Vietnam Memorial - The Virtual Wall

Len-2A Training

NES Life Member
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Feb 26, 2005
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Vietnam Memorial - The Virtual Wall

This is really sobering. First click on a state. When it opens, scroll down to the city where you went to high school and look at the names. Click on the name and it will give details of the person's death, a picture or at least their bio and medals.

This really is an amazing web site. Someone spent a lot of time and effort to create it.
I hope that everyone who receives this appreciates what those who served in Vietnam sacrificed for our country.

Pass the link on to others, as many knew wonderful people whose names are listed.
Thanks, LenS. That's probably the best hour I've ever spent on the internet.
The last time I was in DC, we were still fighting in Vietnam!!

I have visited the Traveling Wall twice, a very somber event indeed.

The first wake I ever attended was for a Marine that graduated HS with me. He transferred to my school in senior year and was KIA a year later at age 19. I didn't know him well, but went out of respect for a fallen hero.
that was some pretty heavy stuff to view...i went to my hometown and their were six soldiers KIA, my current town lost 7 soldiers. Leaves a pit in your stomach reading about them.
that was some pretty heavy stuff to view...i went to my hometown and their were six soldiers KIA, my current town lost 7 soldiers. Leaves a pit in your stomach reading about them.

2 of the 8 in my hometown were men I knew and graduated high school with plus I knew a third one (related to one of the largest undertakers in the area). Looking at that site leaves me choked up and with cloudy vision.
I was volunteer at the traveling wall when it came to my town. I said I'd take whatever shifts they couldn't fill. Naturally I got the midnight to 8am shifts. My job was to help people find the names on the wall that they were looking for. I was stunned to witness the wives who showed up around 2am daily to see and touch the names of former boyfriends lost during the Vietnam conflict. These woman cried and cried while there. I hope for their sakes that they found closure. Witnessing the long term love and loyalty of these woman for their men on the wall was truly very humbling.
My son is at the wall today. He got a rubbing for my wife's family.

Edward Richard Courdeau
SGT - E5 - Army - Selective Service
9th Infantry Division

Length of service 0 years
His tour began on Aug 21, 1967
Casualty was on Mar 7, 1968
Body was recovered

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