VA doctors with no sense of humor


Forum Curmudgeon
NES Member
Feb 15, 2009
Albuquerque, NM
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Went to VA last week to get results on my latest CT lung scan.
When I told him I would not submit to Radiation or Chemo treatments, he then immediately switched to asking me a bunch of questions about my mental state, but more than the usual, "are you depressed, or have you ever had thoughts of suicide?"
I gave my usual "absolutely not!" answer but then he proceeded to ask some I have never been asked. Then he asked me the one question I have been rehearsing for years....

"Do you have any guns in your home?"

"Let's see...... I have a soldering gun, and a glue gun. I also have a couple of caulking guns and 3 staple guns, but two of them are broken."

He got really pissed! "That's not funny!"

I could swear the temperature in the room dropped a few degrees.

F**k him if he can't take a joke.

And thanks to my old friend Depicts for teaching me that the best way to handle a bad situation is with a good sense of humor!
Rest is peace brother.......
Wonder how many VA doctors are put in place to red flag their patients?
They are pushing that bill/rule.
Put dotcors in place first, pass it.. red [flag] wave.
Thats awesome [rofl]

Last time My Docter asked If I had a gun in my home I responded. "I have a gun in your office".

She hasnt brought it up again.[rofl]
I'm lucky, my PCP encourages ownership of AR 15's, 1911's, and carrying a firearm for personal protection! To bad he is more than likely going to retire shortly as he is in his mid 70's now.
That's the same as saying yes.
True, bt it cannot be recorded in your chart as a "yes".

Similarly, if a business asks if I am carrying, I will counter with questions about their security policies - like "where is the server storing the recordings", "how may undercover floorwalkers are on duty now", etc. When they object, reply with "Well, as long as you wanted to discuss my confidential security procedures I figures we could start talking about yours first".
1. What are "undercover floorwalkers"?
2. Do doctors offices have these?
Loss prevention staff pretending to be customers while looking for shoplifters.

If asked "are you carrying" in a medical facility, you can ask about their narcotics storage; if they have a hard to guess password on the control panel for PCAs (patient controlled analgesics - generally dialudid - marcs the patient can have sent through their IV subject to time and dose limits programmed in on the front panel); if they use mechanical or electronic locks on the med room; is there a camera there - basically ask about their security procedures since they are asking about yours.
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