for the past few. It will be held at the Hamilton Legion from 5PM to 8 PM on November 12th this year. It is by no means as formal as a Fleet Marine Ball, but still a good time. No need to try lubing up in grease to slide into your blues, casual wear is just fine. We’d like to extend an invite to all jarheads and their guest. Legion will be having some chow and the bar will be serving. Cost is nothing but whatever you drink. Donations in any amount to the legion are appreciated but not necessary. If you have any interest or questions feel free to reach out to me.

Sincerely Mike
A few jarheads and myself have been organizing a USMC birthday celebration each year for the past few. It will be held at the Hamilton Legion from 5PM to 8 PM on November 12th this year. It is by no means as formal as a Fleet Marine Ball, but still a good time. No need to try lubing up in grease to slide into your blues, casual wear is just fine. We’d like to extend an invite to all jarheads and their guest. Legion will be having some chow and the bar will be serving. Cost is nothing but whatever you drink. Donations in any amount to the legion are appreciated but not necessary. If you have any interest or questions feel free to reach out to me.

Sincerely Mike
Hamilton MA correct?
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