Vanity Call- Help?

Jan 27, 2015
Merrimack Valley
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Can anyone help me with the vanity call process? Trying to take over a deceased uncle's call.

I've sent in the paperwork informing the FCC of his passing and cancelling the call sign, but the application to switch my existing call over to his is less than coherent.

I tried to follow the instructions from the AARL (Call Sign Renewals or Changes) but I'm having a hard time diving through the page and figuring out exactly wtf I'm supposed to be doing. I get as far as the license manager which asks for your FRN (which I have) but I don't know my password. If I click "forgot password? Contact tech support" I end up at the support services splash page, from there forgot password, I login using my user name and password associated with Cores, and I end up at a white screen.

I know it's the federal government, but surely this has to be easier?
Once you log into the License Manager there should be a button on the left bar that says "My Licenses" to click on. If you aren't seeing anything maybe it is a browser issue? Their website is horrible so could be some incompatibility.
Once you log into the License Manager there should be a button on the left bar that says "My Licenses" to click on. If you aren't seeing anything maybe it is a browser issue? Their website is horrible so could be some incompatibility.
So my problem seems to be I can't associate my FRS number with myself as my password doesnt work for it, but if I try "forgot password" and populate the fields I get an error stating my data doesnt match.
The FCC has changed the whole ULS system in the past few months. I haven't tried to access my file in quite a while but I've seen lots of complaints about how crappy and confusing the "new" process is. Good Luck
Oh my. Ya. It's all sideways right now!

There are some good threads on QRZ. But step one is getting your FRS sort d out. I would not try anything until you have full access to YOU restored.

Sounds like the FCC staff are just as frustrated as us.

I tried to acquire my uncle's call as a vanity ( he died the year I was born, now decades ago) and they could not at the time verify that it was even his call and suggested calling back in a few years. However, someone on QRZ helped mark his call as a HOLD and do not reissue or something.

I'm actually hoping to get that call issued to our son one day soon when he goes for his ticket.

Good luck.
I was able to get this fixed.

I sent a help request to the fcc (Cores?) with a screen shot of every step and explained that the association feature was not working properly.
Basically screen shotted my request which included my call, screen shotted my filled out forgot password screen, and screen shotted the failure.

FCC did the associateion and sent a copy paste of junk on the matter, but the important part is it works now.
I think I posted it somewhere else in this forum but the FCC website is literally one of the worst ones I have ever used. Its pretty terrible.
I think I posted it somewhere else in this forum but the FCC website is literally one of the worst ones I have ever used. Its pretty terrible.
And then, they want you to pay $35 to do just about everything on that effed up website. Screw that! Fortunately I don't need to update anything until 2031. Maybe they'll have it sorted out by then.
And then, they want you to pay $35 to do just about everything on that effed up website. Screw that! Fortunately I don't need to update anything until 2031. Maybe they'll have it sorted out by then.
It kind of stinks that it costs $35 to try for a vanity. If you don't get it, thanks for trying. It might give people pause and stop people from collecting. I look from time to time at the available shorter calls and they're unobtainium.
It kind of stinks that it costs $35 to try for a vanity. If you don't get it, thanks for trying. It might give people pause and stop people from collecting. I look from time to time at the available shorter calls and they're unobtainium.
When I moved here to Missouri, I had changed my call to a W0 vanity call when it was still free but found that I had a hard time "hearing" it in CW so within just a few weeks, I changed it back to my "1" call. It gets a little confusing for some DX stations calling from the "0" call area with a "1" call, but there is so much of that now that it really makes no difference.
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