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The BOD meeting last night was livestreamed (except for the many executive sessions)
It was clear that the legacy BOD members were on a path to remove Frank Rizzi (A7D) for any reason possible just like they did last month with A3D.
The thing they used to remove Frank was a 5 day lapse in his annual membership that he upgraded to a life membership. This happened after he was voted to become a director but had not taken the seat yet. The bylaws state that a director candidate must have been a member for at least 3 consecutive years to run for office, and be a life member to hold office - but there is no mention about the time in-between.
This simple matter could have been ignored, but like I said they wanted him out.
Last month A3D Scott Arnburg was removed for sharing "confidential documents" - he admitted to sharing emails from one or more directors to other directors with outside parties, something that they all do on a regular basis as part of their duties. Again, they used that to remove him because they wanted him out.
Several months back Mel Rodero was voted into the A4D position without having a valid Range Officer certification -required in the bylaws to be a director. He had several opportunities to attend a RO class while running for the position, and after wining the election but before being seated, he did not. According the the bylaws, he is considered to have resigned at that moment, he did not and mention of his situation during a BOD meeting was stricken from the meeting minutes. He was told to get the RO cert, he finally did, and then the BOD voted to ignore the bylaw and keep him in place- the special consideration was given to him because he is buddies with the other legacy BOD members.
Also in the meeting last night the BOD voted to put in place (as interim directors) Sherwyn Greenfield as A3D - he was recently voted out of that position and Scott Anburg won that election. And Bruce Gary to A1D whom had resigned from his position to avoid being voted out. Section coordinators of A1 had nominated a different guy as none wanted Bruce back.
The legacy BOD is picking what bylaws to follow and what to ignore to suit their needs. They are recklessly spending far more money than the organization brings in. They are putting a stop to anyone who wants to change their path.